The following manual is part of a series of “limited release” DoD doctrine publications that are not released to the public.
- 80 pages
- For Official Use Only
- November 20, 2009
- 6.58 MB
1. Purpose. This manual outlines procedures supporting the maintenance of the Standard Geographic Location file (GEOFILE), as part of the joint reporting structure as described in reference a.
2. Cancellation. CJCSM 3150.15B, 1 October 2002 with CH-1, 31 October 2003 and CH-2, 1 November 2005 are canceled.
3. Applicability. This manual applies to all combatant commanders, sub-unified commands, joint task forces, subordinate commands and all others, as appropriate, involved in using GEOFILE during military planning and operations.
4. Policy. The GEOFILE is the authoritative automated repository of the Department of Defense for the registration of military installations and worldwide geographic locations subject to reference during military planning and operations.
5. Definitions
a. Specified Geographic Location File Request (GEOREQ). The GEOREQ provides the Joint Staff with the means to manage the registration, cancellation, and maintenance of GEOLOC codes and their associated descriptive elements. See Enclosure A for GEOREQ content.
b. Specified Geolocation (GEOLOC) Code. The GEOLOC code provides a standard coded representation to identify a specified geographic location when that location is identified within DOD data systems. As such, GEOLOC codes facilitate rapid and compatible data interchange within DOD systems.
6. Responsibilities
a. The Deputy Director for Global Operations, Command Systems Operations Division (J-3/DDGO/CSOD), is responsible for the overall management and administration of the GEOFILE and is the approving authority for the registration of all GEOFILE data.
b. The Chief of Staff, U.S. Army; Chief of Naval Operations; Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force; Commandant of the Marine Corps; DOD agencies that use the GEOFILE; combatant commanders, and the Joint Staff are responsible for originating GEOREQs, as required.
c. USTRANSCOM is responsible for reporting data values to populate the GEOFILE with defense transportation regulation (DTR) codes for air terminals, water ports, consolidation and containerization points, and CONUS freight distribution centers. When air terminal identifier codes/International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) codes have not been assigned, USTRANSCOM may create “pseudo” values when coded data is required to support air transportation operations.
d. NGA is the primary agency responsible for reporting data for the four-character ICAO code (as determined from appropriate sources) to be used in the GEOFILE. ICAO codes reported for the GEOFILE should match the ICAO codes in the NGA automated air facilities intelligence file (AAFIF). When an established code for the GEOFILE ICAO code value does not exist, USTRANSCOM may create “pseudo” ICAO values when required to support air transportation operations. ICAO value adjustments can be made as necessary to support operational requirements. NGA is a major requesting agency for the registration of airports, which could include ICAO codes. In accordance with the following procedures, NGA may also originate GEOLOC codes for air facilities.
(1) In order to expedite the identification of air installations with GEOLOC codes to be both in the AAFIF and the GEOFILE, the following block of 400 codes is reserved for use by NGA: (AF00-AF99, AG00-AG99, AH00-AH99, and AJ00-AJ99).
(2) GEOLOC code is one of the descriptive data elements available when an air facility is added to the AAFIF. If the added air facility may be used in any military or USG activity requiring location identification, a GEOLOC code should be entered in the AAFIF. If upon examination of the specified GEOFILE database an existing GEOLOC is not found, NGA may assign a GEOLOC from the next available code in the block of codes reserved for NGA.
(3) When NGA assigns a GEOLOC code from the NGA-reserved block of codes, prompt action must be taken to have that GEOLOC code registered in the GEOFILE. By e-mail, by newsgroup, by telephone, by fax, or other expeditious communications media, NGA must provide J-3/DDGO/CSOD or its designated agent the data necessary to add a new GEOLOC to the GEOFILE.
e. DISA’S Joint Staff Support Center (JSSC) is responsible for receiving GEOREQs, processing updates to the GEOFILE, and networking data to JOPES database sites.
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