If you have picked up this handbook, or had it handed to you, you are likely an interagency team leader or team member or a military commander or civilian leader with the responsibility for setting up an interagency team. If this is your first exposure to working with the interagency, it can be a daunting prospect. This handbook is intended to provide you with a basic understanding of the interagency environment as well as insights and best practices that your team can put to use to counter irregular threats in the field or at operational level.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
The Evolution of NATO’s Command Structure, 1951-2009
One very important first step in the establishment of a military command structure for NATO was the North Atlantic Council’s selection of General Dwight D. Eisenhower as the first Supreme Allied Commander Europe in December 1950. After General Eisenhower arrived in Paris in January 1951, he and the other members of the multinational SHAPE Planning Group immediately began to devise a structure for the new Allied Command Europe. They quickly established a basic command philosophy that divided Allied Command Europe into three regions: the North, containing Scandinavia, the North Sea and the Baltic; the Center, with Western Europe, and the South, covering Italy and the Mediterranean (Greece and Turkey were not yet members of NATO). As for the organizational structure, General Eisenhower’s initial concept was to give each region an overall Commander-in-Chief (CINC). Underneath the CINCs there would be separate Land, Air and Naval Commanders for each region. This concept made great sense militarily, but its implementation soon encountered major political problems in two of the three regions.
National Level Exercise 2011 Draft Planning Overview
Focus: Domestic, non-terrorism; Major Earthquake (specific focus on a catastrophic earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ)) the exercise concept was created in 2006 as a follow-on task to the Federal Emergency Manage Agency (FEMA) NMSZ Catastrophic Planning Initiative. NLE 11 will be a Functional Exercise (FE) that will last approximately four days with a specific focus on the first 72 hours. This exercise is designed to provide FEMA with a crucible to test Administrator Fugate’s mission for the Federal government to make decisions and take action within the first 72 hours of a major disaster that will have positive effect on life saving and life sustaining activities.
United Nations
UNODC Afghanistan Opium Survey Winter Assessment 2011
The result of this assessment indicates that the current high price of opium did not produce an increase in opium cultivation in the highest cultivating provinces of Hilmand and Kandahar. In these two provinces the cultivation is expected to decrease in 2011. The reasons for this development were multiple and differed from area to area. In parts of Hilmand and Kandahar, farmers reported the persistence of cold and dry climate conditions which led to crop failure as the poppy would not germinate. There also been a changing political environment in Hilmand with the Governor taking initiatives to convince elders and farmers to reduce the amount of poppy planted. This was not systematically captured by the survey, but it may have played a role as well. In both provinces, military operations were conducted by Afghan and international forces around the time of poppy planting in main poppy cultivating areas. Although these operations were not directed against poppy farmers, the coincidence of troupes being present at planting time may also have discouraged farmers from planting poppy.
Threats and Takedown Notices
Netherlands National Police Agency (KLPD) Inspire Magazine Takedown Notice
Takedown notice from the Netherlands National Police Agency (KLPD) demanding the removal of issues of Inspire Magazine from this site, February 25, 2011.
HBGary SRA International “Memory Grabber” Forensics Tool White Paper
The purpose of this paper is to describe the SRA Memory Grabber system, which provides memory access to a running and password protected laptop through the use of a small PC Card inserted into the PCMCIA slot of the laptop. The Memory Grabber device shown in the figure below is operating system agnostic; working on Microsoft Windows, Linux, and MacOS and is available today as a production unit for use with Express Card and Card Bus laptop systems.
Corporate, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
HBGary DARPA Cyber Insider Threat (CINDER) Proposal
Like a lie detector detects physical changes in the body based on sensitivities to specific questions, we believe there are physical changes in the body that are represented in observable behavioral changes when committing actions someone knows is wrong. Our solution is to develop a paranoia-meter to measure these observables. Using shoplifing as an example, there are peaks and valleys of adrenaline during the entire theft process. There is the moment the thief puts an item in their pocket (high), then as they walk around the store the adrenaline begins to valley a bit, then they attempt to walk out of the store (very high). It is at these points that we want to be able to take as many behavioral measurements as possible because it is at these points the insiders activity will be as far from normal behavior. In this hypothesis we will have a rootkit on the host that monitors keystrokes, mouse movements, and visual cues through the system camera.
TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Spent Fuel Storage Briefing
Tokyo Electric Power Company Integrity Inspection of Dry Storage Casks and Spent Fuels at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station from November 16, 2010.
Federal Reserve
Federal Reserve Financial Crisis Discount Window Loan Data
A zip file made available by Bloomberg contains the complete contents of their recently granted FOIA request for Federal Reserve Discount Window data on loans made, often to foreign banks, during the height of the financial crisis in 2008.
Department of Homeland Security
(U//FOUO) Federal Protective Service Active Shooter Training Brief
Federal Protective Service Active Shooter Awareness Training For Tenant Agencies Briefing from March 23, 2011.
(U//FOUO) Penn State Applied Research Laboratory Social Network/Information Analysis Brief
FOUO Penn State Applied Research Laboratory Social Network/Information Analysis Brief from October 2010.
AT&T Mobility Cellular Subpoena Compliance Contact Information 2011
As part of the One AT&T corporate initiative, the AT&T Mobility subpoena function has been in a state of transition from North Palm Beach, FL to Dallas, TX for the past year. Effective March 1, 2011, the final phase of this process will be implemented.
Department of Homeland Security
(U//FOUO) DHS Dams Sector Security Awareness Handbook
The Nation has more than 100,000 dams. Of this number, approximately 82,000 are listed in the National Inventory of Dams (NID), which generally includes dams greater than 25 feet in height or reservoirs having more than 50 acre-feet in storage capacity. In the NID, the downstream hazard potential (e.g., the amount of risk or damage a dam can pose because of failure or negligent operation) is classified as high, significant, or low. In the current NID database, approximately 12,000 dams are classified as high hazard potential from a dam safety perspective. However, only a very small percentage of high-hazard dams represent a potential for causing mass casualties.
United Nations
UN Satellite Conflict Analysis: Zawiyah, Libya
A review of the city of Zawiyah was conducted using a satellite image acquired 8 March 2011 to document impacts of fighting between Libyan Government and armed opposition forces. This fighting took place between 24 February and 10 March, when Libyan Government forces declared control of the city. Satellite imagery analysis sought to identify evidence of fighting and damage in the area. Armoured vehicles, road blocks consisting of sand and other materials, excavated areas, and possible scorch marks are visible in the satellite image. In addition, significant numbers of light trucks are apparent in groups and convoys throughout much of the city.
Afghanistan, U.S. Army
(U//FOUO) U.S. Army Small-Unit Operations in Afghanistan Handbook
The purpose of this handbook is to assist small-unit leaders and Soldiers as they prepare to deploy to and conduct actual operations in Afghanistan. These operations are different from operations in Iraq in several ways. Soldiers and small-unit leaders will face unique difficulties and challenges when operating in the very distinct and disparate provinces of Afghanistan.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission BWR Reactor Shutdown and Spent Fuel Storage Safety Report
An evaluation of the nuclear power plant regulatory basis is performed, as it pertains to those plants that are permanently shutdown (PSD) and waiting or undergoing decommissioning. Four spent fuel storage configurations are examined. Recommendations are provided for those operationally based regulations that could be partially or totally removed for PSD plants without impacting public health and safety.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission General Electric BWR/4 Reactor Technical Specifications
This NUREG contains the improved Standard Technical Specifications (STS) for General Electric (GE) BWR/4 plants. Revision 3 incorporates the cumulative changes to Revision 1 and 2, which was published in April 1995 and April 2001, respectively. The changes reflected in Revision 3 resulted from the experience gained from license amendment applications to convert to these improved STS or to adopt partial improvements to existing technical specifications. This publication is the result of extensive public technical meetings and discussions among the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff and various nuclear power plant licensees, Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) Owners Groups, and the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI).
United Nations
UN Miyagi Prefecture Tsunami-Related Standing Water Map
This map illustrates satellite-detected standing bodies of water remaining after the tsunami event over the city of Sendai and affected areas south in Miyagi Prefecture. Flood waters were identified through an analysis of Radarsat-2 satellite data recorded 12 March 2011 with a medium degree of confidence. This is a preliminary analysis & has not yet been validated in the field. It is possible that tsunami-related water bodies areas have been underestimated in areas with high debris levels. Please send ground feedback to UNITAR / UNOSAT.
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Enterprise Email CONOPS 2012
The strategic environment has changed significantly since the end of the Cold War, and events since September 11, 2001 have dramatically demonstrated that we have entered a new era of conflict with difficult challenges to overcome. To meet these challenges, the Department of the Army requires enterprise services to create an information advantage by providing seamless collaboration and moving the power of information to the tactical edge. Implementing an Army Enterprise Email Service (EMCS) is a major step towards meeting these needs.
GE Hitachi BWR Reactor Fuel and ABWR Experience Presentation
GE Hitachi BWR Reactor Fuel and ABWR Experience Presentation from September 2008.
U.S. Navy
U.S. Navy NATOPS C-130T Flight Manual
U.S. Navy NATOPS C-130T Flight Manual from November 15, 2006.
White House
Obama Administration Intellectual Property Enforcement Legislative Recommendations White Paper
On June 22, 2010, the U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator (IPEC) issued the Administration’s first Joint Strategic Plan on Intellectual Property Enforcement (Strategy), which was developed in coordination with many Federal agencies, including the Departments of Commerce, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security (DHS), Justice (DOJ), and State, and the U.S. Trade Representative. As part of the Strategy, the Administration undertook to review existing laws to ensure that they were effective and to identify deficiencies that could hinder enforcement. Based on that review, this White Paper identifies specific recommended legislative changes, designed to increase the effectiveness of U.S. enforcement efforts. We will, of course, continue to assess existing legislation and recommend any further changes to the law as the need arises.
Hitachi “High Safety” Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Design Overview
Hitachi presentation from 2007 on “High Safety” Boiling Water Reactors (BWR). Hitachi manufactured reactor four that is currently involved in the ongoing nuclear crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. That reactor is a Boiling Water Reactor (BWR).
GE Hitachi “Overcoming Barriers” to Nuclear Energy Presentation
A presentation given a little over a week before the 2011 Japanese Earthquake promoting nuclear power plant construction by GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy. GE and Hitachi both manufactured reactors which are now currently involved in the ongoing nuclear crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. In 2007, the companies’ nuclear divisions merged to form GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy.
Faces of Torture: Egyptian State Security Officers Photos and Names
Photos of hundreds of Egyptian State Security officers, including the names of more than fifty high ranking officers. These photos were recently removed by Flickr for “copyright violations” after they were posted by protesters that recovered the information from DVDs taken from State Security headquarters.