The MWD program endured four decades of peace and brief contingency operations from the end of the Vietnam era to the current Global War on Terrorism. The program remained firmly embedded in the Military Police Corps combat support, law and order, and force protection missions. In late 2001, the onset of military operations in Afghanistan provided the impetus to expand MWD capabilities in support of commanders in the field. In 2002, as a direct result of an immediate operational need in Afghanistan, Army leadership directed the establishment of an Army mine detection dog unit and embedded it in the Corps of Engineers. In 2004, as a result of cooperation between the U.S. Army Engineer School and the U.S. Army Military Police School, the Army added a non-aggressive, specialized search dog (explosives detection dog) to the MWD inventory. Combat tracker dogs are returning to Army use as well, along with a very limited number of human remains detector or cadaver search dogs. Two constants emerge in the 60-plus-year history of Army MWD use: working dogs are used in a variety of units for a wide range of missions, and the size of the MWD program has expanded and contracted over time based on the needs of the Army. In the current and projected future operating environment, the MWD program will undoubtedly expand once again.
Department of Defense
U.S. Army
(U//FOUO) U.S. Army Commander’s Guide to Female Engagement Teams
Complex operations often require the development of specialized teams with multidisciplinary perspectives. Examples of these groups include human terrain teams, provincial reconstruction teams, and, most recently, female engagement teams (FETs). These specialized programs are tasked with engaging local populations to ascertain information on civil-society needs and problems; address security concerns; and to form links between the populace, military, and interagency partners.
Joint Chiefs of Staff
(U//FOUO) Joint Chiefs of Staff Commander’s Handbook for Counter Threat Finance
This handbook provides an understanding of the processes and procedures being employed by joint force commanders (JFCs) and their staffs to plan, execute, and assess counter threat finance (CTF) activities and integrate them into their joint operation/campaign plans. It provides fundamental principles, techniques, and considerations related to CTF that are being employed in the field and are evolving toward incorporation in joint doctrine.
U.S. Army
(U//FOUO) Asymmetric Warfare Group Tactical Information Superiority Report
This document facilitates discussion, training, and implementation of effective information superiority methods at the Battalion and Brigade level. This paper discusses the Center of Gravity analysis model for identifying threat networks, Critical Capabilities, and Critical Vulnerabilities; use of the methodology to determine the threat vulnerabilities; and as a basis for understanding how to achieve Information Superiority.
U.S. Army
(U//FOUO) Asymmetric Warfare Group Sniper Awareness and Counter-Sniper Reference Card
U.S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group Sniper Awareness and Counter-Sniper Reference Card from October 2007.
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Air Force Safety Policy for Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)
Air Force Policy Directive 91-4 on safety in using directed energy weapons (DEW) revised October 21, 2011.
Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization
JIEDDO Afghanistan Victim Operated Improvised Explosive Device (VOIED) Recognition Guide
This Recognition Guide focuses on images of VOIED switches, components, and materials. Common IED indicators (observables) are listed and when found, indicate a high probability of IED activity. Refer to this material if something looks: suspicious, out of place, or out of character. This guide is organized by switches (Pressure Plate, Low Metallic Signature, and No Metal Content), main charges, containers, power supplies, initiators, and finally a section on IED factories.
U.S. Navy
(U//FOUO) U.S. Navy Strategic Studies Group: Convergence of Sea Power and Cyber Power
This plan outlines the Chief of Naval Operations’ (CNO) Strategic Studies Group (SSG) XXVIFs approach to addressing the challenges of operating at the convergence of Sea Power and Cyber Power as presented in the CNO’s Theme. In addition to providing a framework for the approach, this plan presents SSG XXVIFs initial overarching concept and Concept Team (CT) areas of focus.
U.S. Army
(U//FOUO) U.S. Army Study on Establishing Digital Literacy for Soldiers and Leaders
A study directed by the Commanding General, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), “Study to Establish Levels of Digital Literacy for Soldiers and Leaders in the U.S. Army” from February 28, 2011.
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Air Force U-2 Spy Plane Flight Manual May 1967
U.S. Air Force models U-2C and U-2F spy plane aircraft flight manual from May 10, 1967.
U.S. Joint Forces Command
(U//FOUO) USJFCOM Combat Observation and Decision-Making in Irregular and Ambiguous Conflicts (CODIAC)
This curriculum was directly inspired by the US Marine Corps’ Combat Hunter program. Created in 2007, in response to a dramatic increase in precision fire causalities in Baghdad, Combat Hunter is systematic training designed to improve cognitive skills, showing personnel how to read the human terrain, establish a baseline, detect an anomaly, and make decisions “left of bang.” In other words, Combat Hunter was designed to train personnel to anticipate danger and meet it proactively. In an irregular conflict, this enables personnel to be the “hunters”—not the “hunted.” CODIAC integrates the USMC Combat Hunter principles, along with proven battlefield decision-making and irregular warfare instruction from across the Joint services. The goal of CODIAC is to enhance the ability of individuals and small teams to address irregular challenges by training enhanced observation, battlefield sensemaking, human terrain pattern recognition, and environmental analysis (including knowledge of combat tracking).
U.S. Army
(U//FOUO) U.S. Army Drill Sergeant Handbook
Being a drill sergeant may be the most challenging and rewarding assignment a noncommissioned officer will ever experience during his military career. While training initial entry Soldiers to fight and win in today’s Global War on Terrorism, drill sergeants must embody and reflect the Army’s values and standards. This handbook is designed to help new drill sergeants conquer the many challenges of their assignment and succeed in their mission of training Soldiers.
Afghanistan, U.S. Army
(U//FOUO) U.S. Army Afghanistan Route Clearance Handbook
Route clearance (RC) operations for Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan are much different from RC operations for Operation Iraqi Freedom in terms of the terrain, seasonal weather, level of infrastructure, volume of insurgent threats, sources of improvised explosive device (IED) components, and motivation for IED emplacement. The purpose of this supplement is to focus on RC in Afghanistan.
U.S. Army
(U//FOUO) U.S. Army Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicles Handbook
This book will familiarize Warfighters and leaders with the MRAP vehicle, its capabilities and limitations, and planning considerations for its employment. The information found in this book does not replace or override any safety precautions, warnings, notes in existing technical and/or operator manuals, or unit standing orders or operating procedures.
Oklahoma, U.S. Army
(U//FOUO) U.S. Army North Crips Targeting Uniformed Soldiers in Retaliation for Oklahoma Murders
On 21 Sep 11, USACIDC reported the CRIPS have put out an order to shoot any Solider in uniform on sight in retaliation for the shooting of their members by Soldiers earlier in the week. The Lawton Oklahoma Police Department has confirmed the CRIPS have threatened to kill soldiers in uniform. The threat stems from when the soldiers, in retaliation for drug rip off, entered the off-post residence of the CRIPS, robbed and subsequently shot some of the CRIPS members. Three of the victims were identified as members of the “107 Hoover CRIPS.”
U.S. Forces Iraq
(U//FOUO) U.S. Forces Iraq Base Transition Smart Book 2011
This is the Final Edition of the USF-I Base Transition Smartbook. Updated from the October 2010 edition, it provides a single-source, quick reference guide for the base transition process, and captures/de-conflicts updated and additional base transition guidance through the use of bold and strike-through text. The information in this Smartbook summarizes base transition Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), published US Forces-Iraq (USF-I) orders/ guidance, and lessons learned from past base transitions to facilitate honorable and successful transitions of remaining non-enduring bases and enduring sites. The USF-I Base Transition Smartbook is the guiding document for transitioning USF-I bases in the Iraq Joint Operations Area (IJOA) to the Government of Iraq (GoI). Guidance is intended to be flexible enough to fit a range of situations, and to ensure a base is transferred properly, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The Base Transition Smartbook is located on the USF-I J7 website. Revisions are summarized below and highlighted throughout the text.
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Europe Unmanned Aircraft System Flight Regulations
United States Army Europe Regulation 95-23 “Unmanned Aircraft System Flight Regulations” from September 2009.
U.S. Army
(U//FOUO) U.S. Army Rollout of the iSALUTE Counterintelligence Reporting Portal
Successful counterintelligence (CI) operations depend on accurate and timely reporting of questionable activities to Army counterintelligence. Reports can be initiated through the ISALUTE online reporting portal. Basic information is transmitted to the Army CI coordinating authority (ACICA) for the review and referral to the local CI office or other agencies for the further investigation as needed. In order to provide all Army personnel with the knowledge on how to expeditiously report CI related information the appropriate links to the ISALUTE reporting tool must be disseminated widely. ISALUTE is an online counterintelligence (CI) reporting portal designed to complement other Army threat awareness and reporting initiatives and foster partnerships with the CI, law enforcement organizations, and Army communities. ISALUTE focuses on foreign threats to the DOD and Army from espionage activities, terrorist threats and the insider threat.
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Has a Problem With “Toxic Leadership”
The Center for Army Leadership Annual Survey of Army Leadership (CASAL) assesses and tracks trends (since 2005) in Army leader attitudes of leader development, the quality of leadership, and the contribution of leadership to mission accomplishment. CASAL provides research guidance for policy decisions and program development. CASAL is a reliable source because a rigorous scientific approach is used for survey development, data collection, and data analysis including a large random representative sample and high precision. Additionally, findings are calibrated with other Army research. This report will establish a framework, present qualitative and quantitative findings from the 2009 CASAL, quantitative findings from the 2010 CASAL, initial data from the 2011 Profession of Arms campaign (PoA) survey and senior leader survey, and open literature regarding toxic leadership.
China, U.S. Pacific Command
(U//FOUO) U.S. Pacific Command China Pandemic Influenza Readiness Review
The People’s Republic of China is one of the global leaders in vaccine research and production, and an active participant in international PI initiatives, but despite steps to improve influenza surveillance and ministerial coordination, major challenges remain to Chinese PI response preparedness. Substantial global concern has emerged in recent years regarding China’s ability to effectively monitor, prevent, and contain infectious disease threats within its borders. Factors including potential Avian Influenza (AI) outbreaks in poultry, China’s immense size and population, a largely underdeveloped health care infrastructure, and a sizable poultry industry all contribute to make China a global PI hotspot and an important area of focus for the potential emergence of human influenza pandemics that threaten the rest of the world.
U.S. Navy
U.S. Navy Nuclear Carrier Vessel Flight Deck Manual
This manual provides organizational relationships, responsibilities, requirements and procedures for aircraft and related support operations aboard CVN ships.
U.S. Northern Command
(U//FOUO) USNORTHCOM Force Protection Advisory for 9/11 Anniversary
U.S. Marine Corps
(U//FOUO) USMC Non-Kinetic/Counterinsurgency Operations Command Study
This paper summarizes the responses of six Marine battalion commanders who served in stability and support operations (SASO) and counterinsurgency (COIN) environments of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). These commanders were interviewed on their approach to their duties, how they exercised their authority and balanced the use of kinetic and non-kinetic effects in accomplishing their myriad missions and tasks. The content of this report may serve to guide future commanders.
U.S. Army
(U//FOUO) U.S. Army Predator Drone Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Tactical Pocket Guide
This FOUO pocket guide provides information used by battle staffs involved in planning, coordinating, synchronizing or executing actions that support the effective employment of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) on the battlefield. Covers the MQ-1B PREDATOR, MQ-1 WARRIOR A, MQ-1C ER/MP, MQ-9 REAPER, MQ-5B HUNTER, RQ-7B SHADOW.
U.S. Air Force, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory
U.S. Air Force Massive Cloud Traffic Auditing and Online Data Mining Presentation
A restricted distribution presentation from the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory massive cloud traffic auditing and online data mining presentation from July 2011.