The following contract solicitation and accompanying material was posted to the Federal Business Opportunities website between February 10 – 24, 2012. The contract concerns the construction of a temporary camp anywhere in the continental United States (CONUS) within 72 hours in a disaster-impacted area or “any other situation where FEMA or an agency working through FEMA needs a RSC” to host up to 2,000 responders and emergency staff as well as displaced citizens.
National Responder Support Camp (NRSC)
Solicitation Number: HSFE70-12-R-0033
Final Draft Solicitation | Download (1.37 MB PDF) |
FEMA Labor Camp Inspection Form | Download (138 kB DOC) |
NRSC Pricing Template | Download (53.5 kB XLSX) |
The Contractor shall be capable of establishing and maintaining a RSC within disaster-impacted areas within 72 hours of task order award. The RSC task order will specify the initial RSC capacity, but the capacity will be no less than 301 RSC occupants and no more than 2,000 RSC occupants. Additionally, the contractor shall have the capability for early phasing, if requested in the task order, to provide partial RSC support (sleeping, feeding, i.e. commercial ready to eat meals, medical and sanitation) for 100 personnel 36 hours after task order award. The remaining RSC initial capacity must be ready for occupancy no later than 72 hours after task order award. The Contractor shall provide complete, turn-key RSC operations as designated by the Government within the designated disaster area.
The Contractor shall staff the RSC with a team of trained specialists to professionally set-up, operate and manage the camp. At a minimum these include the five key personnel 1) RSC Manager, 2) Quality Assurance Manager, 3) Nurse, and 4) Food Service Manager, as well as any additional staff needed to manage and operate the camp, for example staff to check-in and check-out of personnel (occupants and authorized visitors) entering and exiting the RSC, food service workers, maintenance and cleaning staff. The Contractor shall have the capability of modular expansion or reduction in blocks of 100 personnel within 24 hours notice based on changing mission needs and camp population, not to exceed the maximum or minimum RSC capacity. The Contractor shall have sufficient equipment readily available for rapid deployment as well as preventive maintenance programs to ensure optimum equipment readiness levels at all times.
The Contractor shall have the capability to provide engineering, environmental baseline, site design and phasing analysis to assist in effective planning and use of the RSC site.
The contractor’s staff shall be comprised of multi-disciplined personnel operating around the clock while the camp is in operation. Staff sizing will be dependent on the size and scope of the camp operation and shall be sufficient to ensure that the camp is managed efficiently and effectively. Whenever practical, displaced citizens will be given the first opportunities for employment within the camp, assuming skills and capabilities are pertinent for the open positions. The Contractor shall have the capability to provide engineering, site design and phasing analysis to assist in effective planning and use of the RSC site. The contractor and its staff shall adhere to federal privacy laws, including the Privacy Act of 1974. All contractors’ personnel shall be able to pass a background check in accordance with the FEMA Contractor Eligibility and Personal Identification Verification (PIV) Process, (DHS Clause 3052-204.71). (**NOTE: Workers must be screened prior to camp acceptance; however, prior to camp acceptance, contractor(s) will be authorized to perform services as stated under the Section C.1.5 “Responder Support Camp Capacity”).
To support this mission, FEMA is soliciting for services for National Responder Support Camps (RSC) in which to stage responders and other authorized personnel and assets deployed for occurrences or events requiring a federal government response. The National Responder Support Camps contract will be used by FEMA, or by other federal agencies through FEMA, consistent with the specific authorities of the agency utilizing the contract’s services. During disaster situations or other events, federal, state and local responders may need a place that provides shelter, food, and additional basic needs. The National Responder Support Camps contract will be used by those responding to Federal disaster or emergency needs, or any other situation where FEMA or an agency working through FEMA needs a RSC. FEMA shall be able to call upon vendor(s) to provide RSC services throughout the Continental United States (CONUS), also referred to as the lower 48 contiguous states excluding Alaska and Hawaii.
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