The concept of strategic communication is an often-discussed topic within government policy circles and at all levels of professional military education. Doctrinal definitions are continually updated and refined to the point that few appear to agree upon the role that strategic communication should play as either a diplomatic function, an aspect of military operational planning, or a process to be executed in the course of national policy. There are, however, a set of key points that all sides seem to agree upon.
Department of Defense
Naval Network Warfare Command
Naval Network Warfare Command Brief
•Overview of Naval Network Warfare Command
•PR 11 IPL Goals and Objectives
•Priorities By FORCEnet Pillars
–Communications and Networks (C/N)
–Command and Control Systems (C2)
–Information Operations (IO)
–Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR)
U.S. Army
Modeling Electronic Attack (U)
Survivability/Lethality Analysis Directorate
Information Assurance (IA)/Computer Network Operations (CNO)
-Threat Computer Network Operations
-Information Assurance
-IA/CNO Mitigation recommendations
Multi-National Corps Iraq
Operation Iraqi Freedom Transition Team Battle Book
You may DETAIN civilians based upon a reasonable belief that the person: (1) must be detained for purposes of self-defense; (2) is interfering with CF mission accomplishment; (3)is on a list of persons wanted for questioning, arrest or detention; (4)is or was engaged in criminal activity; or (5)must be detained for imperative reasons of security.Anyone you detain MUSTbe protected. Force, up to and including deadly force, is authorized to protect detainees in your custody. You MUST fill out a detainee apprehension card for EVERY person you detain.
Multi-National Corps Iraq
Money as a Weapon System (MAAWS)
Welcome to Iraq and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). OIF is a dynamic, full spectrum operation encompassing both kinetic and non-kinetic operations and is arguably the most complex and challenging fiscal environment in our Nation’s history. The dollar amounts spent supporting OIF are substantial and represent the treasure of our nation. Leaders must know what funding resources are available and how to best apply them in order to maximize their use.
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Marine Corps Programs & Resources Budget Brief
What to expect in FY 2010:
* FY 10 adjustments applied to activities with largest share of contracts
* Reduce contractors/increase civilians
* Task force to develop methodology for implementation (April 2009)
* Inventory contracts, identify needed capability, validate workforce
U.S. Marine Corps
Marine Corps Information Assurance Operational Standard: NETOPS and Command and Control (C2) Reporting Structure
Marine Corps Information Assurance Operational Standard (IAOS) a reissued by the Marine Corps Enterprise Network (MCEN) Designated Approval Authority (DAA). The IAOS Series provides modules that guide the implementation of policy direction established in MCO 5239.2. The modules provide procedural, technical, administrative, and supplemental guidance for all information systems used in the automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or receipt of data within the MCEN as well as other USMC informntion systems.
Department of Defense
Joint Interagency Task Force West
JIATF West, in cooperation with the US interagency and foreign partners, combats drug- related transnational organized crime to reduce threats in the Asia-Pacific region in order to protect national security interests and promote regional stability.
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Suicide Prevention Action Plan
Department of Defense, United Kingdom
U.S.-U.K. Information Exchange Agreement
The objectives and scope of work ofthis MOU are to: Establish a conduit for sharing SAP Project Information while maintaining appropriate safeguards. This conduit will allow dissemination of SAP Project Information to in-country, defense activities and provide a security structure for cooperative programs and competitions requiring SAP Project Information protection.
U.S. Army
USAMRAA Working With Contractors
An “organizational conflict of interest” exists when a contractor is or may be unable or unwilling to provide the government with impartial or objective assistance or advice; and may result when factors create an actual or potential conflict of interest on a current contract or a potential future procurement.
U.S. Marine Corps
.45 Caliber Pistol Modified Receiver Schematics
Schematics of a modified receiver for the model 1911 .45 caliber pistol. The plans were designed by D32 Minor Caliber Group.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USCENTAF Middle East Construction
Planned, programmed, designed over 1,000 projects, valued over $2.03 billion at 19 installations
* Over $645 in MILCON and O&M, Contingency Construction in progress
* Another $344.9M pending award
Department of Defense
Joint Prosecution and Exploitation Center
The Joint Prosecution and Exploitation Center (JPEC) synchronizes coalition force (CF) intelligence and criminal prosecution efforts associated with detainees, detainee related evidence, and other battlefield material while also supporting Iraqi Security Forces development of internationally accepted criminal investigative and forensic practices IOT facilitate the growth and development of the Anbar Criminal Justice System and the establishment of the Rule of Law within the province.
U.S. Air Force
Wargaming: Enabling the Warfighter for the Future
# ‘Building Partnership Capacity’ Seminars and Mini-games
# Support Other Service & Joint Wargames
# Coordinate/Participate with Subject Matter Experts
# Represent Approved AF Positions
National Security Agency, Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Federal Accounting Standards Review of NSA Internally Developed Software Claims
The Intelligence Community’s (IC) Accounting Standards Working Group requests the Accounting and Auditing Policy Committee (AAPC) review the National Security Agency (NSA)’s interpretation of internally developed software (IDS) as it relates to the internal use software definitions outlined in Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Board Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standard (SFFAS) No. 10, Accounting for Internal Use Software.
Department of Defense
Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office Physical Security Brief
2008 Success Stories
Entry Point Screening and Access Control
Vehicle Barrier Testing Program
• Retired the current Department of State Anti-Ram Barrier Test Standard, SD-STD-02.01, Revision A, March 2003
• Created ASTM F2656 -07 Standard Test Method for Vehicle Crash Testing of Perimeter Barriers, August 2007
• More robust and practical gauge for barrier testing
U.S. Air Force
Space Weather and the Space Environmental Effects Monitoring System
The natural space environment affects military operations because warfighters depend on space-based assets to execute combat missions
* Single event upsets (SEUs) due to high energy particles
* Satellite position errors due to changes in atmospheric density
* Comm/nav capability degraded or lost because of ionospheric anomalies
U.S. Army
Nanomaterials in Army Research and Development
The SI definition, a prefix used to form decimal submultiples of the SI unit “meter”, designating a factor of 10-9 denoted by the symbol “n”. (2) Pertaining to things on a scale of approximately 1 to 100 nanometers (nm). (3) A prefix referring to an activity, material, process or device that pertains to a field of knowledge defined by nanotechnology and nanoscience.
U.S. Army
Operation Iraqi Freedom Military Police and Counterinsurgency Operations
The Center for Army Lessons Learned recently deployed a Collection and Analysis Team (CAAT) into Iraq to look at Military Police (MP) operations in support of the maneuver commander in Counterinsurgency (COIN) operations and to support a Chief of Staff of the Army (CSA) requirement to look at developing an organization whose mission it is to assist a developing country in professionalizing its police forces and establishing rule of law.
U.S. Navy
Camp Pendleton Phone Book
DO NOT DISCUSS CLASSIFIED INFORMATION ON NONSECURE TELEPHONES. OFFICIAL DOD TELEPHONES ARE SUBJECT TO MONITORING FOR COMMUNICATION SECURITY PURPOSES AT ALL TIMES. DOD telephones are provided for the transmission of official government information and are subject to communications security monitoring at all times.
Canada, U.S. Northern Command
Canada Command, USNORTHCOM Civil Assistance Plan
The purpose of the Canada-United States Civil Assistance Plan (CAP) is to provide a framework for the military of one nation to provide support to the military of the other nation in the performance of civil support operations (e.g., floods, forest fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, and effects of a terrorist attack).
U.S. Forces Japan
Restrictions on Designated Third Country Nationals to USFJ Installations and Areas
This instruction pertains to non-U.S. and non-Japanese citizens, and foreign diplomatic vehicles of designated third countries (Attachment 1 J. This instruction is applicable to all USFJ installaUons and areas (includes tenant units, private organizations, and other activities).
National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Security Agency
NSA Key Management Experience
Key Management Lifecycle Model arising from our 50+ Years of Experience
– Identification of crypto key needs and recipients
– Generation
– Distribution & Accounting/Tracking
– Storage
North American Aerospace Defense Command, U.S. Northern Command
USNORTHCOM Interoperability Brief
•DoD is not the Lead Federal Agency
•Provide support only as directed
•Potential missions cover an extremely broad range of activities –anywhere in North America
•Communication interoperability still a nebulous concept
•Strategic, Operational or Tactical?