AFRICOM Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa Brief to the Surface Navy Association.
Department of Defense
U.S. Army
The State of Army Information Assurance Program
Traditional & Constant Threats
* Pirated applications
* Copyright violations
* Hijacking
* Illegal downloads
* Illegal applications
* Attachments
* Insider threats
* Phishing
U.S. Army
Institute of Landwarfare: Army of the 21st Century
ARFORGEN is the structured progression of increased unit readiness over time, resulting in recurring periods of availabilityof trained, ready, and cohesive units prepared for operational deployment in support of civil authorities and combatant commander requirements.
U.S. Marine Corps
USMC Training Atmospherics and Set Design Enhancements
This specification establishes the functional capabilities for the atmospherics set design training enhancements effort. This specification is required to enhance and upgrade existing and future USMC Military Operation in Urban Terrain (MOUT), Home Station Training (HST) areas and Ranges. Even though these areas are typically equipped with streets, courtyard walls, mosques, buildings, and village shanties, the atmosphere is void of detailed cultural realism such as items listed. Specifically, this specification will provide the detailed information required for placing, updating or enhancing spaces and places within the training areas.
Multi-National Corps Iraq, National Defense University
MNF-Iraq Detainee Aspects of Transition
The goal is to isolate irreconcilable insurgents, increase # of moderates, and minimize impacts of detention policy on alienating population (i.e., creating insurgent supporters and recruits).
U.S. Marine Corps
USMC Motor Transport Equipment Technical Specifications
TM 11240-OD: USMC Motor Transport Equipment Principal Technical Characteristics
Department of Defense
Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicle Safety
• The concern: Theater tactical vehicle mishaps
• CENTCOM vehicle accident data Jan 2003 – Aug 2008
• 246 fatalities
• 900 serious injuries
• MNC-I data for CY05
• 384 rollovers
• 71 fatalities
Department of Defense
FOUO Pork Products Defense Commissary Data Sheet OCONUS
A. Pork products will be produced using the USDA’s Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications (IMPS) for Pork Items and The North American Meat Processors Association, Meat Buyers Guide.
1. All pork cuts shall originate from barrow and gilt carcasses graded US No. 1 or equivalent. Fresh primal and sub primal cuts shall meet the requirements of IMPS series 400 or the Meat Buyers Guide. Cured, smoked and fully cooked pork items shall meet the requirements of IMPS series 500.
2. Unless otherwise specified, all items will be processed 2 days from harvesting and will be packaged in accordance with the contract requirements. All tray ready items will have soaker pads properly added to eliminate normal purge. Product must also meet the following requirements:
a. Fresh vacuumed packed primals and sub primals must be delivered within 10 days from date of pack to the point of embarkation. Product must be sourced loaded and staged at the Port of Embarkation within 3 days prior to the scheduled sail date. Temperature monitoring devices must be placed inside the containers to help record proper temperatures during transport.
Department of Defense
FOUO Pork Products Defense Commissary Data Sheet CONUS
A. Pork products will be produced using the USDA’s Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications (IMPS) for Pork Items and The North American Meat Processors Association, Meat Buyers Guide.
1. All pork cuts shall originate from barrow and gilt carcasses graded US No. 1 or equivalent. Fresh primal and sub primal cuts shall meet the requirements of IMPS series 400 or the Meat Buyers Guide. Cured, smoked and fully cooked pork items shall meet the requirements of IMPS series 500.
2. Unless otherwise specified, all items will be processed 2 days from harvesting and will be packaged in accordance with the contract requirements. All tray ready items will have soaker-pads properly added to eliminate normal purge. Product must also meet the following requirements:
a. Fresh vacuumed wrapped primals and sub primals must be delivered within 10 days from date of pack for both CONUS, except for Hawaii and Alaska; these locations must be delivered within 14 days from date of pack.
U.S. Army
Army TARDEC Ground Vehicle Survivability
U.S. Army RDECOM Advanced Planning Briefing for Academia on Ground Vehicle Survivability.
U.S. Army
Afghanistan Rule of Law – Military Efforts
“Every action of the counterinsurgent should be anchored in law. Any effort to build a legitimate government through lawless action – including unjustified use of force, unlawful detention, torture or punishment without trial – is self-defeating.”
FM 3-24, Counterinsurgency
Afghanistan, Department of Defense
U.S. Integrated Civilian – Military Campaign Plan for Support to Afghanistan
The Integrated Civ-Mil Campaign Plan for Afghanistan provides guidance from the U.S. Chief of Mission and the Commander of U.S. Forces-Afghanistan to U.S. personnel in Afghanistan. The Plan represents the collaborative effort of all the USG Departments and Agencies operating in Afghanistan and the range of different equities, resources, and approaches. The Plan is based on close collaboration with the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) as well as the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and partner nations to build effective civilian and military mechanisms for integrated assistance.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Defense Critical Infrastructure Program (DCIP)
• Defense Infrastructure Sector
A virtual association within the DCIP that traverses normal organizational boundaries, encompasses defense networks, assets, and associated dependencies that perform similar functions within DoD, and are essential to the execution of the National Defense Strategy.
• PW Defense Infrastructure Sector
The DoD, government, and private sector worldwide network, including the real property inventories (environment, land, buildings and utilities) that manages the support, generation, production and transport of commodities (e.g., electric power, oil and natural gas, water and sewer, emergency services, etc.) for and to DoD users.
Department of Defense
DoD Seeking Radar Commonality: Multifunctional Phased Array Radar
Impact of the Radar JAT
• Designated specific radar acquisition programs as Special Interest
– USMC Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar
– USMC AN/TPS-59 Radar Product Improvement Program
– USAF Three Dimensional Expeditionary Long Range Radar
• Directed Radar Open Systems Architecture Defense Support Team stand-up.
Iraq, U.S. Army
(U) Iraq: Fallujah Insurgency and the 505th and 506th Iraqi National Guard Battalions
(U) Purpose:
* (U) To discuss the current status and capabilities of the 505th and 506th ING BNs.
* (U) To discover how the Fallujah Insurgency threatened and „beheaded‟ the leadership of these two BNs causing mass desertions from the two units.
* (U) To inform deploying units on AIFs methods of influencing the allegiance of Iraqi Security Forces (ISFs) personnel.
U.S. Army
Iraq & Afghanistan Provincial Reconstruction Teams Playbook
Provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs) were established as a result of the need to develop the infrastructure necessary for the Afghan and Iraqi people to succeed in a post-conflict environment. The efforts of PRTs take place every day during a time when major conflict is commonplace in both countries. PRTs have become an integral part of the long-term strategy to transition the lines of security, governance, and economics to the indigenous people. Integrated appropriately, PRTs serve as combat multipliers for maneuver commanders engaged in governance and economics, as well as other critical lines of operation. In addition, PRTs serve as force multipliers for U.S. Government (USG) development agencies engaged across the stability and reconstruction sectors.
U.S. Central Command
Afghanistan Northern Distribution Network: “The New Silk Road”
The New Silk Road: The Challenge
• Mission:
– Support the imminent doubling of US Forces (primarily in the south and west) and the upgrade of Operating Bases throughout the country, without impacting on‐going sustainment operations or force‐rotations in the north and east regions.
• Enemy:
– Security and Risk of theft along the existing route
– Fragile and fractured political climate within Pakistan
• Terrain:
– Limited ground routes through Pakistan
– Bureaucratic processes at the AFG‐PAK Border vic Peshawar
– Limited maturity of physical Infrastructure,
– Constrained air network in Afghanistan, particularly the south
Afghanistan, U.S. Army
Operation Enduring Freedom Handbook: The First Hundred Days
The first 100 days of any deployment are the most dangerous. It is the time when you know the least about your environment, the time when most of the team really comes together. The enemy knows the first 100 days are when units are the most vulnerable. This handbook is written for Soldiers and leaders. It is intended to help you accomplish your mission and stay alive during the most dangerous and uncertain period. The information presented in this handbook was collected from combat experienced Soldiers, company leaders, and battalion leaders, and it will help you develop your leadership and training skills before deployment and during the first 100 days after deployment.
U.S. Army
FM 3-09.34 Kill Box Tactics and Multiservice Procedures
This publication presents a doctrinal framework for kill box employment procedures across Service and/or functional components within a joint environment. A kill box is defined in Joint Publication (JP) 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, as: “A three-dimensional area reference that enables timely, effective coordination and control and facilitates rapid attacks.” Although a definition exists, there is no formal kill box doctrine or tactics, techniques, and procedures.
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Marine Corps Close Quarters Battle Equipment Technical Manual
This Technical Manual (TM), authenticated for Marine Corps use and effective upon receipt, describes the technical characteristics and components for Marine Corps Close Quarters Battle Equipment (CQBE).
U.S. Navy
U.S. Fleet Forces Naval Oceanography Overview
Warfighter Support
•Fleet Operations
–Direct support to CSG and ARG commanders, and Joint and contingency operations worldwide
•Maritime Operations
–Routine ship weather forecasts
–Joint Typhoon Warning Center
•Aviation Operations
–Flight Route Weather Briefings via internet-based Flight Weather Briefer
–Multi-purpose Survey Ships
–Fleet Survey Team
U.S. Marine Corps
Unexploded Ordinance Standoff Disruptor MK 40 MOD 0 (UXO SD)
The Purpose of this ULSS is to provide guidance relative to the procurement of (73) Unexploded Ordnance Standoff Disrupter MK 40 Mod 0 (UXO SD). The Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) forces are increasingly challenged due to the alarming proliferation of arms and ammunition throughout the world and the trend toward greater weapon sophistication. The objectives of the program are to: increase readiness, availability, maintainability, dependability; decrease life cycle cost; and to incorporate new technology enhancements.
Multi-National Corps Iraq
Multi-National Force Iraq TF Troy Counter IED Update
CJTF Troy exercises command and control of specialized Joint Counter-IED and CBRNE forces to neutralize the CBRNE/IED threat; conducts weapons technical intelligence collection and exploitation to defeat IED networks.
U.S. Central Command
CENTCOM Public Affairs Engagement in AOR Media
•(U) Main sites engaged:
•Social media
–Arabic Facebook page launched
Department of Defense
DoD Energy Security for Enduring Operations
•Net Zero Plus JCTD
•Hawaii Housing Demo
•Iraq Home Power Demo
•Solar Powered Security Lights
•Joint Security Station Power (Aztec Survey)
•Defense Energy Fund
•Kuwait Crossing Tactical Hybrid Power Demo Futures