This manual contains operating instructions, maintenance procedures, and troubleshooting procedures for the rifle, 7.62 mm, AK-47. It is divided into five chapters.
The PM RS JPO initiated development of an integrated GRMP in response to direction from senior Army and Marine Corps leadership in 2005. The GRMP is intended to provide Army and Marine Corps ground robotic stakeholders a common information resource document, as well as a comprehensive plan that links robotic S&T Projects and Acquisition/Contingency Programs to User Current Capability Gaps, Future Capability Gaps, and S&T Shortfalls. The pressing need for reliable ground robotic systems capable of detecting and warning of the presence of hidden improvised explosive devices (IEDs), chemical and biological agents, and related threats to ground troops employed by insurgents in combat zones greatly increases the importance of making every S&T dollar count toward filling critical User capability gaps. In addition, the GRMP provides decision makers a tool for making critical resource decisions.
Restricted U.S. Army Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Ground Based Sense and Avoid (GBSAA) Airspace Integration presentation from July 2009.
A user guide for the National Guard’s Geospatial Information Interoperability Exploitation Portable (GIIEP) system from March 2010.
The purpose of the NLW Reference Book is to provide a single source document that contains key information about NLW descriptions, effects, characteristics, concepts of employment, and associated operational parameters and considerations to enhance NLW education and training.
This manual provides organizational relationships, responsibilities, requirements and procedures for aircraft and related support operations aboard CVN ships.
A restricted distribution presentation from the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory massive cloud traffic auditing and online data mining presentation from July 2011.
Marine Corps Warfighting Publication (MCWP) 4-11.9, Ammunition Logistics, provides guidance for commanders, staffs, logisticians, ammunition and aviation ordnance officers, supply officers, and ammunition and aviation ordnance Marines. This publication discusses the Marine Corps ammunition and aviation ordnance communities’ organization and support structure, the general responsibilities of ammunition and aviation ordnance personnel, the systems used in support of ammunition logistics, planning considerations, safety issues, training, and the regulatory environment in which Marine Corps ammunition logistic operations are planned and executed. Various elements of Navy supporting establishments with ammunition responsibilities that have not been addressed in other USMC Service doctrine are introduced in the MCWP 4-11.9.
A 908 page, Distribution Statement C version of the U.S. Navy NATOPS SH-60B Seahawk Helicopter Flight Manual from April 1, 2008.
The strategic environment has changed significantly since the end of the Cold War, and events since September 11, 2001 have dramatically demonstrated that we have entered a new era of conflict with difficult challenges to overcome. To meet these challenges, the Department of the Army requires enterprise services to create an information advantage by providing seamless collaboration and moving the power of information to the tactical edge. Implementing an Army Enterprise Email Service (EMCS) is a major step towards meeting these needs.
U.S. Navy NATOPS C-130T Flight Manual from November 15, 2006.
This manual presents an overview of information required for flying U.S. Navy and Marine Corps aircraft under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) and conditions in various operating environments. It has been prepared for use as a reference for U.S. Navy and Marine Corps Aircrew preparing for their annual instrument flight evaluations, especially those unable to attend instrument ground training. It also provides guidance and standardization for instrument flight evaluators and aircrews on criteria for evaluating the instrument flying abilities and proficiency of aircrew members and conducting NATOPS Instrument Flight Evaluations.
Two Restricted U.S. Navy F-14 Tomcat Flight Manuals from 2004 and 2001.
The model UH-3H helicopter is manufactured by Sikorsky Aircraft, Division of United Technologies, Stratford, Connecticut 06615. The helicopter is a Class 1B aircraft, designed for both shore and shipbased operations to provide logistic support and a search and rescue capability as required. The crew consists of a pilot, copilot, and two utility aircrewmen. The UH-3H Executive Transport basic airframe is manufactured by Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, a subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation, Stratford, CT., 06615. It is a Class 1B aircraft, designed for shore and ship based operations to provide executive transportation and logistic support. The crew consists of a pilot, copilot, and aircrew member.
Two restricted flight and technical manuals for the AV-8B and TAV-8B Harrier II.
This restricted manual contains essential information and procedures for use by Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) personnel when rescuing occupants from crashed or disabled naval aircraft. It has been organized for ready reference by rescue teams and is intended to serve both as an operational guide and a training manual for rescue personnel.
Four restricted distribution NATOPS manuals for the F-18 family of aircraft with a combined length of more than 3,500 pages.
This manual contains information on administrative and operational procedures for all Navy and Marine Corps units providing air traffic control services and applies on a worldwide basis. Marine forces tactical air traffic control is provided by Marine Air Traffic Control Detachments (MATCD). Each MATCD is organized and equipped to provide continuous all-weather air traffic control services to an independent and geographically separated main air base or air facility and/or remote air sites or points. These services include airport traffic control, low approach and landing, and terminal area control services. To the extent possible and consistent with the ATC requirements of the area to which deployed, the functions, training, qualification, and certification for Marine forces tactical ATC units shall be as prescribed in this manual.
This manual is a single source of LSO information for LSOs, unit commanders, and air crewmembers that contains descriptions of visual landing aids, command relationships, a compendium of LSO-related policies and responsibilities, pilot and LSO training requirements and qualifications, descriptions of visual landing aids, and LSO procedures for recovering fixed-wing non-V/STOL aircraft aboard CV and CVN-class ships.
This manual issues policy, guidance and information for CV and CV/N commanding officers, air officers, airoperations officers, air wing commanders, squadron commanding officers, aircraft detachment Officers-In-Charge, and aircrews aboard CV/N class ships. The information presented herein includes relationships, responsibilities, training requirements, and selected normal and emergency procedures for conducting flight operations on and in the vicinity of the CV/N.
U.S. Army Installation Information Infrastructure Architecture Technical Guide, Distribution Statement C, July 2008.
The purpose of this volume is to prescribe operating procedures and precautions to prevent injury to personnel and ignition of volatile vapors from exposure to environmental electromagnetic radiation (EMR). The sources of this EMR include communications transmitters, radars, electronic countermeasures transmitters, and lasers.
FOUO Joint Staff / Defense Threat Reduction Agency Anti-terrorism Vulnerability Assessment Benchmarks, January 1, 2008.