(SSI) TSA Aviation Security Directive Airport-Issued Identifcation Threat Reporting

Aviation Security Directive SD 1542-04-0SG

  • 15 pages
  • Sensitive Security Information
  • May 28, 2009


EXPIRATION: Indefinite

This Security Directive (SD) cancels and supersedes SD 1S42-04-0SF and must be implemented immediately, except where otherwise noted. The measures contained in this SD are in addition to all other SDs currently in effect for your operations. Changes to the previous SD are indicated in bold.

INFORMATION: The threat to U.S. civil aviation remains significant. Current credible intelligence indicates Al-Qaida and other terrorist groups continue to develop plans for multiple attacks against targets in the United States, including airports and civil aviation. These terrorist groups continue to pursue a range of targets, tactics, and capabilities to accomplish this objective, including employment in the aviation sector to gain knowledge of aviation operations. Terrorist operatives view attacks on the United States as a priority because of their potentially Significant economic and psychological impacts.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has determined that to maintain effective security at the airport, there is a need to revise the requirements regarding issuance of airport issued identification media and the individuals who apply for or hold identification media at the airport. This information includes improved identification verification and work authorization status, which TSA needs to perform thorough a Security Threat Assessment (STA). This SO responds to the continuing threat by modifying and improving TSA’s ability to monitor the status of individuals who hold or apply for any type of identification media issued by the airport operator and prohibiting the issuance of any airport identification media until the information requested by TSA is received and TSA has completed an STA.


• Changes the implementation date of Section II.C.1. to June 1, 2009, for all airports
• Exempts U.S. Department of Defense employees and TSA Personnel, including contract Transportation Security Officers (TSOs), from the requirement to undergo an STA
• Allows TSA personnel, including contract TSOs, and Federal employees who are not law enforcement officers (LEOs), to apply for or renew their airport identification media using their Federal identification media as proof of identity and work authorization
• Revises Section V. to allow U.S. citizens born abroad to submit additional documents for the STA process
• Exempts transient pilots from certain STA and 10 media requirements
• Amends the applicability section of the SO so that it does not apply to airports operating under a supporting program unless they voluntarily include a SIDA area
• Defines “authorized signatory.”

A The airport operator must submit the following information, except as noted in Section V.A.5., to initiate an STA:

1. Full legal name in this format: last name, first name, middle name

a. Any other name used previously should also be provided. If providing another name, provide the given and surname. One-word aliases or nicknames are not acceptable.
b. If no other name is applicable, leave the field blank.
c. Do not supply the following in any of the name fields: None, N/A, NMN, or MNU.

2. Current mailing address (the address at which the individual receives mail; post office boxes are acceptable)
3. Daytime telephone number
4. Personal information:

a. Gender (M or F)
b. Date of birth (MMDDVYYY)
c. Country of birth (National Criminal Information Center [NCIC] 2-character abbreviation)
d. CitiZenship country code (NCIC 2-character abbreviation).

5. Social Security Number (SSN) (9 digits, no dashes). (Providing the SSN to TSA is voluntary on the part of the applicant; however, failure to provide it may delay or prevent completion of the STA.)

6. For individuals who are not U.S. citizens, provide the:

a. Alien Registration Number (ARN) (8 or 9 digits, no dashes), or
b. 1-94 Arrival/Departure Form Number (11 digits, no dashes).

7. For individuals who hold a non-immigrant visa, provide the visa control number, which appears in the top right-hand corner of the visa and is labeled “Control Number.”
8. For individuals who are U.S. citizens born abroad or naturalized U.S. citizens, provide:

a. U.S. Passport number, or
b. Certificate of Naturalization Number, Form N-550 or N-570, or
c. Certificate of U.S. Citizenship Number, Form N-560 or N-561, or
d. Certification of Report of Birth, Form OS-1350, issued prior to 1990. For purposes of the STA, the form name, that is, OS-1350, must be entered in the submission in lieu of the document control number, or
e. Certification of Report of Birth, Form OS-1350, issued after 1990, which contains a 1 O-digit document number, beginning with 159 (for example, 159-XXXXXXX). For purposes of the STA, the document control number must be entered in the submission, or
f. Consular Report of Birth Abroad, Form FS-240, issued prior to 1990. For purposes of the STA, the form name, that is, FS-240, must be entered in the submission in lieu of the document control number, or
g. Consular Report of Birth Abroad, Form FS-240, issued after 1990, which contains a 10-digit document number, beginning with 159 (for example, 159-XXXXXXX). For purposes of the STA, the document control number must be entered in the submission, or
h. Certification of Birth Abroad, Form FS-545, issued prior to 1990. For purposes of the STA, the form name, that is, FS-545, must be entered in the submission in lieu of the document control number, or
i. For non-LEO Federal employees who are either naturalized U.S. citizens or U.S. citizens born abroad enter “A100000000” in the ARN field of the submission.

9. Employer’s name (if the individual holds multiple identification media, list the employer associated with each medium)

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