For more information on the iSALUTE program, see:
iSALUTE: The U.S. Army’s Solution to the Next Bradley Manning
OPERATION ORDER 11-206, 7th Signal Command (T) rollout of the I SALUTE (Counter Intelligence Reporting Portal) link into all official Army websites.
- 5 pages
- For Official Use Only
- August 16, 2011
1. (U//FOUO) Situation. Successful counterintelligence (CI) operations depend on accurate and timely reporting of questionable activities to Army counterintelligence. Reports can be initiated through the ISALUTE online reporting portal. Basic information is transmitted to the Army CI coordinating authority (ACICA) for the review and referral to the local CI office or other agencies for the further investigation as needed. In order to provide all Army personnel with the knowledge on how to expeditiously report CI related information the appropriate links to the ISALUTE reporting tool must be disseminated widely. ISALUTE is an online counterintelligence (CI) reporting portal designed to complement other Army threat awareness and reporting initiatives and foster partnerships with the CI, law enforcement organizations, and Army communities. ISALUTE focuses on foreign threats to the DOD and Army from espionage activities, terrorist threats and the insider threat.
OPERATION ORDER 11-206, th Signal Command (T) Rollout of the I SALUTE (Counter Intelligence Reporting Portal) link into all official Army websites.
2. (U//FOUO) Mission. On order, the 7th Signal Command (T) 21st, 93rd, 106th Signal Brigades, TNOSC(s), and all ACOMs/DRUs/ASCCs will include the ISALUTE link on every Army web sites residing on the non-secure internet protocol router (NIPR) network NL T 26 Aug 2011 . The reporting of compliance will be reported via the ACOIC NETOPS Reporting Tool (NRT) located on SIPRnet.
3. (U//FOUO) Execution.
a. (U//FOUO) Commander’s Intent: Organizations will include the iSALUTE link on every Army web site residing on the NIPR network providing users with the ability to expeditiously report questionable activities to CI authorities. In the end, all Army web sites will appropriately display the I SALUTE link.
b. (U//FOUO) Concept of the Operation: Website administrators will include the iSALUTE link on the root page of every Army web site residing on the NIPR network, as described in 3.c.2. All organizations will report compliance through their supported Signal Command (Theater) NL T 26 Aug 2011 .
c. (U//FOUO) Tasks to Units:
(1) (U) NL T 26 Aug 2011, report the compliance of task 3.c.2 via the ACOIC NETOPS Reporting Tool (NRT) located on SIPRnet.
(a) Organizational representatives responsible for reporting should posess access to the ACOIC NRT in order to report. Contact the 7th Sig Cmd (T) Operations Center in paragraph 5.a.2 below if you need assistance accessing the site.
(b) Reporting Link is: Report Title: 7SC (T) OPORD 11-206, ARCYBER EXORD 2011-073 (iSALUTE). The information required to report via the NRT is number of sites, number of sites compliant, URL of site, IP address of the site and POC for the site(s).
(2) (U) Direct website administrators to include the iSALUTE link/icon on all Army websites, including all ACOM, ASCC, DRU and supporting Army installation’s websites within CONUS to the lowest level possible. To implement the link on Army websites, web administrators should consult the self service page on AKO at: . The publicly accessible iSALUTE link is Additionally, website administrators can copy the following HTML code for the iSALUTE link directly into their webpage. <A HREF=”” TARGET= “blank”><IMG SRC= AL T=”ISALUTE Link” WIDTH=”170″ BORDER=”O” /></A>.
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