352 search results for "cell"

Iran Nuclear Sites: Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant

The Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant (Persian نیروگاه اتمی بوشهر) is a nuclear power plant in Iran which is under construction 17 kilometres (11 mi) south-east of the city of Bushehr, between the fishing villages of Halileh and Bandargeh along the Persian Gulf. The nuclear power plant was planned to go on network in 2009. As late as November 28, 2009, the construction of the facility was said to be on schedule for completion.

(U//FOUO) Jakarta Hotel Bombings: A Look at Insider Threats and the Targeting of Western Executives

(U//FOUO) This intelligence bulletin was produced in conjunction with the Jakarta Hotel Bombing Intelligence Briefing which is also available from the San Diego RTTAC. This document presents an analysis of the Jakarta suicide bombings and the post‐attack investigation to include key judgments, tactics, techniques, and procedures. This bulletin is based on preliminary open source reporting pending a final report from Indonesian authorities.

DHS Deceased Internal Cocaine Smuggling Photos

On 6/21/2007, Juan Carlos GOMEZ arrived at Miami International Airport from Bogota, Colombia, on Avian flight #008. Passenger GOMEZ presented himself for inspection to CBPO Ortiz at Passport Control at 2311 hrs. CBPO Ortiz admitted GOMEZ as a USC and referred him to Baggage Control Secondary to verify his parole status as Ortiz indicated prior drug arrest. At approximately 2335 hrs GOMEZ presented his CBP form 6059B to the primary baggage control officer and was escorted to baggage secondary for further examination. The floor coordinator was informed of the situation and assigned CBPO Medrano to conduct GOMEZ’s secondary inspection at 2340 hrs. SCBPOs Adan and Sanfilippo were also informed of GOMEZ’s record.

FBI Terrorism Quick Reference Card

First responding officers should be aware of suspicious factors that may indicate a possible terrorist threat. These factors should be considered collectively in assessing a possible threat. This quick reference guide is intended to provide practical information for line officers but may not encompass every threat or circumstance. State and local law enforcement may contact their local FBI field office or resident agency for additional assistance.

U.S. Army Public Affairs Handbook

Below are some suggestions on why to release information as early as possible:

1. The American public, Congress and the media are entitled to “timely and accurate” information about the military, per the DoD Principles of Information (See Appendix).

2. Early release of information sets the pace and tone for resolution of a problem.

3. If you wait, the story will often leak anyway. If it does, you jeopardize trust and credibility.

How a Boy Becomes a Martyr: The Dangers of Web 2.0 Technology

The following report is a fictitious account of how a young person in America could become a suicide bomber for an Islamic extremist group. It is the fifth in a series of reports on Web 2.0 technology and future urban warfare. All references to people, groups, and products are intended for illustrative purposes only. As such, the authors do not suggest that any of the products or organizations listed condone or support extremist activities.

Louisiana Multiyear Training and Exercise Plan 2009-2011

The purpose of the Multiyear Training and Exercise Plan (TEP) is to provide a companion document to the State of Louisiana Homeland Security Strategy. The Louisiana Multiyear TEP is a living document that will be updated and refined annually. This plan provides a roadmap for Louisiana to follow in accomplishing the priorities described in the State of Louisiana Homeland Security Strategy. Each priority is linked to the associated target capabilities that will facilitate its accomplishment and to the training and exercises that will help obtain or validate those capabilities and address that priority.

FEMA Region X Multi-year Training and Exercise Plan 2010-2014

Region X identified the following exercises as part of the Regional-level calendar. Any HSEEP-based exercise where the host/lead is a State, Federal jurisdiction, or a Federal/State partnership and engages with at least one State and/or Federal agency (primarily Emergency Support Function [ESF] partners) within FEMA Region X may be placed on the Regional-level calendar. In addition, associated training courses available, or needed, to prepare exercise participants for the identified Regional-level exercises are included in the following table.

Canadaian Government Afghanistan Terrorist Financing List 2002

In order to assist Canadians, and particularly financial institutions, in continuing to cooperate with authorities and in complying with the United Nations Suppression of Terrorism Regulations and the United Nations Afghanistan Regulations, the Government of Canada has prepared the attached consolidated list of individuals and entities whose property should be frozen and reported to the relevant authorities.

Customs and Border Protection Secure Freight Initiative Brief

The Security Filing, commonly known as the “10+2” initiative, is a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulation that requires importers and vessel operating carriers to provide additional advance trade data to CBP pursuant to Section 203 of the SAFE Port Act of 2006 and section 343(a) of the Trade Act of 2002, as amended by the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002, for non-bulk cargo shipments arriving into the United States by vessel.

Jersey IMF Financial System Stability Assessment

The main findings of the FSAP update are:

* Financial sector regulation and supervision are of a high standard, and processes and resourcing have been significantly enhanced since a 2003 assessment under the Offshore Financial Center (OFC) program. The Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC) operates with considerable independence as well as accountability, and has broadly adequate resources.
* The financial crisis has highlighted the vulnerability of Jersey’s banks to events in major financial centers. While Jersey supervisors cannot feasibly analyze in depth the soundness of the financial groups to which their Jersey operations provide extensive funding, it should be able to detect and react to intensified risks stemming from parent institutions.
* Jersey has experienced some effects from the global crisis, but financial soundness indicators (FSIs) for institutions licensed on the island have been satisfactory, and stress tests confirm that the system is resilient to a range of shocks. However, there is high concentration risk and spill-over risk from parent banks.
* The authorities are making contingency plans, a key element of which will be cooperation with home supervisors. Experience elsewhere suggests the usefulness of a dedicated bank insolvency regime.
* Possible introduction of a bank depositor compensation scheme would require careful study. In any case, all depositors must receive clear information on who is responsible for safeguarding their claims and the scheme’s coverage, if any.

NATO Takedown Notices to Public Intelligence

To Whom it may concern,
On 07 September 2009, the NATO Computer Incedent Response Capability TC detected a NATO classified document posted on your website at http://www.publicintelligence.net/nato-report-on-russian-ballistic-rockets-and-missiles/
The document is entitled “Ballistic Rockets and Missiles” and bears the NATO RESTRICTED marks.
Investigation are ongoing in order to verify the reliability of the document and its NATO classification. However, you are requested to immediately remove the document from the website.
Giulio Ferraresi
Major ITA Army
Head, Incident Handling Cell
NCN: (254) 2682
+32 65 44 2682
+32 65 44 5414 Fax NU
Email: Giulio.Ferraresi@ncirc.nato.int

FM 3-09.34 Kill Box Tactics and Multiservice Procedures

This publication presents a doctrinal framework for kill box employment procedures across Service and/or functional components within a joint environment. A kill box is defined in Joint Publication (JP) 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, as: “A three-dimensional area reference that enables timely, effective coordination and control and facilitates rapid attacks.” Although a definition exists, there is no formal kill box doctrine or tactics, techniques, and procedures.

Climatic Research Unit Strategic Review – Summary of External Input

The relatively high response rate and the considerable thought that most respondents put into answering the questions suggests that people feel positively about CRU and its future. This is also reflected in the overall nature of the responses – which indicate that CRU is widely and highly regarded. Taking all responses together, the full range of CRU’s past and current activities is acknowledged. The responses are thus largely reassuring and do not contain any major surprises so far as our current strengths and weaknesses are concerned – although a number of interesting insights require some thought.

Climatic Research Unit Documents: IPCC Working Group Fourth Assessment Expert Review

I have four chief concerns with this chapter. First, there are numerous important references left out, and an over-emphasis on papers by the authors themselves, which do not accurately reflect the communities’ view. In general, the certainty with which this chapter presents our understanding of abrupt climate change is overstated. There is confusion between hypothesis and evidence throughout the chapter, and a great deal of confusion on the difference between an abrupt “climate change” and possible, hypothetical cuases of such climate changes (e.g. Heinrich events). Second, the use of the terms “very likely”, “likely”, etc. are not in conformance with the rest of the IPCC document — some things that are virtually certain are listed as “likely” and mere hypotheses, largely untested, are listed as “very likely”. This carelessness does not add credibility to this chapter. Third, extensive reference is made to a very few recent papers that have not yet been thoroughly considered by the scientific community, and whose relevance to future climate is, in my judgement, greatly overstated.

Multi-National Corps Iraq Counter-IED Smart Book 2008

All personnel are to be moved away from the suspect item. Mark your location and note the direction and distance to the device. Move to a minimum distance of 300 meters from the suspect item. The Convoy Commander or Patrol Leader at the scene makes the decision on how large an area to clear based on METT-TC. Detonation may be imminent if the device was armed before being located. Personnel should make maximum use of hard cover, ensuring they are out of the direct Line of Site (LOS) from the suspect area to cleared positions. If cover cannot be obtained, maximize distance from the device.

IMF Lebanon Staff Visit September 10-18, 2009

An International Monetary Fund mission visited Lebanon September 10-18, 2009 to discuss developments through end-June 2009 under the authorities’ program supported by Emergency Post-Conflict Assistance (EPCA) and the outlook for 2009. The mission met with the Minister of Finance, the Governor of the Banque du Liban (BdL), and other high-ranking officials. The mission is grateful for the open and constructive dialogue, the warm hospitality, and the excellent cooperation.

International Finance Corporation Annual Portfolio Performance Review FY09

This report provides (i) a brief overview of IFC’s investment environment and outlook for portfolio performance, (ii) a comprehensive review of IFC’s investment portfolio and performance and (iii) a review of the development effectiveness of IFC’s portfolio. The report should be viewed as a snapshot of portfolio trends as of the end of FY09 which will be supplemented throughout the year by IFC’s Quarterly Report to the Board, as well as other regular reports including IFC’s Annual Report, IFC’s Annual Report on Financial Risk Management and Capital Adequacy, IFC’s Business Plan and Budget, and IFC’s Road Map.

IMF Report on Switzerland Fiscal Transparency

This report provides an assessment of the fiscal transparency practices of Switzerland against the requirements of the IMF Code of Good Practices on Fiscal Transparency (2007). The first part is a description of practices, prepared by IMF staff on the basis of discussions with the authorities and their responses to the fiscal transparency questionnaire, and drawing on other available information. The second part is an IMF staff commentary on fiscal transparency in Switzerland. The two appendices summarize the staff’s assessments, comment on the observance of good practices, and document the public availability of information.

DHS Influenza A(H1N1) National Integrated Report

• As of 16 October, the number of Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) deaths in the U.S. was 537 this week compared to 405 deaths reported last week. (Source: HHS/CDC)
• As of 16 October, the most significant impacts of A(H1N1) remain increased ILI outpatient visits and influenza associated pediatric deaths. (Source: HHS/CDC)
• CDC provided updated interim guidance on the use of face masks and N95 respirators for decreasing exposure to A(H1N1). (Source: HHS/CDC)

Colorado State Patrol 2008-2009 Strategic Plan

• Enforce all the laws of the State of Colorado.
• Direct, control and regulate motor vehicle traffic on public roadways.
• Inspect vehicles for safety-related equipment violations.
• Provide community education and administer safety programs to the public.
• Perform criminal interdiction on Colorado highways, focusing on the transport of illegal drugs.
• Assist in state homeland security efforts.