352 search results for "cell"

Army Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS A) Commander’s Handbook

Access to the Intelligence Enterprise is through the Distributed Common Ground System-Army (DCGS-A). This Commander’s Handbook is an overview of the capabilities DCGS-A is providing to the commander. It addresses the benefits of employment of DCGS-A as a whole, rather than any particular fielded version. DCGS-A, as a component to the DoD Distributed Common Ground/Surface System Mission Area program, is greatly contributing to the Joint and combined Warfighter needs.

JFHQ New York – Vigilant Guard Execise Brief

Vigilant Guard is…
•A national exercise program sponsored by the National Guard Bureau and United States Northern Command
•Provides a training opportunity for National Guard forces to practice emergency response operations
•Provides an opportunity to the National Guard to build relationships with local, state, regional and federal partners against a variety of different homeland security threats, including natural disasters and terrorist attack
•Includes National Guard troops from several states along with local, state, county and city emergency response units and agencies.
•Provides a realistic training opportunity for civilian and military officials to work together and coordinate in order to protect lives and property

Iraq Detainee Operations Strategic Communication Plan

The concept of strategic communication is an often-discussed topic within government policy circles and at all levels of professional military education. Doctrinal definitions are continually updated and refined to the point that few appear to agree upon the role that strategic communication should play as either a diplomatic function, an aspect of military operational planning, or a process to be executed in the course of national policy. There are, however, a set of key points that all sides seem to agree upon.

Los Angeles Public Health Emergency Annex to Safe School Plans

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACPDH) encourages schools, residents, community organizations and businesses to develop plans and policies in the event of a public health emergency, such as a pandemic or other large-scale disease outbreak. Preparedness is one of the best prevention techniques available. Many of the planning procedures and precautionary measures suggested are important to practice in everyday life—not only in the event of a public health emergency.

TOPOFF 3 AAR Private Sector Annex

Private-sector organizations participated in the Top Officials (TOPOFF) 3 (T3) exercise as partners with Federal, State, and local (FSL) government entities to test their combined ability to prepare for and respond to simulated biological and chemical terrorist attacks in Connecticut and New Jersey. The private sector’s participation in the exercise was extensive. Over 140 private sector organizations—representing critical infrastructure sectors, industry associations, public works, faith-based organizations, and multinational non-governmental organizations—played from 450 locations across the United States.

Violence Reduction: Intelligence Led Policing

ILP: Products
• Strategic Intelligence: Helps decision makers define a vision and hold managers accountable.
• Operational Intelligence: Gives managers adequate information to develop operational plans and adjust resources.
• Tactical Intelligence: Allows line personnel the ability to focus their efforts on solving problems and targeting the right people.

TOPOFF 4: Medical Responder Guide

The Medical Care Point (MCP) Exercise is a component of the TOPOFF (“T4”) full-scale exercise (FSE) in the Oregon venue. An MCP is a temporary medical treatment facility to relieve overextended hospital emergency rooms and emergency clinics. This Participant Guide contains excerpts from the Exercise Control Plan that are relevant to Responder Participants. It was drafted by James Spitzer, Emergency Preparedness Manager for the Multnomah County Health Department, in consultation with planners from other participating organizations.

Infrastructure Protection Report: Stadiums and Arenas

There are more than 1,300 stadiums and arenas in the United States. They are located in every region and state; in most, if not all, major municipalities; in many smaller localities; and often on university and high school campuses. Arenas and stadiums range in size from on-campus field houses and high school football stadiums that can accommodate a few hundred people to downtown sports arenas, large indoor/outdoor stadiums, and automobile racetracks that can accommodate over 100,000 spectators.

Statement by Director General Israel Atomic Energy Commission To the International Atomic Energy Agency

Mme President, let me begin by congratulating you, on being elected President of the General Conference. I can assure you the fullest cooperation of the delegation of Israel, in carrying out your important and responsible tasks. I also wish to congratulate the kingdom of Cambodia and the Republic of Rwanda as new members of the Agency. Yesterday, the General Conference has confirmed Ambassador Yukiya Amano of Japan, to the most professional and distinguished post of IAEA’s Director General. Israel has known Ambassador Amano’s professional qualifications and personal integrity over the years, and looks forward to working with him in this new capacity. We wish Ambassador Amano much success in guiding the work of the Agency.

New Jersey ROIC: Indicators of Criminal and Terrorist Activities ~ Storage Facilities

On April 16, 2008, authorities arrested Roger Von Bergendorff for possession of the deadly biological toxin ricin after searches of three storage lockers he rented in Utah revealed traces of ricin, laboratory equipment, chemicals, and castor beans (the ingredient from which ricin is derived), as well as a drawing of an injection device. When Bergendorff fell critically ill in February in a Las Vegas hotel room, authorities discovered vials containing enough ricin to kill more than 500 people.

(U) US-Based Street Gangs a Potential Recruiting Pool for Terrorist Groups

Several domestically based extremist organizations have demonstrated an interest in recruiting current and former gang members. No specific, credible intelligence indicates members of US-based street gangs are currently engaged in operational planning on behalf of terrorist organizations targeting the United States; however, former gang members have been arrested for terrorist plotting as recently as 2005. Terrorist recruitment patterns could potentially increase gang member involvement with terrorist groups.

GISAC Fire, Haz Mat, and EMS Intelligence Bulletin

A news article from July 18, 2009 highlights a new medication has been developed which reportedly can protect people exposed to normally lethal doses of radiation from a nuclear or a “dirty” bomb.
The article cited tests involving 650 monkeys exposed to radiation equivalent to that recorded during the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster in 1986, 70 per cent died while the rest suffered serious maladies, the newspaper Yediot Achronot said yesterday.

Operation Iraqi Freedom Military Police and Counterinsurgency Operations

The Center for Army Lessons Learned recently deployed a Collection and Analysis Team (CAAT) into Iraq to look at Military Police (MP) operations in support of the maneuver commander in Counterinsurgency (COIN) operations and to support a Chief of Staff of the Army (CSA) requirement to look at developing an organization whose mission it is to assist a developing country in professionalizing its police forces and establishing rule of law.

Report of the Working Party on the Accession of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the World Trade Organization

On 13 June 1993, the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (hereinafter referred to as Saudi Arabia) requested accession to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT 1947). At its meeting on 21 July 1993, the GATT 1947 Council of Representatives established a Working Party to examine the application of the Government of Saudi Arabia to accede to the General Agreement under Article XXXIII, and to submit to the Council recommendations which may include a draft Protocol of Accession.

Mississippi Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Plan

The purpose of this Section is to describe preparedness efforts and response actions in providing State assistance and coordinating local resources in modalities for mitigating transmission of PI; present the Federal concept of a pandemic severity index; set forth Federal parameters for early, targeted, layered use of non-pharmaceutical interventions; provide MSDH consensus statements on isolation and treatment of ill persons, and quarantine of household contacts of ill individuals.

Vermont Homeland Security State Strategy

Vermont’s State Homeland Security Strategy (SHSS) has been developed to identify the priorities for enhancing local, regional and state capabilities to prevent, protect, respond to and recover from an all hazards incident or preplanned event. It is understood that Vermont cannot prepare for every possible hazard; however, through careful capabilities-based planning we can strategically allocate resources to enhance our preparedness and response.

Recent Terrorist Plots Highlight Insider Threat

Information from several recent planned or thwarted terrorist plots shows the importance of the use of insiders to gain access to targets and collect preoperational information. Al-Qa‘ida planner Dhiren Barot, whom UK authorities arrested in 2006, had tasked a member of his group to secure employment at a hotel in the United Kingdom to learn how to deactivate fire and security systems.

Air Force Advanced Technical Exploitation Contract

Rapid and generally automated exploitation and reporting with adequate human intervention to produce actionable intelligence. This activity ranges from data processing to initial data interpretation to data posting for rapid dissemination/access across the community. It supports current intelligence issues and threats, warning/combat/crisis operations, and cueing other intelligence collectors.

Region XIII+ (MT) MPC Planning Conference

Vigilant Guard is a Homeland Security/Homeland Defense FEMA Regional exercise program sponsored by NORADNORTHCOM
and the National Guard Bureau J7 Office. The program provides an opportunity for State National Guard Joint Force Headquarters
to improve command and control and operational relationships with internal, regional civilian and military partners.