This Program Document proposes an Integration and Competitiveness Development Policy Loan (ICL) for Tunisia in the amount o f US$250 million. This ICL supports the key strategc elements o f Tunisia’s 1 I* National Development Plan (2007-1 1) which seeks to strengthen growth and ensure that this growth i s translated into employment. It is also a cornerstone of the World Bank’s program in Tunisia as outlined in the Country Assistance Strategy (FYO5-08) and the Country Assistance Strategy Progress Report (2007) that set out an indicative program for FY09-10.
Africa, U.S. Marine Corps
4th Civil Affairs Group Liberia Mil-to-Mil Program
• Office of Security Cooperation COL Rumphrey USA
• Dep OSC LCDR Peters, USN
• Defense Attaché: LtCol Plevell USMC
• Chain of Command: OSC –> DATT –> Ambassador (RSO)
Typologies of Money Laundering through the Real Estate Sector in West Africa
Various studies, including those carried out by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) over the past few years, suggest that advances in technology and the progressive tightening of anti-money laundering (AML) regulations are leading money launderers to make more complex arrangements outside the formal financial services industry, such as the use of various professional services, and in particular the real estate business.
African Union
Restricted African Union Ceasefire Violation Report: Surrender of SLA Members in Nyala
1. GoS invited HQ Sector 2 to witness an alleged SLA members’ surrender to the GoS on the 21 Dec 04.
2. The Sector Commander, 3 Mil Obs, and representatives from GoS, JEM and SLA, as well as an interpreter, went to witness the occasion as requested.
African Union
Restricted African Union Ceasefire Violation Report: Janjaweed Attack on Bajo Village
The villagers of Marla and Sani Afendu as well as three other citizens from Nyala and Sani Afendu, lodged three complaints with HQ Sector 2, alleging that GoS and Janjaweed/Armed Militia attacked villagers of Bajo, Marla, and Sani Afendu on 22 Feb 05.
African Union
Restricted African Union Ceasefire Violation Report: Janjaweed in Taisha and Niteaga
1. SLA\JEM lodged a complaint on the 03 Nov 04 alleging that Janjaweed militia had gathered in the area of Taisha and Nitega with the intention of launching attacks on the rebel held areas of Labado and Muhageria They also alleged that the Janjaweed militia had attacked the villages of Oum and Ehcta. burning them down and killing a number of civilians.
2. Team C was tasked to investigate the allegations.
African Union
Restricted African Union Report: Situation in Darfur, Emergency Meeting in Abuja, Nigeria
Since the last meeting on the 25 November 2004, Darfur region has continued to witness occasional ceasefire violation by the parties and state of insecurity by the Armed militia. The main cause of these violations centered on issues associated with looting of livestock, creation of road blocks, movement and build up of troops and the resolve of all the parties including the Armed militias to adopt a retaliatory posture to any action taken by the other. These developments have left the region with serious insecurity implications in the last two weeks.
African Union
Restricted African Union Ceasefire Violation Report: Alleged SLA/JEM Burning of a GOS Police Office in Abu Zureyka
The evidence the team adduced from the witnesses interviewed and physical observations made strongly indicate that neither SLA nor JEM forces were responsible for the burning of the GOS police office. The burning could have been done by any of any of the idlers within Abu Zureyka. The team further established from the GOS police and the witnesses that the GOS soldiers in Abu Zureyka subjected the locals to intimidation and sexual harassment. It was further established that the GOS soldiers had not only imposed vehicle road movement restrictions between AI Fashir and Abu Zureyka but had also imposed illegal taxation on the goods the locals purchased and brought to Abu Zureyka either from Nyala or AI Fashir.
African Union
Restricted African Union Ceasefire Violation Report: Alleged SLA/JEM Attack PDF Camp at Duma
Patrols carried out within a radius of 131kms South East of AI-Fashir revealed that there is an on going arms race within the general area. A good number of people king security had acquired arms and some persons had given out the identity f people in possession of arms to a group claiming to be SLA. Apparently, this group is undertaking a disarmament business in the general area of Dar Essalam and Wada. Additionally I they have taken revenue generated from water and animal taxes unlawfully and further dispossessed people of their vehicles and properties claiming to be the authority in the general area. The business of dispossession often attracted some form of resistance from owners which sometimes has resulted in injury of death of some persons.
African Union
Restricted African Union Ceasefire Violation Report: Armed Militia Attack on a Commercial Truck
On 2 Aug 05, some Armed militias/Janjaweed attacked and robbed commercial truck along Donkey Dreissa – Graida Road killing 7 people and injuring 6 others in the process. The CFC considered the act as a ceasefire violation committed by the Armed militia/Janjaweed. The Team established that the vehicle was attacked by Armed militia/Janjaweed, 7 people were killed including 2 policemen who were escorting the truck. Also 6 others persons were injured in the attack. The team further confirmed that the attackers also robbed the passengers of their possessions.
African Development Bank
African Development Bank Group Strategy for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Africa
The international community is concerned with the growing incidence of organized crime, corruption, and terrorism and the debilitating effect these problems have on peace, security and development. A successful strategy to address these international threats necessarily involves measures to address money laundering and the financing of terrorism (ML/FT).
Tanzania, World Bank
Joint Assistance Strategy for the United Republic of Tanzania FY2007 – FY2010
Through in-depth consultations, the Government of Tanzania finalized in June 2005 its second poverty reduction strategy called the “National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty”, or MKUKUTA, covering 2005-2010. The strategy identifies three clusters of broad outcomes: growth of the economy and reduction of income poverty; improvement of quality of life and social well-being; and governance and accountability.
Côte d'Ivoire, International Monetary Fund
Côte d’Ivoire Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
Over the past ten months, the government of Côte d’Ivoire has developed an interim poverty reduction strategy paper (I-PRSP) that takes stock of current policies and challenges facing the government and that outlines the main strategy to reduce poverty. The paper presents the participatory process used in preparing the I-PRSP and describes the future plan for an even broader consultation process under the PRSP. The paper meets the requirements for an I-PRSP and provides a sound basis for developing a fully participatory PRSP, as well as an adequate framework for continued Fund and IDA assistance to Côte d’Ivoire.