Cyber Warfare SOW v0.7
- 8 pages
- For Official Use Only
- October 30, 2009
Cyber Warfare is warfare in the Cyberspace domain, which is defined by the SECDEF as “a global domain within the information environment consisting of the interdependent network of information technology infrastructures, including the internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems and embedded processors and controllers.” Cyber Warfare encompasses Computer Network Operations (e.g. Attack, Defend and Exploit,) Information Assurance, and the network operations that encompass Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) and Information Operations (IO) functions that occur within the Cyberspace domain. This includes Computer Network Operations (CNO) against automated systems (e.g. C4ISR), and the interaction between the physical, social and biological networks that define human-machine interaction. The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Pacific (SSC PAC), as the principle Navy Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) and Acquisition Center for C4ISR and IO is responsible for functions which include: mission analysis, assessment and development of technology base, basic research, demonstration of technology, engineering in support of production, support to operating forces; supporting doctrine, policy, and strategy development; and integration of numerous National and Tactical systems in the area of Cyber Warfare.
Increasingly, SSC PAC, DoD and other Government customers require advice, assistance, coordination and products necessary to support operational planning, assessment, integration and execution and technology development required to assure superiority for the warfighter in the Cyberspace domain. Specific activities of interest required to achieve superiority in Cyberspace include, but are not limited to:
– Computer Network Operations (e.g. Attack, Defend and Exploit functions) as they relate to the interdependent network of information technology infrastructures, including the internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems and embedded processors and controllers.
– Computer Network Attack (CNA) and Computer Network Exploitation (CNE) against automated systems, and the interaction between the physical, social and biological networks that define human-machine interaction.
– Information Assurance (IA) and Computer Network Defense (CND) measures to protect and defend Naval, Joint and National systems.
– Cyber Warfare Mission Assurance and Mission Planning.
– Understanding aspects of human behavior and cognitive functions to influence adversary decision making (e.g. Psychological Operations (PSYOP) and Military Deception (MILDEC)).
– Electronic Warfare (EW) to include Electronic Attack (EA) Electronic Support (ES) and Electronic Protect (EP) in the RF, millimeter wave, and optical environments.
– Monitoring, analyzing and mitigating Operations Security (OPSEC) vulnerabilities.
– Command and Control (C2) of Cyber Warfare capabilities.
– Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) aspects of Cyber Warfare (including Space Operations).
– Ubiquitous Communications and Computing Environment.
– Countermeasures including the capabilities and expertise to develop source identification tools, cyber data management, and methodologies for object correlation and referencing
– Modeling, Simulation and Visualization of the future environment in which communications, computing, data, sensors and networks are interoperable, ubiquitous and transparent to humans.
– Understanding networks as a science and developing models which can provide clarity into how networks operate and resist or deter attack.
– Convergence of physical, biological and social networks and how this will effect human interactions and decision cycles.
– Understanding of Cyber Warfare Doctrine, Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP)The work to be conducted under this contract will support SSC PAC in creating capabilities and providing technical services to support technical and operational activities in the Cyberspace domain by the Navy, DoD and other Government agencies.
The scope of this contract will include efforts to examine the architecture, engineering, functionality, interface and interoperability of Cyber Warfare systems, services and capabilities at the tactical, operational and strategic levels, to include all enabling technologies. This will include operational exercise design and construction, operations and requirements analysis, concept formulation and development, feasibility demonstrations and operational support. This will include efforts to analyze and engineer operational, functional and system requirements in order to establish national, theater and force level architecture and engineering plans, interface and systems specifications and definitions, implementation, including hardware acquisition for turnkey systems. Additional efforts will include software design and implementation as well as systems integration, test and evaluation and demonstration.
The Contractor shall perform analyses of existing and emerging Operational and Functional Requirements at the force, theater, Combatant Commands (COCOM) and national levels to support the formulation, development and assessment of doctrine, strategy, plans, concepts of operations, and tactics, techniques and procedures in order to provide the full spectrum of Cyber Warfare and enabling capabilities to the warfighter. This shall include the analysis of Cyber Warfare organizations including tactics, techniques and procedures to develop new doctrine, operational methodologies and missions, identification of potential threats, vulnerabilities, risks, safeguards, performance indicators and countermeasures. The Contractor shall analyze social and cultural factors and attributes of potential adversaries and cognitive, behavioral, skill, and knowledge requirements derived form these considerations. The Contractor shall also perform feasibility analyses of systems or operational concepts, including a cost/benefit analysis as required. The Contractor shall research and develop technical analyses and assessment reports for integration of cyber requirements, capabilities and training. The Contractor shall research and develop reports, documents and assessments for mapping naval, theater and joint plans and programs to cyber capability requirements. The Contractor shall perform Cyber Military Utility Assessments (MUA)/Operational Utility Assessments (OUA), to include assessments of cyber warfighting capability and the utility of new and or/emerging technologies.
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