Department of Defense

U.S. Army RDECOM Environmental Acquisition and Logistics Sustainment Program

ESO Resource Management

* New Statement of Work for FY10 MIPRs
* FY10 funds are provided for program management, to include serving as the central point of contact to coordinate all environmental acquisition and logistics sustainment issues for [your command], participating on the EQT P2TT, coordinating bi-annual AERTA reviews, participating in technology project development and technology management plan reviews, providing direct support and coordination with supported PEOs/PMs, serving on environmental management teams and participating in programmatic and management review meetings as required by the Director, ESO and the Director, EALSP.
* FY10 funding levels similar to FY09
* CRA funding (~15%) has been distributed
* This is all we could get at RDECOM
* FY09 funding status

Team Submarine Technology Insertion Hardware Full and Open Competition

• TI Hardware is a new competitive procurement
– It is notan extension of the legacy AN/UYQ-70 program
• TI Hardware will provide the latest generation of display, processor and network units to Team Submarine systems
– Host for the TI-12 and TI-14 Technology Insertions
• Anticipated components include
– Computer processing and memory
– Data storage and extraction
– Input/Output (I/O) interfaces to support the processing system designed around commercially available hardware and software
• Procurements may include
– Upgrade kits, enclosures and / or full up systems for Seawolf, SSGN, 688/688i, VIRGINIA Class, COLLINS Class and future submarine systems/platforms

Army Team C4ISR BRAC Update

Guiding Principles

• The move will be transparent to the Soldiers engaged in combat operations and the civilians supporting them.
• We will do everything in our power, as limited by law, to mitigate the professional and personal turbulence of those members of the workforce that choose to move.
• We will do everything in our power, as limited by law, to assist the transition of the workforce that decides not to move.
• We will preserve and the culture, history and esprit de corps of the C4ISR Mission at Fort Monmouth.

Multi-National Corps Iraq Counter-IED Smart Book 2008

All personnel are to be moved away from the suspect item. Mark your location and note the direction and distance to the device. Move to a minimum distance of 300 meters from the suspect item. The Convoy Commander or Patrol Leader at the scene makes the decision on how large an area to clear based on METT-TC. Detonation may be imminent if the device was armed before being located. Personnel should make maximum use of hard cover, ensuring they are out of the direct Line of Site (LOS) from the suspect area to cleared positions. If cover cannot be obtained, maximize distance from the device.

USPACOM Energy Initiatives (U)

• Consistent with and supportive of:

– Nat’l Security Strategy
– Nat’l sea state change & new administration’s views on energy
– Nat’l Defense Strategy and other OSD policies/strategy
– PACOM mission, vision and priorities
– Service strategies
– Host nation and state policies/strategy
– Other COCOM energy strategies

Lockheed Martin DCMA EVMS Compliance Report

Earned Value Management (EVM) plays an increasingly important role for successfully delivering acquisition programs at the desired cost, schedule, and technical performance levels. Since 1996, when the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) was appointed DoD Executive Agent for Earned Value Management Systems (EVMS), the responsibility to oversee the Department’s primary program management process has never been more vital than it is today. In its simplest form, EVM is the discipline of managing programs successfully by planning and controlling authorized work to achieve cost, schedule, and performance objectives.

Strategic Policy Forum Exercise Deadly Venture

On September 22, 2009, National Defense University’s Strategic Policy Forum (SPF) conducted its twenty-eighth Congressional exercise, Deadly Venture, which explored the linkages and threats posed by the nexus between illicit narcotics trafficking and terrorism and the rising power and influence of Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTOs). The exercise scenario focused on the Latin America region and the U.S. – Mexico border.

Pandemic Influenza Mass Fatality Operations in the United States

The number of those estimated to perish during another pandemic influenza (PI) event in the United States (US) may be between 5%- 7% of the infected population (infected population est. to be 25%) or 3,612,500 – 5,057,500 respectively1. Governmental authorities, primarily the medical examiner/coroner (ME/C), law enforcement, public health, and associated death care professionals, will not only need to manage these fatalities but also the 2.4 million deaths that occur annually.

Army Simulation and Training PEOSTRI Overview

Medical Simulation Training Center (MSTC) Systems are an Army training asset, with a regional training requirement, located at Installations, delivering effective medical training with a standardized training platform for both classroom and simulated battlefield conditions, to better prepare Soldiers for application of medical interventions under combat conditions.

Joint Operation Planning and Execution System Vol. 1

This publication sets forth planning policies and procedures to govern the joint activities and performance of the Armed Forces of the United States. It provides military guidance for the exercise of authority by combatant commanders and other joint force commanders and prescribes doctrine and selected joint tactics, techniques, and procedures for joint operations and training. It provides military guidance for use by the Armed Forces in preparing their appropriate plans.

Joint Operation Planning and Execution System Vol. 2

This manual sets forth administrative instructions and formats to govern the development of joint operation plans submitted for review to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (hereafter referred to as “Chairman”). Unless otherwise indicated, the formats and procedures in this document are mandatory for the Joint Staff, all combatant commands, Services, and combat support agencies responsive to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

National Security Space Acquisition Policy DoD Interim Guidance

The acquisition of DoD space systems results from the interaction of three complementary processes: the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System under the authority of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution process under the authority of the DoD Comptroller; and the NSS acquisition process under the authority of the DoD Space MDA. To work effectively, the acquisition process requires constant coordination among these processes and their authorities.

Introduction to Identifying Intelligence Community Classifications and Control Markings

Classification Marking
* TOP SECRET-The level applied to information whose unauthorized disclosure could cause exceptionally grave damage to national security.
* SECRET-Information whose unauthorized disclosure could reasonably cause serious damage to national security.
* CONFIDENTIAL-Information whose unauthorized disclosure could cause damage to national security.
* UNCLASSIFIED-Information that is not classified under the EO 12958, as amended.

Army Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS A) Commander’s Handbook

Access to the Intelligence Enterprise is through the Distributed Common Ground System-Army (DCGS-A). This Commander’s Handbook is an overview of the capabilities DCGS-A is providing to the commander. It addresses the benefits of employment of DCGS-A as a whole, rather than any particular fielded version. DCGS-A, as a component to the DoD Distributed Common Ground/Surface System Mission Area program, is greatly contributing to the Joint and combined Warfighter needs.

Army Strategic Communications Plan: Housing Market Crisis Assistance For Soldiers and Families

Soldiers and Families (Active, Reserve and National Guard) are being negatively affected by the National Housing Market Crisis. This crisis can impact a Soldier’s ability to sell, purchase, or rent their homes during permanent change of station (PCS) transfers, thus, leaving the Soldier with financial and/or Family separation challenges. Many Soldiers feel they have only two options, taking drastic financial actions or becoming geographical bachelors.

USMC Total Force Mobilization, Activation, Integration, and Deactivation Plan (MAID-P)

This manual establishes Service policy and tasks that support references (a) through (e), and outlines procedures to conduct Marine Corps Reserve Component (RC) call-up as described in references (f) through (j). This manual is designed to support contingency planning leading to rapid augmentation and/or reinforcement of the Active Component (AC) of the U.S. Marine Corps. As such, this manual is directive in nature.