The Navy’s Airworthiness Office (AIR-4.0P) is responsible for the independent engineering assessment of all aircraft (manned and unmanned) and airborne weapon systems to ensure these air vehicles can be operated safely within defined operating limits.
Tag Archive for For Official Use Only
Intelligence Fusion Centers
Meth Lab Hazards to Emergency Responders
In November 2008, two special education teachers in South Bend, Indiana were arrested after a meth lab exploded in their home and caused a fire. According to law enforcement statistics, in 2008 the state of Indiana had a 31% increase in methamphetamine lab seizures since 2007. Recent disruption of meth “super labs” in Mexico may have opened up the market to smaller producers throughout the nation to supply demand for the drug.
International Fund for Agricultural Development
Evaluation of the Programme for Mainstreaming Gender in Poverty Reduction in Asia
The evaluation of the Programme for Mainstreaming Gender in Poverty Reduction in Asia, or Gender Mainstreaming Programme in Asia (GMP), was carried out in the framework of the corporate self-evaluation of the programmes and activities for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment which have been implemented by IFAD over the past several years.
Tanzania, World Bank
Joint Assistance Strategy for the United Republic of Tanzania FY2007 – FY2010
Through in-depth consultations, the Government of Tanzania finalized in June 2005 its second poverty reduction strategy called the “National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty”, or MKUKUTA, covering 2005-2010. The strategy identifies three clusters of broad outcomes: growth of the economy and reduction of income poverty; improvement of quality of life and social well-being; and governance and accountability.
Department of Defense
Armed Services Blood Program H1N1 Update
On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) raised the worldwide pandemic alert level to Phase 6 in response to the ongoing global spread of the novel influenza A (H1N1) virus.
North American Aerospace Defense Command
Memorandum of Agreement among NORAD, NENA, and NASNA
The purpose of this MOA is to provide guidance to, and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for, NENA and NASNA member Public Safety Answering Points (Pass or 9-1-1 centers) to expedite the transmission of certain reported information to the NORAD Continental US (CONR) and Alaska (ANR) Regions and/or Sectors.
U.S. Africa Command
U.S. Africa Command Overview
United States Africa Command, in concert with other U.S. Government agencies and international partners, conducts sustained security engagement through military-to-military programs, military-sponsored activities, and other military operations as directed to promote a stable and secure African environment in support of U.S. foreign policy.
Centers for Disease Control
Update on the epidemiology and clinical features of Novel H1N1
• January 2007 –“Novel influenza A” made a Nationally Notifiable Disease but CSTE –part of pandemic preparedness efforts
• RT-PCR for influenza capabilities developed by public health labs in U.S.
• Increasing numbers of swine influenza infections in humans being detected from improved surveillance
• Increasing efforts at states, CDC, and USDA to investigate human cases of swine influenza
U.S. Army
OTSG/USAMEDCOM 2009 H1N1 Flu Outbreak SITREP as of 191700JUNE2009
On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) raised the worldwide pandemic alert level to Phase 6 in response to the ongoing global spread of the novel influenza A (H1N1) virus. A Phase 6 designation indicates that a global pandemic is underway. More than 70 countries are now reporting cases of human infection with novel H1N1 flu.
Defense Logistics Agency
DLA Support in a Global Materiel Enterprise
# Provides 100% of Services’
* Subsistence
* Fuels
* Medical supplies
* Clothing & textiles
* Construction & barrier materiel
# 95% of Services’ repair parts
# Performs federal cataloging
Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
An Introduction to Exercises
* Assess and validate policies, plans, procedures, training, equipment, assumptions, and interagency agreements
* Clarify roles and responsibilities
* Improve interagency coordination and communications
* Identify gaps
* Measure performance
* Identify opportunities for improvement
Department of Homeland Security, FEMA
National Level Exercise 2010 (NLE 10) Exercise Overview
# Tier 1 National Level Exercise as per the National Exercise Program
# Domestic Terrorism focused
# Guided by National Planning Scenario #1: Nuclear Detonation
# Fully Integrated with Eagle Horizon 2010 (continuity exercise)
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Low Probability Cartel Violence Will Affect Seven County Area in Near Term
(U//FOUO) Los Angeles and Riverside are among 131 U.S. cities that report a Mexican drug-trafficking organization (DTO) presence with a corresponding cartel affiliation. In spite of this, cities in the Joint Regional Intelligence Center (JRIC)/Joint Drug Intelligence Group (JDIG)’s area of responsibility (AoR) have felt little impact from the violence currently affecting Mexico. and there is a low probability this will change in the near term (three to six months). Nevertheless, cartel members are using increasingly ruthless tactics.
Mississippi Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Plan
The purpose of this Section is to describe preparedness efforts and response actions in providing State assistance and coordinating local resources in modalities for mitigating transmission of PI; present the Federal concept of a pandemic severity index; set forth Federal parameters for early, targeted, layered use of non-pharmaceutical interventions; provide MSDH consensus statements on isolation and treatment of ill persons, and quarantine of household contacts of ill individuals.
U.S. Northern Command
NORAD and NORTHCOM Operations Plans Summary
NORAD Missions: Aerospace Warning: Detect, validate, characterize, assess and warn of attacks against North America, whether by aircraft, missiles or space vehicles. Aerospace Control: Detect and respond to unauthorized and unwanted air activity approaching or operating within North American airspace.
U.S. Northern Command
Joint Task Force Civil Support (JTF-CS) Brief
To present a general overview and understanding of JTF-CS roles, responsibilities and tools ISO CBRNE-CM (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, High Yield Explosive – Consequence Management) Operations. “USNORTHCOM anticipates and conducts Homeland Defense and Civil Support operations within the assigned area of responsibility to defend, protect, and secure the United States and its interests.“ GEN Renuart (14 NOV 07)
White House
Annual Report to Congress on the White House Office Staff
Ahrens, Rebecca A. Employee 42,800.00 Per Annum OPERATOR
Department of Defense
Information Operations Condition (INFOCON)
Information Operations Condition (INFOCON) is a threat level system in the United States similar to that of DEFCON or FPCON. INFOCON is a defense system based primarily on the status of information systems and is a method used by the military to defend against a computer network attack.
U.S. Strategic Command
Strategic Command Directive (SD) 527-1
The INFOCON system provides a framework within which the Commander USSTRATCOM (CDRUSSTRATCOM), regional commanders, service chiefs, base/post/camp/station/vessel commanders, or agency directors can increase the measurable readiness of their networks to match operational priorities.
U.S. Air Force
Air Force Advanced Technical Exploitation Contract
Rapid and generally automated exploitation and reporting with adequate human intervention to produce actionable intelligence. This activity ranges from data processing to initial data interpretation to data posting for rapid dissemination/access across the community. It supports current intelligence issues and threats, warning/combat/crisis operations, and cueing other intelligence collectors.
National Guard
Montana Vigilant Guard 2009 Brief
• Vigilant Guard (VG) dates are 15-16-17 Sep 09
• Units and Soldiers/Airmen will arrive via convoy.
• Units and Soldiers/Airmen will be required to in-process as part of JRSOI operations.
• JRSOI operations will be conducted at Fort Harrison, Helena, MT.
• Units entering the state are not logistically self-sufficient and must be supported by the JFHQ-MT.
• Approximately 675 Soldiers/Airmen participating in VG, approximately 20+ Units and 430 PAX from outside Helena, MT.
Department of Homeland Security
United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team Operations
The National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) is a partnership between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the public and private sectors. Established in 2003 to protect the nation’s internet infrastructure, US-CERT coordinates defense against and responses to cyber attacks across the nation. The organization interacts with federal agencies, state and local governments, industry professionals, and others to improve information sharing and incident response coordination and to reduce cyber threats and vulnerabilities.
Department of Homeland Security
DHS Senior Leadership Brief 2009 H1N1 Flu
As of Monday, 04 May 09, 698 schools in 33 States were closed due to confirmed and probable cases of H1N1 Flu. The closures impacted over 358,220 students and 20,684 teachers. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Reports 403 confirmed cases of H1N1 Flu in 38 States; 702 probable cases of H1N1 Flu in 41 States and the District of Columbia. Number of deaths remains at 1 (Texas). A state-by-state breakdown is listed in Table 1.
U.S. Northern Command
USNORTHCOM Antiterrorism (AT) Operations Order (U) 05-01
USNORTHCOM has been assigned the Force Protection (FP) mission and AT Program responsibility for the USNORTHCOM AOR. The purpose of the FP mission is to defend, detect, and mitigate against terrorist attacks directed at DoD personnel, infrastructure, resources, and information to ensure DoD’s continued warfighting capability. The scope of this mission extends to all DoD Elements and personnel in the USNORTHCOM AOR, whether assigned or unassigned to USNORTHCOM. While the FP mission supports USNORTHCOM’s primary missions of Homeland Defense (HLD) and Civil Support (CS), it is a separate task assigned in the Unified Command Plan (UCP) (ref. a.) and is executed through a different chain of command from the specified USNORTHCOM missions of HLD and CS. The successful execution of the USNORTHCOM FP mission enables the USNORTHCOM HLD and CS missions, and assures availability of DoD assets in support of other Combatant Command-assigned missions.
Open Source Center
People’s Republic of China Media Guide
Sweeping social and economic changes triggered by more than two decades of reform in China have led to equally sweeping changes in China’s vast, state-controlled media environment, particularly in the quantity and diversity of media sources and the development of the Internet. The Communist Party of China (CPC) not only tolerates much greater diversity in the media, but has strongly encouraged greater efforts to provide media content that resonates with the lives and interests of the population. Despite these changes, however, all pertinent information continues to be filtered through party censors to ensure that it is consistent with official policy. The party exercises especially tight control over the core mainstream media which deliver domestic and international news along with politically sensitive information. These media constitute the main vehicle for conveying the policy preferences and decisions of the central leadership.