Over the past few days, there has been an increase in computers infected with Fake spyware and anti-virus malware. These infestations produce a popup stating that your machine is infected with viruses and offer a way to remove them. The object of this software is to trick you into believing you have viruses that need to be removed. A scan will launch after you “click” anywhere on the message and will request payment for removal of the “viruses”.
Afghanistan, U.S. Army
U.S. Army Mechanisms of Afghan Insurgent Control and Local Governance
(U) Many students of insurgency and counterinsurgency attest to the importance of popular support to each side’s quest to achieve its objectives. Key aspects of popular support, including type (passive or active) and scope (limited or significant), are inarguably important in analyzing an insurgency. However, focusing solely or immediately on these aspects risks glossing over insurgent efforts to set conditions necessary to mobilize such support in the first place. Most notably, these conditions include the generation of compliance and the establishment and institutionalization of control.
Department of Homeland Security
(U//FOUO) DHS Warning on Pressure Cooker IEDs
(U//FOUO) Rudimentary improvised explosive devices (IEDs) using pressure cookers to contain the initiator, switch, and explosive charge (typically ammonium nitrate or RDX) frequently have been used in Afghanistan, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. Pressure cookers are common in these countries, and their presence probably would not seem out of place or suspicious to passersby or authorities. Because they are less common in the United States, the presence of a pressure cooker in an unusual location such as a building lobby or busy street corner should be treated as suspicious.
Johannes Mesherle Manslaughter Verdict
Alameda County Johannes Mesherle Manslaughter Verdict, July 8, 2010.
Afghanistan, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(U//FOUO) Stability Operations Information Center (SOIC) Kandahar Analysis
(U) Recent Civilian Casualties Have Damaged ISAF. Stories of civilian casualties in Uruzgan and Helmand in February 2010 had a clear and widespread negative impact on Kandahar residents’ attitudes toward international forces. Though the casualties occurred in other provinces, the effects felt by patrolling ISAF troops in Kandahar City included having rocks thrown at them by residents and, in a couple of cases, being spit upon. The negative feelings were not limited to Afghan civilians. Afghan National Police officials in Kandahar City repeatedly brought up the civilian casualties in the Uruzgan air strike with their American police mentors. For more on this subject, see p. 13.
Afghanistan, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(U//FOUO) Stability Operations Information Center (SOIC) Murghab District Assessment
(U//FOUO) Murghab District is a significant poppy cultivation and opiate trafficking region, largely due to its poor, agriculture-based economy and the presence of Taliban forces encouraging cultivation.
Afghanistan, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
ISAF Joint Command District Assessments
ISAF Joint Command District Assessments, April 10, 2008.
Afghan National Police Strategy January 2010
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan National Police Strategy, January 2010.
U.S. Air Force
(U//FOUO) U.S. Air Force Vehicle Bomb Mitigation Guide
This guide presents reference material associated with planning and executing programs and operations for protecting Air Force personnel and assets against the threat of vehicle bombs – it is designed for use by a variety of key players, ranging from the Airman at the base gate to the Installation Commander. As with all sound force protection efforts, this guide tackles the threat class using a multi-dimensional approach incorporating threat detection and loss mitigation.
U.S. Army
(U//FOUO) U.S. Army SWEAT/Infrastructure Reconnaissance Book
Similar to the Red Book and Sand Book, the SWEAT Book is the Soldier’s reference for Infrastructure Reconnaissance. While the Red and Sand Books focus on different regions, the SWEAT Book focuses on the subject regardless of the part of the world the Soldier may be located. The SWEAT Book is the continuation of the hard work of many organizations to include the National Training Center (the Sidewinders), countless MTOE units, the U.S. Army Engineer School, the Engineer Research and Development Center – (CERL), the U.S. Military Academy, etc. The efforts of all those involved has led to the continued progress towards solving this gap in our capabilities. Future work to be expected includes continued feedback from units supporting missions in OEF/OIF, and U.S.M.A.’s research on an infrastructure assessment methodology. The SWEAT Book will be updated accordingly.
Intelligence Fusion Centers, Ohio
(U//LES) Spice/K2 “Synthetic Marijuana” Warning
(U//FOUO) This bulletin provides information on a growing trend involving the use of an herb-based product similar to marijuana known as “Spice”, or “K2”. The product is being used to get high and it is legal to purchase.
National Guard, Washington
Washington National Guard Olympic Coordination Center Brief
Washington National Guard Olympic Coordination Center Brief, March 2010.
Department of Homeland Security
DHS Cybersecurity Research Roadmap
Global-scale identity management concerns identifying and authenticating entities such as people, hardware devices, distributed sensors and actuators, and software applications when accessing critical information technology (IT) systems from anywhere. The term global-scale is intended to emphasize the pervasive nature of identities and implies the existence of identities in federated systems that may be beyond the control of any single organization. This does not imply universal access or a single identity for all purposes, which would be inherently dangerous. In this context, global-scale identity management encompasses the establishment of identities, management of credentials, oversight and accountability, scalable revocation, establishment and enforcement of relevant policies, and resolution of potential conflicts. To whatever extent it can be automated, it must be administratively manageable and psychologically acceptable to users. It must, of course, also be embedded in trustworthy systems and be integrally related to authentication mechanisms and authorization systems, such as access controls. It also necessarily involves the trustworthy binding of identities and credentials. It is much broader than just identifying known individuals. It must scale to enormous numbers of users, computer systems, hardware platforms and components, computer programs and processes, and other entities.
Department of Homeland Security
(U//FOUO) DHS Attacks on Drinking Water Systems
(U//FOUO) Drinking water systems, especially treatment, distribution, and chemical storage facilities, may be targets for physical destruction, intentional contamination (possibly with chemical, biological or radiological materials), or cyber attack because the infrastructure is highly visible, less hardened, and more accessible than some other critical infrastructure. Terrorists have shown interest in biological agents that could be used for water contamination and, prior to 2003, planned surveillance of U.S. dams, reservoirs, and water supply systems to assess their potential as targets. Even a small-scale or thwarted attack could disrupt or deny service to businesses, households, and emergency responders or inspire public fear.
Afghan Police Photos
Afghanistan National Development Strategy Reconstruction Framework
Afghanistan National Development Strategy Reconstruction Framework, August – December 2009.
Afghanistan, United Nations
UNODC Afghanistan Opium Survey 2010
The majority of the 20 Afghan provinces that were poppy-free in 2009 will remain so this year. Yet, three provinces (Baghlan, Faryab and Sari Pul, all in the north) risk showing the beginning of a trend reversal, with a minimal increase in cultivation in the districts with higher insecurity. Five other provinces (Kunar, Nangarhar, Kabul, Laghman and Badakhshan), not poppy-free so far, are also expected to have negligible amounts of poppies.
Final and Draft Versions of G8 Muskoka Declaration
Final and Draft Versions of G8 Muskoka Declaration from May 26 – June 26, 2010.
Verizon Law Enforcement Legal Compliance Guide
Verizon Law Enforcement Legal Compliance Guide, August 3, 2006.
Sprint Law Enforcement Subpoena Compliance Manual
This handbook has been created to assist law enforcement agencies in their understanding of processes and procedures implemented by Sprint for the compliance of legal demands. The handbook will include contact information, billing information, service of legal demands on Sprint, types of legal demands required and miscellaneous general information for your future reference.
National Security Agency
Yakima Training Center
The Yakima Training Center (YTC) is a United States Army training center (Army maneuver training and live fire area) located in south central Washington state. It is bounded on the west by Interstate 82, on the south by the city of Yakima, on the north by the city of Ellensburg and Interstate 90, and on the east by the Columbia River. It comprises 327,000 acres (132,332 hectares) of land, most of which consists of shrub-steppe, making it one of the largest areas of shrub-steppe habitat remaining in Washington state. According to a 2001 report by the European Parliament, the Yakima Training Center is also an integral part of the ECHELON global communications interception system.
Department of Defense
Defense Readiness Reporting System Software User Manual 4.5.12
The Secretary of Defense directed that DRRS reflect a “transformational” response to significant changes in the strategic environment leading to increasing focus on capabilities-based operations and the rapid tailoring of resources. This transformation provides a unique and timely opportunity to change how the Department measures, assesses, and reports its readiness, and how it uses readiness information in planning and contingency response. Current global operations reinforce the urgent need for a readiness system that can provide accurate, relevant, and timely information to support operational planning as well as offer risk assessments of multiple simultaneous contingencies in the context of the Defense Strategy.
Intelligence Fusion Centers, New Mexico
EPIC Contaminated Marijuana Warning
On June 3, 2010, Buncombe/Henderson North Carolina Joint Criminal Interdiction Task Force agents seized 45.45 kilograms (100 pounds) of marijuana that was intentionally contaminated with chemical irritants in Asheville, North Carolina, during a traffic stop. The drugs were seized from a 1994 Dodge Ram conversion van, with a temporary Colorado registration, that was stopped for a traffic violation on eastbound Interstate 40 at mile marker 43 in Asheville. The driver was allegedly travelling from Denver, Colorado, to Charlotte, North Carolina. The driver provided agents with a Mexican driver’s license and claimed to reside in Kansas City, Kansas. The agents requested, and received, consent to search the van. During the search a drug-detection canine alerted to a carpet-covered plywood bed platform that was built in the back of the van.
International Monetary Fund
IMF G20 Report: Fair and Substantial Financial Sector Contribution
This report responds to the request of the G-20 leaders for the IMF to: “…prepare a report for our next meeting [June 2010] with regard to the range of options countries have adopted or are considering as to how the financial sector could make a fair and substantial contribution toward paying for any burden associated with government interventions to repair the banking system.”
BP RFID “People Tracking” Brief
BP RFID “People Tracking” Brief from May 2005.