Multi-National Corps Iraq
- 324 pages
- January 26, 2009
Welcome to Iraq and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). OIF is a dynamic, full spectrum operation encompassing both kinetic and non-kinetic operations and is arguably the most complex and challenging fiscal environment in our Nation’s history. The dollar amounts spent supporting OIF are substantial and represent the treasure of our nation. Leaders must know what funding resources are available and how to best apply them in order to maximize their use. This ―Money as a Weapons System‖ (MAAWS) SOP is published to educate/advise you on how to financially resource operations here in Iraq. It will serve as a financial road map to assist you in navigating the myriad of funding challenges and issues that will arise during your time in Iraq…recommend you keep a copy readily available. Resources, particularly money, have a central role in ongoing operations given the effects they bring to bear on the fight. Money is truly a ―weapons system here in Iraq…especially in light of our non-kinetic efforts and the arsenal of
supporting financial resources. While the scope of requirements; multitude of legislative authorities; fiscal law challenges; and perpetual contracting needs may appear daunting…they are manageable. The highly capable legal, comptroller, contracting, and finance teams assembled in Iraq are here to guide and assist… make sure you establish a rapport early on with them as teamwork
and communication is indispensable to success.Due to our OPTEMPO and demand on finite financial resources, it is imperative that we achieve efficiencies and prioritize our efforts. Fiscal stewardship is paramount. Units must manage their limited resources (labor, material, time and money) to achieve the Commander’s intent, Joint Campaign objectives and desired end state. We must constantly reassess our requirements and the resources applied to them in light of rapidly changing operations and conditions. Towards that end, MNC-I has developed and refined several programs, processes and reporting procedures aimed at validating war fighting and support requirements. This edition of the MAAWS includes several key changes that provide Commanders financial flexibility while maintaining requisite management and internal controls.
Key focus areas:
– Quarterly budgeting and funding. Achieve a 90% OMA obligation rate quarterly; goal is 100%. Intent is threefold: transition of authority readiness, continuous preparation for year-end close and most importantly proper sizing of our funding requirements. Each OMA dollar we receive but don’t obligate is one less dollar available for HQDA to apply against other critical needs.
– Transition from DbCAS to Resource Management Tool (RMT)
– Management of LOGCAP and Stock Fund cost. Applicable MSC’s now have LOGCAP targets; Stock Fund targets are imminent. We cannot monitor/manage costs if we don’t measure execution at the unit level.
– Consolidation of the JFARB and C6VB.
– Accurate reporting…especially regarding the Commanders’ Emergency Response Program (CERP) and Rewards Program. HQDA uses our CERP report to defend our program to Congress. We need to ensure reported data is accurate, up-to-date and submitted on time.
– Iraqi-Commanders’ Emergency Response Program (I-CERP) funds. This program reflects the GOI’s commitment toward reconstruction and we must stringently comply with the rules and processes governing its use.
– Compliance with requirement board processes and expanded Field Ordering Officer (FOO) thresholds. We continue the consolidation and streamlining of MNC-I’s requirement boards. These changes accelerate the process in order to meet your needs faster while providing appropriate flexibility balanced against management controls.
– As we execute our basing plans, we must ensure the right accounting mechanisms are in place to capture costs and receive reimbursement.
– Conversion to electronic routing/signatures in lieu of hard copy memorandum approval documents.
HUMINT is vital to success in any battlespace. The Rewards program offers incentives for information and can be a remarkably effective tool in preempting enemy operations and denying sanctuary and weapons. MNC-I C2 is generally the first stop on the MNC-I staff for Rewards Program requirements. CENTCOM is the Rewards Program funding source.
- PURPOSE: Provides rewards (monetary, goods, or services) for information and other non-lethal assistance beneficial to force protection or operations against international terrorism.
- GENERAL GUIDANCE/USES: Program can pay for information leading to the arrest of wanted persons or weapons caches, for information beneficial to an operation or activity of the Armed Forces against international terrorism or aiding in force protection.
- Consists of Micro ($500 or less), Small ($501 up to $10,000), and Large (greater than $10,000) Rewards.
- MNF-I CDR must approve all rewards greater than $10,000.
- CENTCOM must approve all rewards greater than $50,000.
- May not be paid to U.S. military, employees, contractors, or citizens of the U.S., nor to allied and coalition forces.
- May not be paid to deceased persons unless the person is killed during operations based upon info provided or payments are specifically approved by SECDEF.
- MSCs submit reports monthly to the MNC-I C2.
Refer to Appendix D for additional information on REWARDS.
While OMA funds day-to-day operations, OPA is typically used for centrally managed items, large pieces of equipment, or systems that exceed established thresholds or is the purpose of some other major procurement account, such as Aircraft or Shipbuilding. Generally speaking, OPA is used to provide MTOE equipment for operational capabilities in Army units. The C4 or C6 is generally
the first stop within the MNC-I staff for OPA related issues.
- PURPOSE: Funds major end-item investments and/or table of authorization equipment to provide core capabilities to Army units.
- GENERAL GUIDANCE/USES: Tactical and support vehicles, major communication and electronic equipment, centrally managed items, or equipment/systems costing equal to or more than $250K.
- Due to the nature of this appropriation, OPA generally requires more planning lead-time than OMA. MNC-I does not receive any OPA funding. When OPA funds are required, coordination is made through ARCENT with Army Budget Office to fund OPA requirements.
- Sometimes an equipment lease using OMA can augment in the short-term.
- Requires approved Operational Needs Statement from Dept. of the Army.
- If in doubt, consult your judge advocate familiar with appropriation law.
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