List of Martyrs/Victims of the Syrian Revolution produced by the Committee of Martyrs of 15 March Revolution.
U.S. Army
US Army Apache Longbow AH-64D Attack Helicopter Operator’s Manual
US Army Apache Longbow AH-64D Operator’s Manual from July 26, 2005.
Congressional Research Service
The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Terrorism Investigations
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI, the Bureau) is the lead federal law enforcement agency charged with counterterrorism investigations. Since the September 11, 2001 (9/11) attacks, the FBI has implemented a series of reforms intended to transform itself from a largely reactive law enforcement agency focused on investigations of criminal activity into a more proactive, agile, flexible, and intelligence-driven agency that can prevent acts of terrorism.
Intelligence Fusion Centers, Michigan
(U//FOUO) Michigan Fusion Center Restaurant Inspection Scam Warning
Restaurants in multiple states, including Michigan, are reporting phone calls from individuals claiming to be from the Health Department. Throughout Michigan, the scammers are requesting to schedule an inspection at the food establishment, as well as sensitive information about the business. According to the Better Business Bureau, this was a widespread occurrence in Minnesota and North Dakota in 2010.
Open Source Center
Open Source Center Blackwater Personnel Staying in Abbottabad Guesthouses January 2010
Mysterious guesthouses have been established in Abottabad’s famous residential area. It has been revealed that Blackwater officials are living there. Important persons regularly visit these guesthouses, and there are fears that the peace and stability in Abottabad may be affected. According to the details received, there are many guesthouses in Abottabad where immoral activities take place at night and meetings in the name of NGOs are arranged during the day. As soon as the night falls, suspicious persons start coming to these guesthouses.
Afghanistan, U.S. Army
Human Terrain System Report: Local Governance in Rural Afghanistan
This paper is designed to act as a guide for working with local communities in rural Afghanistan at the wuluswali (district) level, primarily in the east and south. Afghan society has always been extremely diverse from district to district, requiring a flexible, multi-faceted approach to governance. This multi-faceted approach blended tribes, Islam and the state. The political upheaval of the past 40 years has disrupted Afghan society and the traditional structures which historically provided governance and social order, not just the Kabul-based government. It is important that the information in this guide is not seen as absolute or universally applicable, but rather as a baseline guide for understanding the complexities of local governance, or the lack thereof, in rural Afghanistan. There is no standard formula for success in Afghanistan due to its diversity; the only constant is the need for flexibility.
Florida Fuel Pump Credit Card Skimmer Warning
On December 16, 2010, at approximately 1736 hours, the Melbourne Police Department responded to reports of fraud at the RaceTrac gas station located at 4641 W Eau Gallie Blvd, in Melbourne (MP10-83795). An investigation revealed there was a credit card skimmer installed inside one of the fuel pumps that had been attached with Velcro. Victims began reporting fraudulent charges on their credit card accounts on December 14, 2010 and there have been fourteen (14) reports to date that are believed to be linked with this trend. At this time, it is unknown as to how long the skimmer had been inside the pump. It is estimated that over 600+ credit card numbers have been compromised. The stolen credit card numbers have been used multiple times at bank ATM’s in New York City, most frequently at the Actors Federal Credit Union.
Department of Homeland Security
(U//FOUO) US-CERT Advisory Increased Threats to Authentication Services
Authentication establishes the trusted relationship between the user and a system or service and validates their identities to each other. Organizations rely on authentication services to protect important data by limiting access to trusted users. Malicious actors are increasingly interested in exploiting authentication services because organizations rely on them to ensure system integrity and limit access to sensitive data by trusted users. US-CERT is providing this advisory to warn organizations about increased threats and interest in authentication services and provide recommended best practices to strengthen system integrity.
Israel Defense Forces
(U//FOUO) Israel Defense Forces Naksa Violence Presentation
Israel Defense Forces Presentation on Six Day War Commemoration: Renewed Possibility of Violence Against Israel.
Colorado, Intelligence Fusion Centers
(U//FOUO) Colorado Information Analysis Center Chemical Sector Threat Report
The Colorado Information Analysis Center (CIAC) has no current information indicating an imminent threat to Colorado chemical sector critical infrastructure. However, both within the United States and abroad, recent attempts to perpetrate attacks utilizing the Postal and Shipping and Transportation Sectors has created a need for heightened awareness. The CIAC has produced this assessment to provide situational awareness on the current critical infrastructure threat environment, sector incidents and trends, as well as pertinent updates. Information contained in this report originates from CIAC cases, unclassified local, state, and federal databases, and open source reporting.
United States
Senate Report: Wall Street and the Anatomy of Financial Collapse
This Report is the product of a two-year bipartisan investigation by the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations into the origins of the 2008 financial crisis. The goals of this investigation were to construct a public record of the facts in order to deepen the understanding of what happened; identify some of the root causes of the crisis; and provide a factual foundation for the ongoing effort to fortify the country against the recurrence of a similar crisis in the future.
Department of Defense
Restricted U.S. Military Multi-Service Airspace Control Manual
This multi-Service tactics, techniques, and procedures (MTTP) publication facilitates multi-Service coordination, integration, and regulation of airspace during exercises and operations where more than one Service shares airspace for operational use.
Corporate, United States
Financial Crimes Law Enforcement/Subpoena Contacts List
Financial Crimes Law Enforcement/Suboena Contacts List from November 2010 detailing contact information for a variety of companies, banks, insurance agencies and other organizations that would need to be contacted over the course of financial crimes investigations.
U.S. Pacific Command
USPACOM Global Information Grid 3.0 Design Presentations
Several US PACCOM Global Information Grid 3.0 Design Presentations from 2010 through 2011.
Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation
(U//FOUO) DHS-FBI Unsubstantiated “Electronic Jihad” Warning November 2007
According to Debkafile, an Israeli electronic news website, a group claiming to be al-Qa‘ida has declared 11 November 2007 as the first day of a campaign of “electronic jihad” on the Internet. According to Debkafile, unspecified “al-Qa‘ida electronic experts” allegedly would begin attacking “Western, Jewish, Israeli, Muslim apostate and Shiite Web sites on that date with many more jihadist hackers joining in the attacks later [sic].” DHS and the FBI have no specific or credible information corroborating these cyber attack claims, or intelligence indicating this group is tied to al-Qa‘ida.
Department of State
U.S. State Department Money Laundering and Financial Crimes Country Database 2011
Every year, U.S. officials from agencies with anti-money laundering responsibilities meet to assess the money laundering situations in 200 jurisdictions. The review includes an assessment of the significance of financial transactions in the country‘s financial institutions involving proceeds of serious crime, steps taken or not taken to address financial crime and money laundering, each jurisdiction‘s vulnerability to money laundering, the conformance of its laws and policies to international standards, the effectiveness with which the government has acted, and the government‘s political will to take needed actions.
U.S. Marine Corps
(U//FOUO) USMC Ammunition Logistics Manual
Marine Corps Warfighting Publication (MCWP) 4-11.9, Ammunition Logistics, provides guidance for commanders, staffs, logisticians, ammunition and aviation ordnance officers, supply officers, and ammunition and aviation ordnance Marines. This publication discusses the Marine Corps ammunition and aviation ordnance communities’ organization and support structure, the general responsibilities of ammunition and aviation ordnance personnel, the systems used in support of ammunition logistics, planning considerations, safety issues, training, and the regulatory environment in which Marine Corps ammunition logistic operations are planned and executed. Various elements of Navy supporting establishments with ammunition responsibilities that have not been addressed in other USMC Service doctrine are introduced in the MCWP 4-11.9.
Department of Defense
Restricted U.S. Military Multi-Service Brevity Codes Manual
This publication will ease coordination and improve understanding during multi-Service operations. A Brevity code is a code which provides no security but which has as its sole purpose the shortening of messages rather than the concealment of their content (Joint Publication 1-02).
U.S. Navy
(U//FOUO) U.S. Navy Strategic Foreign Language List
The intent of the Navy SLL is to inform the Navy total force of Navy’s foreign language requirements. The list is used to shape foreign language capability and capacity in the force, prioritize development of related training, and facilitate administration of Navy’s Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus (FLPB) Program.
Libyan Investment Authority Management Information Report June 2010
Libyan Investment Authority Management Information Report documenting the Qaddaffi regime’s foreign investments as of June 2010.
India, Pakistan
Secret Indian Government David Headley Interrogation Report
Secret Government of India – Indian National Investigation Agency report on the interrogation of David Headley.
Department of Defense
Restricted U.S. Military Multi-Service Special Operations Forces Interoperability Manual
This multi-Service tactics, techniques, and procedures (MTTP) publication provides a comprehensive reference for commanders and staffs at the operational and tactical levels with standardized techniques and procedures to assist in planning and executing operations requiring integration of conventional forces and special operations forces (CF/SOF) occupying the same operational environment (OE). This MTTP publication serves as a reference to ensure coordinated multi-Service operations for CF/SOF integration and interoperability (I&I) in order to generate timely actions and increased opportunities while reducing the potential for fratricide. The guidance provided in this publication addressing command and control, maneuver, fire support, and force capabilities fills a doctrinal void and provides a single source document that will enhance effectiveness and improve inter-Service coordination.
Intelligence Fusion Centers, Maryland
(U//FOUO) Maryland Fusion Center Implications of Death of Osama bin Laden
The Intelligence Community (IC) assesses the death of al-Qa’ida (AQ) leader Usama Bin Laden could result in retaliatory attacks in the Homeland and against U.S. and Western interests overseas. Attacks might originate with AQ Core elements in the Tribal Areas of Pakistan, with one of their affiliates overseas, and/or with individuals in the Homeland sympathetic to the cause but lacking a formal group association. We have no indications of advanced AQ Core plotting efforts in the Homeland, but the case of now-detained AQ operative Najibullah Zazi—who, along with two associates, planned to attack New York City subway in 2009 using homemade explosives— demonstrates that unidentified operatives could advance plotting in the Homeland.
Department of Homeland Security
(U//FOUO) DHS Hotels Threat Assessment
This assessment is intended to support the activities of DHS and to assist federal, state, and local government counterterrorism and law enforcement officials, and the private sector in deterring, preventing, preempting, or responding to terrorist attacks against soft targets such as hotels in the United States. It is intended to support the national “See Something, Say Something” campaign.
Afghanistan, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
ISAF Afghan National Police Logistics Training Handbook
The mission of CJTF Phoenix is to train and mentor the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) to conduct independent, self-sustained Counter Insurgency (COIN) and Security Operations in order to defeat terrorism and provide a secure, stable environment within the borders of Afghanistan. The ANSF is primarily composed of the Afghan National Army (ANA), Afghan Uniformed Police (AUP), Afghan National Police (ANP), Afghan Border Patrol (ABP) and Afghan National Civil Order Police (ANCOP).