USNA Alumni Association
- 16 pages
- For Official Use Only
- November 21, 2009
CJTF Troy Mission Statement
CJTF Troy exercises command and control of specialized Joint Counter-IED and CBRNE forces to neutralize the CBRNE/IED threat; conducts weapons technical intelligence collection and exploitation to defeat IED networks.
TF Troy ISF P&T Challenges
• Lack of coordinated strategic end state (C-IED, forensics, labs)
Poor Inter-Ministry cooperation; multiple CF initiatives difficult to synchronize
• MNF-I CJ5 / MOD M5 working to develop IA strategy – next level? GOI?
• Information sharing under new Security Agreement IGFC orders to share with CF is proving successful
MOI still not onboard; citing Rule of Law issue
• EOD Team level partnerships continue to succeed
• Manning, training and equipping IP Counter Explosive Teams
Little funding, poor leadership – MOI not able to assume “primacy” of C-IED fight
• Elevate C-IED strategy to GOI level
• Aggressively pursue initiatives to fill IP CET gaps
• Poor ISF incident reporting, C2 “OODA” loop, information & intelligence cycle embryonic at best
Unable to share info, identify trends or TTP in timely manner; no “left of boom”
• Fill gap through partnerships & CF info sharingKey Points
• Iraqi C-IED capability is critical to the security of Iraq GOI support is critical, for the good of Iraq
• Coalition can h Coa t o ca elp fill gaps, as Iraq develops, executes strategy
• Sharing & cooperation between CF and ISF is essential as CF departs Iraq
• Must have coordinated strategic end state (C-IED, forensics, labs) Cooperation between MOI & MOD entities is crucial to effective C-IED strategy
• Pool resources, plan together, work together, protect Iraq together
• Unity of effort, open lines of communication very importantMust build effective command and control for EOD, investigations, and exploitation
• Iraq must develop effective C-IED capabilities
Defeat the network before the explosions occur
• Site exploitation, reporting, fusion, analysis = defeat the enemy network
and CBRNE forces to neutralize the CBRNE/IED threat; conducts weapons
technical intelligence collection and exploitation to defeat IED networks;
provides training and recommends materiel solutions to protect the
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