Final and Draft Versions of G8 Muskoka Declaration from May 26 – June 26, 2010.
Tag Archive for G8
G20/G8 Integrated Security Unit “Increased Awareness and Reporting” Handout
You are an important community partner and you can help us with our planning by asking your staff to be alert and vigilant. For instance, ask employees to:
Report to your security officers and the Toronto Police Service any suspicious persons found in the “staff only” areas of downtown locations,
Report to your security officers and the Toronto Police Service any suspicious activity that could be of potential concern such as suspicious photography in or around the work place; suspicious packages; insecure doors;
Toronto G20/G8 Protest Police State Photos
Photos taken from Flickr.
Security Costs Report for the Toronto 2010 G8 and G20 Summits
Key Points:
* The PBO was asked to assess the reasonableness of the security costs for the upcoming G8 and G20 Summits in Huntsville and Toronto.
* The Government of Canada has been relatively transparent, when compared to other countries, on the costs of security related to the summits. The total cost of security for the 2010 G8 and G20 Summits amounts to $930M, which includes $507M for RCMP, $278M for Public Safety, $78M for National Defence and a $55M contingency reserve.
* The PBO found it difficult to find comparable data of past events to assess the security costs related to the 2010 Summits. This is largely due to the lack of disclosure by other jurisdictions, differences in key considerations and cost drivers of summit security and differences between base versus incremental funding.
Toronto G20 Summit Integrated Security Unit Lockdown Information
The Government of Canada has chosen Toronto as the location of the Group of Twenty (G20) Summit on Saturday and Sunday, June 26 and 27, 2010 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Security for the Summit is being managed by the Integrated Security Unit (ISU), a joint security team led by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in partnership with the Toronto Police Service (TPS), the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), the Canadian Forces (CF) and Peel Regional Police (PRP).
German Ministry of Defense Report Regarding Military Security at 2007 G8 Summit
Wie aile Behörden des Bundes und der Lander sind auch die Dienststellen der Bundeswehr nach Art. 35 Abs. 1 GG verpflichtet, zu Gunsten anderer Bundes-, Landes- und Kommunalbehörden Amtshilfe zu leisten. Voraussetzung ist jeweils ein ausdriickliches und hinreichend konkretes Ersuchen der zu unterstützenden Behörden. Die Initiative für Amtshilfeleistungen der Streitkrafte geht somit niemals von der Bundeswehr aus.
G8, International Monetary Fund
The Global Economy and Oil Markets: Developments and Prospects
After sharp price run-ups through mid-2008, the commodity price boom ended abruptly with the financial crisis and the onset of the global downturn. The collapse of commodity prices largely reflected much weaker demand prospects, with financial factors playing a secondary role.