Project rationale. The Rural Access Project invests in rural roads in a way that complements the transport, production and marketing infrastructure supported in the IFAD co-financed Butana Integrated Rural Development Project (BIRDP, SD-717) and the Government supported Agricultural Revival Programme (ARP). Its results will be measured on the cost and time of transport, the change in the farm gate price, and the savings in vehicle operating costs. These results are expected to enable small producers to take better advantage of the production and marketing activities proposed under the BIRDP and the ARP.
International Fund for Agricultural Development
International Fund for Agricultural Development
Eritrean Post-Crisis Rural Recovery and Development Programme
In the light of the threatening global food crisis, and soaring food prices, the Government of Eritrea (GOE) requested IFAD to expand the on-going Post-Crisis Rural Recovery and Development Programme (PCRRDP) noting the good implementation capacity, and the good agricultural potentials of both districts, the poverty and food insecurity in the two regions and nationally. An IFAD mission which visited the country in February 2008 examined the government request and came to a conclusion that capacity exists to implement additional agricultural initiatives which will further contribute to the food security in the region and nationally. A draft proposal was submitted to IFAD in May 2008.
International Fund for Agricultural Development
Evaluation of the Programme for Mainstreaming Gender in Poverty Reduction in Asia
The evaluation of the Programme for Mainstreaming Gender in Poverty Reduction in Asia, or Gender Mainstreaming Programme in Asia (GMP), was carried out in the framework of the corporate self-evaluation of the programmes and activities for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment which have been implemented by IFAD over the past several years.