The following files contain hundreds of emails from the City of Oakland relating to the construction of the City/Port of Oakland Joint Domain Awareness Center. The files were scanned from printouts held in a series of folders by the City of Oakland and were obtained via a public records request made by members of Occupy Oakland and the Oakland Privacy Working Group. The emails were the source material for a recent story in the East Bay Express by Darwin BondGraham that found the City of Oakland had allowed the Domain Awareness Center’s prime contractor, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), to perjure themselves by signing a disclosure form claiming that the company was in compliance with the city’s Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Ordinance that prohibits the city from doing business with contractors that are connected to the production or use of nuclear weapons. According to the article, SAIC has had a number of contracts relating to nuclear weapons for more than a decade, including a May 2013 U.S. Navy contact for “engineering services, testing, and integration for nuclear command control and communication (NC3) messaging systems.”
Folders 1-3 (Parts 1-36) | 1339 pages | 141 MB | Download |
Folders 4-6 (Parts 37-66) | 1245 pages | 127 MB | Download |
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