Robert Murphy Travel Documentation and Correspondence Related to 1957 Bilderberg Meeting

The following document is part of a series of Bilderberg documents obtained from academic institutions, diplomatic libraries and legal archives spanning a large portion of the group's history.

Robert Murphy Travel Documentation and Correspondence Related to 1957 Bilderberg Meeting

Page Count: 10 pages
Date: November 1956-February 1957
Restriction: None
Originating Organization: Bilderberg Group
File Type: pdf
File Size: 9,232,895 bytes
File Hash (SHA-256): E6BB9C5F57A54FA179700E74B08F68368539AF72E970C9BC80DA2C4C5C91BCA3

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File Contents

  1. Department of State Authorization of Official Travel for Robert Murphy to attend the Bilderberg Meeting at St. Simon Island in February 1957
  2. Expense reimbursement form and travel voucher for Robert Murphy to attend the Bilderberg Meeting at St. Simon Island in February 1957
  3. Letter from Joseph E. Johnson to Robert Murphy discussing the Bilderberg Meeting in February 1957
  4. Letter from Dean Rusk to Robert Murphy discussing the Bilderberg Meeting in February 1957
  5. Letter from Robert Murphy to Dean Rusk discussing the Bilderberg Meeting in February 1957
  6. Letter from Robert Murphy to Joseph E. Johnson discussing the Bilderberg Meeting in February 1957
  7. Letter from Robert Murphy to Joseph E. Johnson discussing his invitation to attend the American steering committee meeting of the Blderberg Group in February 1957
  8. Letter from Robert Murphy to Joseph E. Johnson accepting an invitation to attend the American steering committee meeting of the Bilderberg Group in February 1957
  9. Letter from Joseph E. Johnson to Robert Murphy inviting him to attend the American steering committee meeting of the Bilderberg Group in February 195


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