Memorandum of Agreement
- North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)
- National Emergency Number Associations (NENA)
- National Association of State 9-1-1 Administrators (NASNA)
- 5 pages
- For Official Use Only
- December 10, 2002
1. REFERENCE: CINCNORAD and the officers and directors of NENA and NASNA mutually directed this MOA.
2. PURPOSE. The purpose of this MOA is to provide guidance to, and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for, NENA and NASNA member Public Safety Answering Points (Pass or 9-1-1 centers) to expedite the transmission of certain reported information to the NORAD Continental US (CONR) and Alaska (ANR) Regions and/or Sectors.
3. SCOPE. This MOA provides guidance to, and SOPs for, NENA and NASNA member PSAPs for transmission of reported information of air events to NORAD by including NORAD Regions and/or Sectors in the dispatcher checklist of agencies to be contacted upon receipt of suchinformation. This MOA applies only to NORAD, NENA, and NASNA and is not intended to supersede existing laws, regulations, directives or agreements. Specifically, this MOA does not supersede responsibilities of local, state or federal law enforcement agencies or other agencies.
a. NORAD shall:
- Ensure the NORAD Regions/Sectors establish, as appropriate and necessary, connectivity with PSAPs to ensure receipt of information from the PSAPs.
- Ensure NORAD Regions/Sectors establish PSAP caller ID filters using the NENA PSAP telephone number database.
- Ensure NORAD Regions/Sectors establish Region and multiple Sector conferencing capabilities for the 9-1-1 telephone lines.
- Provide to NENA the CONR and ANR Region and Sector contact telephone numbers with instructions on assigning to PSAPs appropriate primary and alternate contact telephone numbers.
- With NENA, develop guidance and SOPs for PSAP transmission of reported information relating to certain air events (Attachment 1 of this MOA).
- Receive information from PSAPs and validate PSAP telephone calls in accordance with the SOP.
- Ensure that actions of NORAD Regions and Sectors do not supersede responsibilities of local, state or federal law enforcement agencies or other agencies.
b. NENA shall:
- With NORAD, develop guidance and SOPs for PSAP transmission of reported information relating to certain air events. Distribute such guidance and SOPs (including updates as required) to PSAPs.
- Assign each PSAP a primary and alternate NORAD contact telephone numbers for reporting purposes.
- Provide (and update as required) a PSAP telephone number databaseto NORAD.
- Educate and provide guidance and establish best practices for PSAPs based on the following process:
a. PSAP dispatchers will notify their assigned Sectors with reported information relating to air events considered to be of an unusual nature and/or observed operating in an unusual geographic area. Such notification will be in addition to PSAP notification to appropriate local, state and/or federal law enforcement agencies.
b. In accordance with developed guidance and SOPs, pass all known information to NORAD.
c. Minimize multiple calls to NORAD.c. NASNA shall:
- Work with its member States to promote and educate with respect to the process and SOPs developed pursuant to this MOA
- Liaison among NORAD, NENA, and non-member States to promote and educate with respect to the process and SOPs developed pursuant to this MOA.
- Provide NORAD Sectors current points of contact and telephone numbers for NASNA member and non-member States.
- Ensure NASNA member and non-member points of contact will work directly with NORAD to remedy real-time issues concerning the execution of the process and SOPs developed pursuant to this MOA.
d. There are no mission support responsibilities arising from this MOA beyond current mission requirements.
e. There are no new manpower requirements arising from this MOA.
f. No costs are associated with this MOA. No party shall be required to purchase additional equipment or systems or to acquire additional staff to implement this MOA.
g. NORAD, NENA, and NASNA agree that public affairs posture will be passive. Standard responses to media inquiries will be in accordance with mutually developed guidance. Details of this MOA will not be released without the specific authorization of all three parties of this MOA.
h. The Points of Contact for the implementation of this MOA are:
• For NORAD, the Director of Operations at CONR or ANR, as appropriate
• For NENA, the President of NENA
• For NASNA, the President of NASNAThis MOA shall be in effect upon signature by a1l of the parties to it, and it shall continue in effect unless terminated by any party upon thirty (30) days
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