In a rather bizarre turn of events, representatives of FEMA have again contacted us requesting the removal of a document from our site. Previously, we were contacted by FEMA regarding the “National Level Exercise 2010 (NLE 10) Exercise Overview” which we had posted more than seven months prior. This time they are requesting that we remove one of the first documents that we ever posted in May 2009. The document is a brief presentation discussing Electronic Designation and Validation of Federal/Emergency Response Officials (F/EROs) in support of National Preparedness in the National Capital Region. In fact, it has only 25 slides in its entirety.
According to Karmell Wilson, a FEMA contractor employed by Unified Industries Incorporated, this document contains information that has now “become classified”. We do not know what this means because, as we explain in our email to Mr. Wilson, classification is ostensibly based on inherent qualities of information which prohibit their disclosure. The idea of classifying material that is already public is counter-intuitive and rather nonsensical. In fact, President Obama’s December 29, 2009 Executive Order on Classified National Security Information seems to indicate that classification following public disclosure is only recommendable in unusual circumstances when the information can be recovered with little notice. Also, we are unclear about why something that has been publicly available for more than a year would need to be classified. In fact, the same document is available elsewhere and even in Google Docs. We have discovered that we are also unknowingly hosting multiple versions of the file, one of which has more information in it. Moreover, the URL listed in FEMA’s email is of an independent mirror site ( which is located in Panama. This site ( is located in the Netherlands.
Subject: RE: Classified Information
From: “Wilson, Karmell” <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 10:59:16 -0400
To: <>
CC: “Sottile, Debbie (CTR)” <>When one Googles:
Operation Rendezvous (OPRON) (non-DoD NCR only). F/ERO Designation (For COOP/COG). National Continuity Policy Implementation Plan (NCPIP) Essential …The following link is displayed in the results:
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – View as HTML
F/ERO Designation (COOP/COG). National Continuity Policy Implementation … OPRON Tiers 1 – 5 (non-DoD NCR only). * Tier 1. – National Continuity Team (NCT) … of how it occurred, it is now classified and needs to be removed ASAP.
Karmell S. Wilson
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Washington, DC 20024
UII Contracted Employee
Office: 202-646-2642—–Original Message—–
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 4:35 PM
To: Wilson, Karmell
Subject: Re: Classified InformationTo what information are you referring?
Also, how did this information “become” classified. We were under the
impression that material is classified from its inception because of
the nature of the information contained within it.Regards,
Public Intelligence
On 7/27/2010 6:43 AM, Wilson, Karmell wrote:
> > Who do I contact at Public Intelligence if I need information that has
> > become classified to be removed from your site?
> >
> > Thanks, Karmell S. Wilson
> > Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
> > Washington, DC 20024
> > UII Contracted Employee
> > Office: 202-646-2642
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