The threat of pharmaceutical drug abuse and diversion in the Houston HIDTA has been dangerously high and increasing for the past several years. Drug investigators report that it is becoming more widespread, addicting abusers from middle school to middle age. Perhaps the most concerning threat related to pharmaceutical abuse is the alarmingly high potential for overdose or accidental death from controlled prescription drugs. In Harris County alone, from 2006 through 2008 pharmaceuticals were present in over 66% of the 1533 cases of toxicity-related deaths.1 In 2009, over 78% involved pharmaceuticals. Not only is diversion a deadly problem, it is incredibly profitable. Pain management clinic owners gross an average of $4,000-$5,000 per day at each location. A successful owner running multiple clinics can easily make $75,000 a week from only three operations, getting paid entirely in cash.
Intelligence Fusion Centers, Minnesota
(U//FOUO) FBI Minnesota Requesting Information on All Upcoming Special Events Before September 11, 2011
The FBI – Minneapolis Field Office is requesting assistance in compiling a list of all known special events planned throughout the state between the dates of September 6-12, 2011, to include but not limited to events in regards to the tenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Information regarding memorials, rallies, celebrations and other public or private events that will attract a large crowd within your jurisdiction would be appreciated, September 11 related or otherwise.
Israel, United Nations
UN Report on Gaza Flotilla Incident of May 2010
On 31 May 2010 at 4.26 a.m. a flotilla of six vessels was boarded and taken over by Israeli Defense Forces 72 nautical miles from land. The vessels were carrying people and humanitarian supplies. The flotilla had been directed to change course by the Israeli forces who stated that the coast of Gaza was under a naval blockade. Nine passengers lost their lives and many others were wounded as a result of the use of force during the take-over operation by Israeli forces.
(U//FOUO/LES) Mexican Drug Cartels Using Improvised Grenades
Over the last few years, it has become more commonplace to see military-type weaponry such as grenades and assault rifles utilized by Mexican drug trafficking organizations (DTOs). Increasingly, many of the reported hand grenade seizures in United States are illegal, improvised grenades destined for Mexico and the DTOs. These devices have become a weapon of choice for Mexican DTOs because they are cheap, the components are relatively easy to obtain and manufacture, are easily concealable, and can kill or injure large numbers of people indiscriminately. Reports have indicated that grenade attacks originated mostly in southern Mexico around the beginning of President Felipe Calderon’s presidency in 2006, and have steadily spread northward as the conflicts between rival DTO cartels, and Mexican government’s enforcement efforts have intensified in the northern Mexican Border States.
Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation
(U//FOUO) DHS-FBI Al-Qaeda Interest in Targeting Trains on September 11, 2011
As of February 2010, al-Qa‘ida was allegedly contemplating conducting an operation against trains at an unspecified location in the United States on the tenth anniversary of 11 September 2001. As one option, al-Qa‘ida was looking at the possibility of tipping a train by tampering with the rails so that the train would fall off the track at either a valley or a bridge. Al-Qa‘ida noted that an attack from tilting the train would only succeed one time because the tilting would be spotted. Al-Qa‘ida also noted that newer train cars each have their own braking system, and that movement in a specific direction would derail it, but would not cause it to fall off the track.
U.S. Marine Corps
(U//FOUO) USMC Non-Kinetic/Counterinsurgency Operations Command Study
This paper summarizes the responses of six Marine battalion commanders who served in stability and support operations (SASO) and counterinsurgency (COIN) environments of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). These commanders were interviewed on their approach to their duties, how they exercised their authority and balanced the use of kinetic and non-kinetic effects in accomplishing their myriad missions and tasks. The content of this report may serve to guide future commanders.
California, Intelligence Fusion Centers
(U//LES) San Diego Fusion Center Tijuana Drug Cartel Ambush Analysis and Gang Collaboration
The intent of this bulletin is to provide Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) with a general knowledge of ambush tactics used by the Tijuana Cartel against Mexican LEOs in Tijuana, Mexico. The San Diego Police Department (SDPD) Officer Safety Bulletin dated October 3, 2010, outlining Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations’ (DTOs) and San Diego street gangs’ use of Tijuana Cartel tactics in San Diego County, identified a need for a more comprehensive review of cartel tactics used south of the U.S. border.
Libya, United Nations
Leaked UN Plan for Post-Conflict Deployment to Libya
A leaked document from the United Nations regarding post-conflict deployment to Libya and discussing the possible continued role of NATO in military peacekeeping operations.
Department of Homeland Security
DHS Cybersecurity Bulletin: Physical Events Provide Phishing/Social Engineering Opportunities
Malicious users seeking to exploit interest related to physical events such as earthquakes and hurricanes will likely use subject lines and attachment titles related to the incidents in phishing e-mails. Network administrators and general users should be aware of these attempts and avoid opening messages with attachments and/or subject lines related to physical events.
Intelligence Fusion Centers, Maryland
(U//FOUO/LES) Baltimore Police 2nd Amendment Support Decal Warning
The company “Legally Concealed” has created and is marketing decals and apparel to the public “specifically to show support and solidarity for the 2nd Amendment”. According to their website, the special symbol, of the (2) silver lines and number “2” on the black background was “designed in the same spirit of the law enforcement “thin blue line””.
Intelligence Fusion Centers, Maryland
(U//FOUO) Maryland Fusion Center Trash Bag Balloon Bombs Warning
According to recent open source reporting, law enforcement officers (LEO’s) have been encountering bombs made of innocuous trash bags that have caused injuries to responding officers or significant damage to property. LEO’s are encouraged not to touch the light (airy), low-flying, closed trash bags; consider evacuating the immediate area; and, to call the appropriate response personnel.
Department of Homeland Security
(U//FOUO) DHS Hurricane Irene Infrastructure Protection Analysis Summary August 27, 2011
Hurricane Irene Department of Homeland Security Infrastructure Sector Analysis Summary as of August 27, 2011 11:00 EDT.
Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation
(U//FOUO) DHS-FBI Ten-Year Anniversary of 9/11 Attacks Warning
This Joint Intelligence Bulletin (JIB) highlights potential terrorist threats related to the 10-year anniversary of the 11 September 2001 (9/11) attacks. This JIB provides perspective on the threat to the Homeland and US interests overseas from al-Qa‘ida, al-Qa‘ida affiliates and allies, and al-Qa‘ida-inspired homegrown violent extremists (HVEs). FBI and DHS are providing this information to support their respective activities and to assist federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial government counterterrorism and law enforcement officials, as well as first responders and private sector security officials, in effectively deterring, preventing, or disrupting terrorist attacks against the United States. Unless otherwise noted, this JIB uses the FBI’s definitions of terms, which may differ from the definitions used by DHS.
North Carolina
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Predictive Crime Analytics Presentation
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department presentation on predictive crime analytics from July 2011.
Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation
(U//FOUO) DHS-FBI Updated Small Arms and Lone Shooters Warning August 2011
This Joint Intelligence Bulletin (JIB) updates a DHS-FBI joint analytic product of the same title dated 3 September 2010 and is intended to provide warning and perspective regarding the scope of the potential terrorist threats to the United States, specifically towards US persons. This product is provided to support the activities of DHS and FBI and to help federal, state, and local government counterterrorism and law enforcement officials deter, prevent, preempt, or respond to terrorist attacks directed against the United States.
LAPD Research Paper “Fighting Crime in the Information Age: The Promise of Predictive Policing”
Large police departments maintain dozens of databases. It is unusual to see these computer systems linked together to enable effective analysis. It is even more unlikely that other information sources, such as gunshot detection systems or dispatch systems, are linked into police analytical or fusion centers. Finally, police departments do not link their operations and information systems to other parts of the justice system or social services system. Thus, poor information sharing prevents good analysis and investigation. Even more troubling, poor information sharing can undermine efforts to intervene with individuals or neighborhoods to stop the cycle of violence. The best way to see the future and act appropriately is to have a complete picture of the current situation. Police must integrate their information and activities to enable situational awareness.
Afghanistan, United States
U.S. House of Representatives Report: Warlords Provide Security for U.S. Supply Chain in Afghanistan
Security for the U.S. Supply Chain Is Principally Provided by Warlords. The principal private security subcontractors on the HNT contract are warlords, strongmen, commanders, and militia leaders who compete with the Afghan central government for power and authority. Providing “protection” services for the U.S. supply chain empowers these warlords with money, legitimacy, and a raison d’etre for their private armies. Although many of these warlords nominally operate under private security companies licensed by the Afghan Ministry of Interior, they thrive in a vacuum of government authority and their interests are in fundamental conflict with U.S. aims to build a strong Afghan government.
U.S. Army
(U//FOUO) U.S. Army Predator Drone Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Tactical Pocket Guide
This FOUO pocket guide provides information used by battle staffs involved in planning, coordinating, synchronizing or executing actions that support the effective employment of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) on the battlefield. Covers the MQ-1B PREDATOR, MQ-1 WARRIOR A, MQ-1C ER/MP, MQ-9 REAPER, MQ-5B HUNTER, RQ-7B SHADOW.
U.S. Air Force, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory
U.S. Air Force Massive Cloud Traffic Auditing and Online Data Mining Presentation
A restricted distribution presentation from the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory massive cloud traffic auditing and online data mining presentation from July 2011.
White House
Presidential Policy Directive-2 (PPD-2) Implementing National Strategy for Countering Biological Threats
Presidential Policy Directive 2 is one of a number that have not previously been released. It was publicly posted to a collaboration server for U.S. military personnel complete with its National Security Council coversheet intact, providing a rare look at dissemination guidelines utilized in high-level documentation.
U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army
U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force “Garden Plot” Civil Disturbance Plans 1968-1991
Four versions of the U.S. Army and Air Force civil disturbance plan known as Garden Plot from 1968-1991.
Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation
(U//FOUO) DHS/FBI “Body Packing” Criminal Tactic with Possible Terrorist Applications
“Body packing” is a well-documented concealment method criminals have used to smuggle drugs or other contraband. Body packing in humans and animals may involve several forms of concealment — including insertion into body orifices, ingestion, or possibly surgical implantation—of illicit items or material inside or hidden on the body to escape detection by security systems and personnel. Terrorists often assign high priority to concealment in planning attacks, and such methods—to include surgical implantation—offer potential means for suicide operatives to deliver improvised explosive devices to targets.
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Air Force Civil Disturbance Manual
This manual provides preplanning guidance for handling emergency situations, which include the full spectrum from civil disobedience through hostile disturbances to violent acts of terrorism. It discusses the concept of operations in planning for these crisis situations and offers an outline for preparation, execution and resolution of mass disturbances. Air National Guard units will use this manual as guidance. The use of name or mark of any specific manufacturer, commercial product, commodity or service in this publication does not imply endorsement by the Air Force.
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Regulation 500-50 Civil Disturbances Emergency Employment of Army Resources
This regulation prescribes responsibilities, policy, and guidance for the Department of the Army in planning and operations involving the use of Army resources in the control of actual or anticipated civil disturbances. Basic authority is contained in DOD Directive 3025.12, Employment of Military Resources in the Event of Civil Disturbances.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
(U//FOUO) FBI Online Marketing Company Mailed Live 9mm Luger Round to Potential Customers
The FBI has been notified that ATX Global, an online marketing company, has mailed approximately 730 envelopes that include a marketing letter with an affixed live 9mm Luger PPU round. The ammo was used to catch the reader’s attention corresponding with the first line, “If you had just One Shot…” This mass mailing did not specifically target gun and ammo businesses.