An October 2009 guide for law enforcement on the path of an outlaw motorcycle gang member.
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department guide to improvised/disguised weapons and other officer safety concerns from June 2009.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Project Gunrunner Southwest Border Strategy Weapons of Choice from February 2008.
Four versions of the confidential law enforcement guide to requesting information from Facebook.
ATF Law Enforcement Guide to Gun Types, April 2006.
Confidential Montana Department of Corrections Gang Guide, November 2007.
Over the past two decades, a terrorist group known as Jamaat ul-Fuqra, or “Community of the Impoverished,” has been linked to multiple murders, bombings, and various other felonies throughout the United States and Canada. In 1980, a Pakistani cleric named Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani began preaching against Western culture at a Muslim mosque in Brooklyn, NY. He promoted Islam as the path to a better life and called for fighters to join his holy war against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.
ANALYSIS of terrorist preparations for past attacks overseas and in the United States suggests that preoperational indicators may be present in the days or weeks prior to an attack. Indicators may point to possible terrorist planning. Alone, an indicator can result from legitimate commercial activity or criminal activity not related to terrorism; however, multiple indicators can suggest a terrorist threat.
This presentation deals with how to prevent, prepare, and tactically respond to a active shooter incident. This will include a historical overview of noteworthy active shooter incidents, with an emphasis on school shootings. Lessons learned, key terms, and important definitions will be discussed as well as the crisis response box, lockdown, and evacuation procedures. This presentation will also review law enforcement equipment, training and tactics as well as post shooting event incident management and threat assessment & management techniques.
When a Disaster is declared, FEMA employees and Contracted Inspectors will be working in the affected area. In order to help you identify authorized FEMA staff and Contracted Inspectors, we are providing samples of authorized FEMA Identification Credentials. If there is any question regarding the authenticity of someone claiming to be a FEMA employee, inspector or representative, please contact us as soon as possible.
Confidential Harris County Texas Police CJIS Mobile Data Terminal Manual, For Law Enforcement Use Only, 2009.
The State and Provincial Police Planning Officers section (SPPPOS) is a part of the Division of State and Provincial Police of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP). Membership includes police agencies with responsibilities consisting of both highway patrol and criminal investigation responsibilities in the service of state and provincial governments, the federal government of Canada, or other sovereign governments exercising jurisdiction over territories within the United States or Canada. The organization is comprised of five geographic areas; the North Atlantic, North Central, North Atlantic, Mountain Pacific, and Southern regions. Each region may convene meetings as needed. An international conference is held annually.
The following primer on LoJack stolen vehicle recovery systems is written for law enforcement officers who communicate with the media. It’s designed to factually explain the various components of the LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System and how it is used by officers to track and recover vehicles that have been reported stolen by their owners. If you have additional questions on LoJack, please contact your local LoJack Law Enforcement Liaison or LoJack Corporate Communications.
MySpace.com (“MySpace”) is committed to assisting law enforcement, to the extent permitted by law, in investigations related to unlawful activity. This Law Enforcement Guide is designed to serve that purpose by providing information to facilitate law enforcement requests for user data held by MySpace. The Guide specifies what information is collected by MySpace, how long that information is retained, how to tailor requests to ensure MySpace produces the specific information sought, and the legal process necessary to permit MySpace to disclose different types of information. Finally, the Guide provides contact information for MySpace personnel dedicated specifically to responding to law enforcement requests, including emergency requests.
• Data retained by MySpace
– IP activity related to all logins and image uploads are retained for at least a year.
– Basic subscriber information is retained for at least a year.
– Private messages, blogs, and comments are available if they still exist live on the site.
– Deleted front end profile information is NOT retained by MySpace, nor do we retain previous versions of the profile.
Some of the most tragic events in our country’s recent history have been episodes where a deviant has carried out shootings in public places. These killings take place for no other reason than to harm as many innocent people as possible. They are often unpredictable and strike in places dear to us, such as our schools, churches, and places of work. They also can occur in random public settings. The definition of an active shooter incident is when one or more subjects participate in a shooting spree, random or systematic, with intent to continuously harm others. Active shooter scenarios are incredibly dangerous and difficult because there is no criminal objective (robbery, hostagetaking) involved other than mass murder.
The Verizon Wireless LERT is dedicated to responding to all lawful process for business and customer information. We assist law enforcement personnel and members of the legal community in a professional, knowledgeable and expeditious manner while maintaining the privacy and security of business and customer information. We provide informational presentations for law enforcement organizations and associations to further demonstrate our commitment and support of public safety.
2009 Meth Seizure Trends
* 1,008 Meth Seizures thru September 2009
* 542 Meth Seizures thru September 2008
* 86% Increase over the Same Period in 2008.
* Seizure Total Could Reach 1,344 for all of 2009
* Reasons for Increase
* One Pot Manufacturing
This booklet is published by the Texas Department of Public Safety, Criminal Intelligence Service, with the cooperation of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice-Security Threat Group Management Office. It is being provided as a resource to assist law enforcement agencies and correctional staff in identifying possible members of Security Threat Groups (STGs) and is not to be disseminated outside your agency.