FBIIC/FSSCC Pandemic Flu Exercise
- 26 pages
- Not for Public Release
- For Exercise Purposes Only
- September 17, 2007
Note: This exercise is designed to create an opportunity for the participants to experience a series of possible pandemic influenza environments. These scenarios are not necessarily predictive, nor do they represent the official viewpoint of any organization, group, or entity. The exercise is intended to allow the participants and their organizations to explore possible situations and to consider their options for responses and mitigation approaches. The sponsors understand that no scenario can present all aspects of a possible situation, and that there is no way to know definitively the actual circumstances that might be present during a pandemic.
U.S. Government Acting to Mitigate Pandemic Spread
- The Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has declared a Public Health Emergency
- The Federal government also announces that they have begun distribution of stockpiled pre-pandemic vaccines and antivirals to state governments
– Health experts estimate that a vaccine for the current pandemic influenza strain will not be available for 4-6 months from the onset of the pandemic
– A pre-pandemic vaccine may provide early limited protection in the months before a vaccine for the human-to-human pandemic strain will become available
– Antivirals are medications presumed to be at least partially effective against the H5N1 viral stain
- The CDC broadens its nationwide efforts to educate the public with the facts surrounding the H5N1 virus, pandemic outbreaks, and recommended mitigation strategies (public and private sectors, and personal/family)
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