A document published on the website of the Mexican Instituto Nacional de Migración (National Institute of Migration) in July 2013 detailing Latino gang tattoos.
(U//LES) Gang infiltration of law enforcement, government, and correctional agencies poses a serious security threat due to the access they have to restricted areas vulnerable to sabotage, sensitive information pertaining to investigations, and access to personal information or protected persons, whom they may view as potential targets for violence. Gang members serving in law enforcement agencies and correctional facilities compromise security, criminal investigations and operations, and agency integrity. Compromised law enforcement officers and correctional staff assist gang members in committing their illicit activities, disrupt legitimate law enforcement efforts to investigate such activities, thereby protecting members from discovery and apprehension. Gang members, gang associates, and their family members most commonly infiltrate law enforcement through non-sworn civilian positions. Police dispatchers and records clerks have access to confidential information than officers do and are not always subjected to in-depth background checks prior to employment. However, a number of gang members and former gang members have served as sworn law enforcement and correctional officers.
Confidential Montana Department of Corrections Gang Guide, November 2007.
Woodman State Jail Security Threat Group Office Gang Dictionary, August 25, 2004.
(U//LES) Recent law enforcement reporting indicates that Black Guerilla Family (BGF) members are using language training manuals to learn Arabic at Pelican Bay State Prison in Crescent City, California. Both corrections officers and FBI cryptanalysts believe this will lead to inmates using Arabic to create secret codes to communicate. This raises safety concerns for law enforcement officials who may come in contact with BGF associates using Arabic to conceal criminal activity.