U.S. Air Force Warning Against Accessing WikiLeaks


  • 1 page
  • Distribution C
  • August 9, 2010


1720 AF Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1720

AUG 092010

SUBJECT: Air Force WikiLeaks Website Guidance

Please give widest dissemination to all personnel.

Air Force personnel should not access the WikiLeaks website to view or download the publicized classified information. Doing so would introduce potentially classified information on unclassified networks. There has been rumor that the information is no longer classified since it resides in the public domain. This is NOT true. Executive Order 13526, Section 1.1 ( 4)( c) states “Classified Information shall not be declassified automatically as a result of any unauthorized disclosure of identical or similar information …

The subject information was not “declassified” by an appropriate authority and requires continued classification or reclassification. It is “apparently classified information” that appears to have been disclosed without appropriate review and authority. The information posted needs to be reviewed by the appropriate Original Classification Authorities (OCAs) to: determine if it is classified, conduct damage assessments, and make a determination regarding continued classification.

Despite circumstances surrounding the WikiLeaks, all Air Force personnel must continue to protect similar or identical information commensurate with the level of classification assigned until the infonnation is assessed by the appropriate OCAs. Please remember, Government information technology capabilities should be used to enable our war fighters, promote information sharing in defense of our homeland, and to maximize efficiencies in operations. It should not be used as a means to harm national security through unauthorized disclosure of our information on publicly accessible websites or chat rooms.

This is a coordinated SAF/CIO/AA/PA position. All press inquiries should be referred to the Air Force Public Affairs Office at (703) 695-0640.

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