This Joint Staff Advisory Note (JSAN) reviews Sierra Leone’s Second Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP-H) covering the period 2009-2012, The PRSP-I1 examines achievements and lessons learned under the first PRSP, analyzes challenges and constraints in the economy, and lays out the strategic priorities for accelerating growth and reducing Poverty.
German Navy Vision 2025+
Deutschland (DEU) wird auch zukünftig eine wichtige Rolle – insbesondere in Europa – einnehmen, um seiner sicherheitspolitischen Verantwortung in der Staaten-gemeinschaft gerecht zu werden. Das DEU Engagement wird deshalb nicht hinter den aktuellen Stand zurück fallen, sondern sich eher ausweiten und verstärken. DEU wird der Zusammenarbeit in NATO, EU und VN auch weiterhin große Bedeutung beimessen. Außerdem muss es sich ggf. auch an kurzfristig zusammentretenden Koalitionen beteiligen können, um Bedrohungen vorzubeugen und ihnen rechtzeitig dort zu begegnen, wo sie entstehen.
Department of Defense
DoD Seeking Radar Commonality: Multifunctional Phased Array Radar
Impact of the Radar JAT
• Designated specific radar acquisition programs as Special Interest
– USMC Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar
– USMC AN/TPS-59 Radar Product Improvement Program
– USAF Three Dimensional Expeditionary Long Range Radar
• Directed Radar Open Systems Architecture Defense Support Team stand-up.
Customs and Border Protection
Customs and Border Protection Secure Freight Initiative Brief
The Security Filing, commonly known as the “10+2” initiative, is a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulation that requires importers and vessel operating carriers to provide additional advance trade data to CBP pursuant to Section 203 of the SAFE Port Act of 2006 and section 343(a) of the Trade Act of 2002, as amended by the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002, for non-bulk cargo shipments arriving into the United States by vessel.
Banque de France Brief: “Data on liquidity and solvency”
Les données sur la solvabilité et la liquidité bancaires.
Centers for Disease Control
Novel Influenza A H1N1 Update
Response to H1N1
•Strategic National Stockpile
•Distributed 25% pro rata supply
•Enhanced Surveillance Initiated
•PCR panH1N1 kits for testing
•Development at CDC, EUA at FDA, manufacture at ATCC, and ready to ship in ~ 2.5 weeks
Iraq, U.S. Army
(U) Iraq: Fallujah Insurgency and the 505th and 506th Iraqi National Guard Battalions
(U) Purpose:
* (U) To discuss the current status and capabilities of the 505th and 506th ING BNs.
* (U) To discover how the Fallujah Insurgency threatened and „beheaded‟ the leadership of these two BNs causing mass desertions from the two units.
* (U) To inform deploying units on AIFs methods of influencing the allegiance of Iraqi Security Forces (ISFs) personnel.
U.S. Army
Iraq & Afghanistan Provincial Reconstruction Teams Playbook
Provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs) were established as a result of the need to develop the infrastructure necessary for the Afghan and Iraqi people to succeed in a post-conflict environment. The efforts of PRTs take place every day during a time when major conflict is commonplace in both countries. PRTs have become an integral part of the long-term strategy to transition the lines of security, governance, and economics to the indigenous people. Integrated appropriately, PRTs serve as combat multipliers for maneuver commanders engaged in governance and economics, as well as other critical lines of operation. In addition, PRTs serve as force multipliers for U.S. Government (USG) development agencies engaged across the stability and reconstruction sectors.
U.S. Central Command
Afghanistan Northern Distribution Network: “The New Silk Road”
The New Silk Road: The Challenge
• Mission:
– Support the imminent doubling of US Forces (primarily in the south and west) and the upgrade of Operating Bases throughout the country, without impacting on‐going sustainment operations or force‐rotations in the north and east regions.
• Enemy:
– Security and Risk of theft along the existing route
– Fragile and fractured political climate within Pakistan
• Terrain:
– Limited ground routes through Pakistan
– Bureaucratic processes at the AFG‐PAK Border vic Peshawar
– Limited maturity of physical Infrastructure,
– Constrained air network in Afghanistan, particularly the south
Afghanistan, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
ISAF Afghanistan RC & PRT Locations October 2009
Map of all ISAF RC and PRT Locations in Afghanistan as of October 22, 2009.
International Monetary Fund
Jersey IMF Financial System Stability Assessment
The main findings of the FSAP update are:
* Financial sector regulation and supervision are of a high standard, and processes and resourcing have been significantly enhanced since a 2003 assessment under the Offshore Financial Center (OFC) program. The Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC) operates with considerable independence as well as accountability, and has broadly adequate resources.
* The financial crisis has highlighted the vulnerability of Jersey’s banks to events in major financial centers. While Jersey supervisors cannot feasibly analyze in depth the soundness of the financial groups to which their Jersey operations provide extensive funding, it should be able to detect and react to intensified risks stemming from parent institutions.
* Jersey has experienced some effects from the global crisis, but financial soundness indicators (FSIs) for institutions licensed on the island have been satisfactory, and stress tests confirm that the system is resilient to a range of shocks. However, there is high concentration risk and spill-over risk from parent banks.
* The authorities are making contingency plans, a key element of which will be cooperation with home supervisors. Experience elsewhere suggests the usefulness of a dedicated bank insolvency regime.
* Possible introduction of a bank depositor compensation scheme would require careful study. In any case, all depositors must receive clear information on who is responsible for safeguarding their claims and the scheme’s coverage, if any.
Her Majesty's Treasury
Restricted HM Treasury Brief: Taxing Controlled Foreign Companies
Emerging thinking on overall shape of new regime
•Entity v Income
•Balance between objective and purposive approachesObjective approachwould work by designing simple tests as proxies for artificial diversion from the UK Purposive approachwould work by having an over-riding principle that would apply to profits held in low tax jurisdictions
•Based on feedback from working groups, questionnaires and wider business consultation, preferred shape of new regime:
•Entity rather than income basis, but moving away from an ‘all or nothing’ approach
•Prefer to start with simple/certain objective tests, reducing pressure on subjective purpose based test
•Avoid tracing rules
Department of Agriculture
SSI USDA Physical Security Access Control System (PSACS) Privacy Impact Assessment
The Office of Departmental Administration (DA) Office of Security Services (OSS) Protective Operations Division (POD) is within the US. Department of Agriculture (USDA). This Privacy Impact Assessment evaluates privacy information residing on the Physical Security Access Control System (PSACS). The DA/OSS is responsible for providing physical, personal, and document security services. These POD services are provided in the USDA South Building/Whitten complex and at leased buildings in the National Capital Region (NCR).
Federal Aviation Administration
FAA Wide (WAAS) and Local Area Augmentation Systems (LAAS) Update
WAAS Navigation Services
•En Route and Terminal Area Navigation Services
–For Aircraft Departure, Arrival, and Domestic Airspace
–Supports All RNAV Categories
•Instrument Approach Services
–Lateral Navigation (LNAV)
LAAS Status
•Integrity Analysis and Prototype Development
–FAA GBAS prototype work under Honeywell Contract
–Hazardous Misleading Information (HMI) Analysis underway to validate GBAS architecture/design
•GBAS CAT I Approval Process
–System Design Approval for Honeywell architecture (SLS 4000) Planned to Complete by 2008
Afghanistan, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
ISAF Local Operating Procedures Kabul Afghansitan International Airport
Kabul International Airport belongs to the MoTCA, which operates KAIA. It is supported by the Troop Contributing Nations (TCNs). COM KAIA, under the command of COM ISAF, operates the military component of KAIA, assists the Afghan authorities in operating KAIA, and also assumes Air Traffic Control Authority in KABUL Control Zone (CTR).
Afghanistan, U.S. Army
Operation Enduring Freedom Handbook: The First Hundred Days
The first 100 days of any deployment are the most dangerous. It is the time when you know the least about your environment, the time when most of the team really comes together. The enemy knows the first 100 days are when units are the most vulnerable. This handbook is written for Soldiers and leaders. It is intended to help you accomplish your mission and stay alive during the most dangerous and uncertain period. The information presented in this handbook was collected from combat experienced Soldiers, company leaders, and battalion leaders, and it will help you develop your leadership and training skills before deployment and during the first 100 days after deployment.
Report on Breaches of Fiduciary Duty by the Executors of the Estate of Cornelius Vander Starr
This Report sets out the facts discovered by the Office of the New York State Attorney General (the “Office” or the “Attorney General”) in an investigation of breaches of fiduciary duties by Maurice R. Greenberg and the other executors of the estate of Mr. Cornelius Vander Starr (the “Estate”) who were also directors of The Starr Foundation (the “Foundation”). Mr. Starr was the founder of a group of insurance businesses that have become American International Group, Inc.
United Nations
Copenhagen Draft Treaty “Danish Text”
The Parties underline that climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time and commit to a vigorous response through immediate ambitious national action and strengthened international cooperation with a view to limit global average temperature rise to a maximum of 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels. The Parties are convinced of the need to address climate change bearing in mind that social and economic development and poverty eradication are the first and overriding priorities in developing countries. The Parties note that the largest share of historical global emissions of greenhouse gases originates in developed countries, and that per capita emissions in many developing countries are still relatively low. The Parties recognize the urgency of addressing the need for enhanced action on adaptation to climate change.
Threats and Takedown Notices
NATO Takedown Notices to Public Intelligence
To Whom it may concern,
On 07 September 2009, the NATO Computer Incedent Response Capability TC detected a NATO classified document posted on your website at
The document is entitled “Ballistic Rockets and Missiles” and bears the NATO RESTRICTED marks.
Investigation are ongoing in order to verify the reliability of the document and its NATO classification. However, you are requested to immediately remove the document from the website.
Giulio Ferraresi
Major ITA Army
Head, Incident Handling Cell
NCN: (254) 2682
+32 65 44 2682
+32 65 44 5414 Fax NU
European Central Bank
Oversampling the wealthy: eye for an eye, euro for a euro
When a particular part of the population is especially important for a survey, oversampling that group can help the survey to provide better estimates. However, oversampling is not always easy or inexpensive. The ideal situation is one where information exists for the population that can help to discriminate the interesting sub-group and that information is available for sampling. Sometimes the information is weak for the intended purpose and sometimes there are restrictions on the use of information that make sampling difficult or impossible.
U.S. Army
FM 3-09.34 Kill Box Tactics and Multiservice Procedures
This publication presents a doctrinal framework for kill box employment procedures across Service and/or functional components within a joint environment. A kill box is defined in Joint Publication (JP) 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, as: “A three-dimensional area reference that enables timely, effective coordination and control and facilitates rapid attacks.” Although a definition exists, there is no formal kill box doctrine or tactics, techniques, and procedures.
Threats and Takedown Notices
Army Requests Removal of Document from Public Intelligence
Subject: FW: FOUO DCGS-A Commanders Handbook On Public Website (i.e., (UNCLASSIFIED)
From: “Garcia, Michael F LTC NG USA”
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 09:42:46 -0700
CC: “McCue, Thomas V Mr CIV USA USAASC”
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
It has come to our attention our DCGS-A Commander’s Handbook is posted
on your website. The document is FOUO and needs to be password protect
and removed from your website ASAP.
Thank you,
LTC Mike Garcia
Asst TCM-Sensor Processing
Bldg 41419, Ft. Huachuca, Az 85615
Office# 520-533-8938
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Marine Corps Close Quarters Battle Equipment Technical Manual
This Technical Manual (TM), authenticated for Marine Corps use and effective upon receipt, describes the technical characteristics and components for Marine Corps Close Quarters Battle Equipment (CQBE).
U.S. Navy
U.S. Fleet Forces Naval Oceanography Overview
Warfighter Support
•Fleet Operations
–Direct support to CSG and ARG commanders, and Joint and contingency operations worldwide
•Maritime Operations
–Routine ship weather forecasts
–Joint Typhoon Warning Center
•Aviation Operations
–Flight Route Weather Briefings via internet-based Flight Weather Briefer
–Multi-purpose Survey Ships
–Fleet Survey Team
U.S. Marine Corps
Unexploded Ordinance Standoff Disruptor MK 40 MOD 0 (UXO SD)
The Purpose of this ULSS is to provide guidance relative to the procurement of (73) Unexploded Ordnance Standoff Disrupter MK 40 Mod 0 (UXO SD). The Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) forces are increasingly challenged due to the alarming proliferation of arms and ammunition throughout the world and the trend toward greater weapon sophistication. The objectives of the program are to: increase readiness, availability, maintainability, dependability; decrease life cycle cost; and to incorporate new technology enhancements.