Effective programs to counter foreign intelligence entity (FIE) threats are focused on three overarching outcomes:
1. Identification of foreign intelligence threats
and sharing of threat information
2. Safeguarding of sensitive information, assets, and activities
3. Prevention and detection of insider threats The best practices detailed in this Guide, from identifying and assessing risks to promoting training and awareness, are complementary program components that, when employed together, can effectively shield your organization from FIE threats.
The National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) is charged with leading and supporting the counterintelligence (CI) and security activities of the U.S. government, the U.S. Intelligence Community, and U.S. private sector entities that are at risk of intelligence collection, penetration, or attack by foreign adversaries and malicious insiders. The capabilities and activities described in this Guide are exemplars of program components delineated as requirements in numerous strategies, policies, and guidelines. This Guide is a living document and will be updated to reflect improved and innovative ways to achieve the above outcomes. In addition, organization-specific capabilities and activities may be defined and implemented to ensure unique needs are met. Finally, nothing in this document shall be construed as authorization for any organization to conduct activities not otherwise authorized under statute, executive order, or other applicable law, policy, or regulation, nor does this document obviate an organization’s responsibility to conduct activities that are otherwise mandated, directed, or recommended for execution under the same.
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