Approximately $3.3 trillion of the $10.7 trillion in U.S. Government programs have already been utilized.Most of these initiatives have been part of an effort to deploy unorthodox policy tools to keep credit flowing in the economy. However, the fundamental issue of “toxic bank assets” remains largely unaddressed by most of the U.S. Government programs to date.
European Central Bank
Confidential SwapClear Derivatives Brief
Clearing Member Eligibility
•Swap Portfolio minimum size of USD1 trillion
•Minimum capital USD5 billion in Clearing Entity or in Parent providing Guarantee
•Credit Rating single A or better
•Margin multipliers applied if existing member downgraded below A
•Compulsory participation in Default Management Process
European Union
Restricted US-EU Airline Passenger Information Sharing Agreement
Accord entre l’Union européenne et les États-Unis d’Amérique sur le traitement et le transfert de données PNR par des transporteurs aériens au bureau des douanes et de la protection des frontières du ministère américain de la sécurité intérieure.
Colorado State Patrol 2008-2009 Strategic Plan
• Enforce all the laws of the State of Colorado.
• Direct, control and regulate motor vehicle traffic on public roadways.
• Inspect vehicles for safety-related equipment violations.
• Provide community education and administer safety programs to the public.
• Perform criminal interdiction on Colorado highways, focusing on the transport of illegal drugs.
• Assist in state homeland security efforts.
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Joint Operation Planning and Execution System Vol. 1
This publication sets forth planning policies and procedures to govern the joint activities and performance of the Armed Forces of the United States. It provides military guidance for the exercise of authority by combatant commanders and other joint force commanders and prescribes doctrine and selected joint tactics, techniques, and procedures for joint operations and training. It provides military guidance for use by the Armed Forces in preparing their appropriate plans.
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Joint Operation Planning and Execution System Vol. 2
This manual sets forth administrative instructions and formats to govern the development of joint operation plans submitted for review to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (hereafter referred to as “Chairman”). Unless otherwise indicated, the formats and procedures in this document are mandatory for the Joint Staff, all combatant commands, Services, and combat support agencies responsive to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Joint Operation Planning and Execution System Vol. 3
Procedures for the development of Time-Phased Force and Deployment Data (TPFDD) and for the deployment and redeployment of forces within the context of the Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) in support of joint military operations.
U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory
Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate Leadership Chart
Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate
AFRL/RI Leadership Chart — As of 29 MAY 09
Rome Research Site, Rome, NY
Commercial: 315 330-plus (last four)
DSN: 587 plus (last four)
German Bundeswehrplan 2010
Oas Weißbuch 2006 und die Konzeption der Bundeswehr (KdB, 09.08.2004) bilden unverandert die Grundlage für die Bundeswehrplanung. Um auch künftig ihre Aufgaben in einem breiten Spektrum erfolgreich wahrzunehmen, braucht die Bundeswehr zeitgemaf!, e und zukunftsorientierte Fahigkeiten, reprasentiert durch gut ausgebildetes und motiviertes Personal, wirtschaftliche Verfahren sowie belastbare Strukturen. Oer Bundeswehrplan zielt dabei auf einen ausgewogenen Fahigkeitsaufwuchs im gesamten Fahigkeitsspektrum für die Eingreif-, Stabilisierungs- und UnterstOtzungskrafte im Zuge des streitkraftegemeinsamen Ansatzes der Transformation der Bundeswehr.
German Bundeswehrplan 2009
Der jährliche Bundeswehrplan (BwPlan) legt die ressortinterne Grundlage für die weiteren Schritte zur Haushaltsaufstellung. Der Bedarf in den Kategorien Versorgung, Personal, Organisation, Betrieb, Rüstung und Infrastruktur wird in seiner finanzplanerischen Dimension erfasst, auf die konzeptionellen Vorgaben abgestimmt, fähigkeitsorientiert bewertet und am vorgegebenen Finanzrahmen gemessen. Der BwPlan ist das Instrument, mit dem der Generalinspekteur der Bundeswehr seine gesamtplanerische Verantwortung einschließlich Priorisierung von Bedarfsforderungen zur Auftragserfüllung wahrnimmt. Die Inspekteure und Leiter der zivilen Abteilungen/Stäbe unterstützen dabei im Rahmen ihrer jeweiligen Verantwortung.
Department of Defense
National Security Space Acquisition Policy DoD Interim Guidance
The acquisition of DoD space systems results from the interaction of three complementary processes: the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System under the authority of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution process under the authority of the DoD Comptroller; and the NSS acquisition process under the authority of the DoD Space MDA. To work effectively, the acquisition process requires constant coordination among these processes and their authorities.
U.S. Marine Corps
Introduction to Identifying Intelligence Community Classifications and Control Markings
Classification Marking
* TOP SECRET-The level applied to information whose unauthorized disclosure could cause exceptionally grave damage to national security.
* SECRET-Information whose unauthorized disclosure could reasonably cause serious damage to national security.
* CONFIDENTIAL-Information whose unauthorized disclosure could cause damage to national security.
* UNCLASSIFIED-Information that is not classified under the EO 12958, as amended.
U.S. Army
Army Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS A) Commander’s Handbook
Access to the Intelligence Enterprise is through the Distributed Common Ground System-Army (DCGS-A). This Commander’s Handbook is an overview of the capabilities DCGS-A is providing to the commander. It addresses the benefits of employment of DCGS-A as a whole, rather than any particular fielded version. DCGS-A, as a component to the DoD Distributed Common Ground/Surface System Mission Area program, is greatly contributing to the Joint and combined Warfighter needs.
Iowa Recovery Analysis Workshop Report
The State of Iowa encountered disastrous weather events throughout spring and summer 2008. These incidents have since been recognized as the worst natural disasters in Iowa’s history. In response to these incidents, Iowa Governor Chet Culver established the Rebuild Iowa Office (RIO) through Executive Order 7 on June 27, 2008. RIO was established to coordinate statewide recovery efforts. In addition to RIO, the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division (HSEMD) of the Iowa Department of Defense serves to coordinate activities before, during, and after emergencies through partnerships with Federal, State, local, and private entities.
U.S. Army
Army Strategic Communications Plan: Housing Market Crisis Assistance For Soldiers and Families
Soldiers and Families (Active, Reserve and National Guard) are being negatively affected by the National Housing Market Crisis. This crisis can impact a Soldier’s ability to sell, purchase, or rent their homes during permanent change of station (PCS) transfers, thus, leaving the Soldier with financial and/or Family separation challenges. Many Soldiers feel they have only two options, taking drastic financial actions or becoming geographical bachelors.
Banker Addresses: Top Recipients of TARP Funds
Home addresses for Vikram Pandit, CEO of Citigroup; James Dimon, CEO of J.P. Morgan Chase; John Stumpf, CEO of Wells Fargo; Ken Lewis, CEO of Bank of America; and Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
FEMA: Considering Household Pets and Service Animals in Emergency Planning
Today, more than 60 percent of American households own a pet, an increase 2 from 56 percent in 1988. Nearly half of pet owners consider their animals to be 3 members of the family. The power of the relationship between people and their pets or service animals is readily apparent during disaster evacuations. Prior to the landfall of Hurricane Katrina, storm evacuees refused to leave their residences because first responders would not allow their pets to evacuate with them.
Department of Homeland Security
TOPOFF 2: MSCMC Briefing
•The threat will emulate the same fictional international terrorist organization employed in TO2000:
–Wages coordinated WMD campaign against U.S.
–A role-playing adversary (“Red Team”) will aid in understanding threat tactics, techniques, and procedures.
–Intelligence build: Threats to targets in U.S.
–Radiological dispersal device (RDD) attack in Seattle.
–Bio-terrorism attack in Illinois.
U.S. Marine Corps
USMC Total Force Mobilization, Activation, Integration, and Deactivation Plan (MAID-P)
This manual establishes Service policy and tasks that support references (a) through (e), and outlines procedures to conduct Marine Corps Reserve Component (RC) call-up as described in references (f) through (j). This manual is designed to support contingency planning leading to rapid augmentation and/or reinforcement of the Active Component (AC) of the U.S. Marine Corps. As such, this manual is directive in nature.
United States
Federal Banking Infrastructure Pandemic Flu Exercise Brief
This exercise is designed to create an opportunity for the participants to experience a series of possible pandemic influenza environments. These scenarios are not necessarily predictive, nor do they represent the official viewpoint of any organization, group, or entity. The exercise is intended to allow the participants and their organizations to explore possible situations and to consider their options for responses and mitigation approaches. The sponsors understand that no scenario can present all aspects of a possible situation, and that there is no way to know definitively the actual circumstances that might be present during a pandemic.
Department of Homeland Security
Federal Remote Sensing Situation Report
This situation report is developed for DHS senior leadership. The report provides overall situational awareness on Federal remote sensing activities supporting emergency management operations in North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota. The following information is derived from multiple sources across the Federal remote sensing community. The report will be updated as new information becomes available.
New York
JFHQ New York – Vigilant Guard Execise Brief
Vigilant Guard is…
•A national exercise program sponsored by the National Guard Bureau and United States Northern Command
•Provides a training opportunity for National Guard forces to practice emergency response operations
•Provides an opportunity to the National Guard to build relationships with local, state, regional and federal partners against a variety of different homeland security threats, including natural disasters and terrorist attack
•Includes National Guard troops from several states along with local, state, county and city emergency response units and agencies.
•Provides a realistic training opportunity for civilian and military officials to work together and coordinate in order to protect lives and property
Multi-National Corps Iraq
Iraq Detainee Operations Strategic Communication Plan
The concept of strategic communication is an often-discussed topic within government policy circles and at all levels of professional military education. Doctrinal definitions are continually updated and refined to the point that few appear to agree upon the role that strategic communication should play as either a diplomatic function, an aspect of military operational planning, or a process to be executed in the course of national policy. There are, however, a set of key points that all sides seem to agree upon.
Naval Network Warfare Command
Naval Network Warfare Command Brief
•Overview of Naval Network Warfare Command
•PR 11 IPL Goals and Objectives
•Priorities By FORCEnet Pillars
–Communications and Networks (C/N)
–Command and Control Systems (C2)
–Information Operations (IO)
–Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR)
Los Angeles Public Health Emergency Annex to Safe School Plans
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACPDH) encourages schools, residents, community organizations and businesses to develop plans and policies in the event of a public health emergency, such as a pandemic or other large-scale disease outbreak. Preparedness is one of the best prevention techniques available. Many of the planning procedures and precautionary measures suggested are important to practice in everyday life—not only in the event of a public health emergency.