Educators: B.O.L.O.
- 3 pages
- For Official Use Only
- June 22, 2006
What educators can do to BE ON THE LOOKOUT for terrorist activity in Tennessee
The Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and other law enforcement agencies in Tennessee are vitally interested in stopping terrorist activity in this state. But to do an effective job in preventing terrorism in Tennessee we need your help.
The following activities may suggest terrorist surveillance of educational facilities. Alone, each indicator can result from legitimate recreational or commercial activities or criminal activity not related to terrorism; multiple indicators, however, could suggest a heightened terrorist threat:
• Unusual or prolonged interest in security measures or personnel, entry points, and access controls or perimeter barriers such as fences or walls.
• Interest without reason in obtaining site plans for schools, bus routes, attendance lists, and other information about a school, its employees, or students.
• Unusual behavior such as staring at or quickly looking away from personnel or vehicles entering or leaving designated facilities or parking areas.
• Observation of security reaction drills or procedures.
• Increase in anonymous telephone or e-mail threats to facilities in conjunction with suspected surveillance incidents–indicating possible surveillance of threat reaction procedures.
• Foot surveillance involving two or three individuals working together.
• Mobile surveillance using bicycles, scooters, motorcycles, cars, trucks, sport utility vehicles, limousines, boats, or small aircraft.
• Prolonged static surveillance using operatives disguised as panhandlers, shoe shiners, food or flower vendors, news agents, or street sweepers not previously seen in the area.
• Discreet use of still cameras, video recorders, or note taking at non-tourist locations.
• Use of multiple sets of clothing and identification or the use of sketching materials (paper, pencils, etc.).
• Questioning of security or facility personnel.
• Unexplained presence of unauthorized persons in places where they should not beIf something or someone looks suspicious apply the S.C.A.N. Method:
SEE – Suspicious or unusual behaviors but do not attempt to investigate on your own
CONFIRM – The accuracy of your observations. If you believe that making contact would put you at risk or in danger, then document your observations by writing them down as soon as it is safe
ASK – If the opportunity presents itself, and only if it is safe, inquire about where they are coming from or going. Be polite and access their reaction. If they are unreasonably agitated by your questions then politely disengage. Thank them for their time and courtesy. If they have questions refer them to your local law enforcement agency
NOTIFY – The local law enforcement and the district Tennessee Highway Patrol headquarters in your area. Other important numbers are listed below.
TBI Tennessee Regional Information Center (TRIC)
(877) 250-2333FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF)
Knoxville (865) 544-0751
Nashville (615) 292-5159
Memphis (901) 747-4300
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