Tag Archive for Canada

G20/G8 Integrated Security Unit “Increased Awareness and Reporting” Handout

You are an important community partner and you can help us with our planning by asking your staff to be alert and vigilant. For instance, ask employees to:

Report to your security officers and the Toronto Police Service any suspicious persons found in the “staff only” areas of downtown locations,

Report to your security officers and the Toronto Police Service any suspicious activity that could be of potential concern such as suspicious photography in or around the work place; suspicious packages; insecure doors;

Security Costs Report for the Toronto 2010 G8 and G20 Summits

Key Points:

* The PBO was asked to assess the reasonableness of the security costs for the upcoming G8 and G20 Summits in Huntsville and Toronto.
* The Government of Canada has been relatively transparent, when compared to other countries, on the costs of security related to the summits. The total cost of security for the 2010 G8 and G20 Summits amounts to $930M, which includes $507M for RCMP, $278M for Public Safety, $78M for National Defence and a $55M contingency reserve.
* The PBO found it difficult to find comparable data of past events to assess the security costs related to the 2010 Summits. This is largely due to the lack of disclosure by other jurisdictions, differences in key considerations and cost drivers of summit security and differences between base versus incremental funding.

Toronto G20 Summit Integrated Security Unit Lockdown Information

The Government of Canada has chosen Toronto as the location of the Group of Twenty (G20) Summit on Saturday and Sunday, June 26 and 27, 2010 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Security for the Summit is being managed by the Integrated Security Unit (ISU), a joint security team led by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in partnership with the Toronto Police Service (TPS), the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), the Canadian Forces (CF) and Peel Regional Police (PRP).

Canadian Forces Electronic Warfare Manual

Electronic warfare (EW) has been practiced in every conflict since World War I. Fundamentally, the practice of EW has not changed. However, the context in which EW must operate has. The Canadian Land Force has developed new doctrine and has placed a greater emphasis on joint and coalition operations. As well, closer relationships with national and strategic agencies have had significant impacts on the conduct of EW. The purpose of this chapter is to place EW in context of these new developments.

Canadian Land Force Chaplain’s Manual

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the “freedom of conscience and religion” for every Canadian.
Accordingly, CF regulations direct that, subject to operational and service exigencies, commanding officers shall make provision for spiritual service support and religious accommodation for the soldiers under their command.

Canadian Forces Crowd Confrontation Operations Manual

This manual is based on the precept that crowd confrontation situations could occur on any CF operation. The doctrine has been
designed to facilitate the use of CCO as a unique operation, which may be a subset of any other CF operation. Where peace support operations (PSO), domestic operations, or armed conflict examples are used, the concepts presented are intended to cover all operations. The manual stresses that the CCO hierarchy can be applied during any operation to assist in the decisions of what equipment to acquire or deploy and what training is to be based on.

Canadian Forces Land Operations Manual

The doctrine within publication recognizes that in order to reach enduring operational and strategic end states, the root causes of a conflict must be addressed in light of the given environment and its influencing elements and systems. To this end, land forces do not simply undertake physical activities and effects against adversarial forces. Land forces apply their capabilities to complete a combination of physical activities and influence activities that create effects on the physical and psychological lanes. In doing so, a wide range of targets is engaged. This range will certainly include adversaries, but also other groups, systems, and
individuals within the battlespace and environment that play a role in reaching the operational and campaign objectives and end states.

Canadian Land Force Counter-Insurgency Operations Manual

A COIN campaign is conducted through a specific philosophy and a set of specific principles that guide the application of combat power. It is distinctly different from the conduct of an insurgency itself, and the lines of operation within the COIN campaign must counter the lines of operation of the insurgents. Within the guiding principles, each COIN campaign must be a custom approach to the insurgency at hand. The constant is the fact that insurgency and counter-insurgency are essentially about the battle to win and hold popular support both at home and in the theatre of operations.

Canada Terrorist Attack Tactics Against Bridges and Tunnels: January 2002 – December 2008

Canada has many large bridges and tunnels, including 24 international vehicular bridges and tunnels linking Canada and the United States – specifically to the states of Maine, Vermont, New York, Michigan and Minnesota. Fourteen of these bridges and tunnels are in Ontario, nine are in New Brunswick, and one is in Quebec. As well, there are nine international railway bridges and tunnels – eight in Ontario, with another one in New Brunswick. Damage to one or more of these structures would cause short to medium-term traffic congestion at the border, and would hurt the economy of both countries.

Canadaian Government Afghanistan Terrorist Financing List 2002

In order to assist Canadians, and particularly financial institutions, in continuing to cooperate with authorities and in complying with the United Nations Suppression of Terrorism Regulations and the United Nations Afghanistan Regulations, the Government of Canada has prepared the attached consolidated list of individuals and entities whose property should be frozen and reported to the relevant authorities.

TOPOFF 3 Private Sector Integration Concept of Operations

T3 provides private sector organizations and associations with an opportunity to test their emergency response and business continuity plans in conjunction with Federal, State, and local response agencies. As the largest national Full-Scale Exercise (FSE) in history, last year’s TOPOFF 2 exercise engaged more than 8,500 participants. With private sector participation, T3 promises to be larger in scope and complexity.