Utah Data Center (UDC)
- 30 pages
- November 13, 2009
Project Specifics
- 65 Mega Watts Technical Load to the Raised Floor
- Average load density: 650 watts/square feet (sf)
- Maximum load density: 1600 watts/sf
- 100,000 sf of Raised Floor in 4 Data Halls
- Tier III Data Center Standard, Concurrently Maintainable
- Flexible Cooling to Data Hall IT Rooms: Water and Air
- Air: 250 watts/sf
- Water: 1600 watts/sf
- Clean Agent Fire Suppression for Data Halls
- Redundant Utilities, 100% Generator & UPS Backup
- Mechanical & Electrical Support Structures
- 2 Substations
- Goal LEED Silver, Other Green Technologies Stressed
- Water usage at full load is approx 1.7 million gal/day
- Thermal energy storage tanks
- 3 days of fuel storage
- Piping distribution will be primary and secondary
- Secondary pumps will be on UPS
- Cooling towers shall be Cooling Technology Institute (CTI) certified or built up
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