
(U//FOUO) Open Source Center India Text Message Social Networking Service

An Indian social messaging platform that enables users to build mobile communities is drawing parallels to Twitter. Called SMS GupShup [gossip], this Twitter-like service allows users to create communities. With nearly 26 million users, the platform claims to capture a significant chunk of total SMS traffic in India. According to the cofounder of SMS GupShup, Beerud Sheth, there are over 550 million mobile phone users in India and only 50 million web users. “With a 10 to 1 mobile to PC ratio and SMS serving as the most popular communications platform, the market is ripe for SMS Gupshup,” he said. Launched in April 2007, SMS GupShup is currently processing over 480 million messages a month and accounts for nearly five percent of all texts sent within India (, 15 December 2009).

(U//FOUO) Colorado Information Analysis Center Smartphone Security Bulletin

Smartphones feature an diverse array of computer capabilities which expose them to many of the vulnerabilities previously confined to computers. These threats have evolved from targeting personal computers (PCs) to hitting smartphones much quicker than some security experts anticipated. It took almost fifteen years for these types of attacks to evolve for PCs, but these attacks have been adapted for smartphones much more quickly. The malicious software (malware) currently targeting smartphones attempts to gather personal information stored on the phone and sell it. Since users often store more of this type of information on smartphones than PCs, in some cases it has become more profitable for hackers to create malware for smartphones than PCs.

(U//FOUO//LES) NCIS Guide to Developing Islamic Extremist Counterterrorism Sources

Following the events of September 11, 2001, the US intelligence and law enforcement communities began a fundamental shift in counterterrorism strategy to enhance national safety and security by changing from a reactive to a proactive posture. The communities have actively moved to identify potential threats and develop intelligence on specific terrorist targets. The core objective of these newly concentrated efforts is to reduce risks and manage potential threats by interrupting forward motion before an attack (Borum, 2004a). The ongoing Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism intensified the need for persons and agencies with counterterrorism responsibilities to understand the commitment, connections, capability, and intentions of Islamic extremists – including the Al-Qa’ida affiliated network – so that viable operations targeting terrorist cells can be developed. Ideally, these efforts involve source operations in which someone willing to provide information to US authorities penetrates an operational cell, or where someone with access to the cell is recruited to work for US authorities.

(U//FOUO) Open Source Center Malaysian Media Guide 2009

Malaysia’s mainstream media are state controlled through indirect ownership of media conglomerates and closely adhere to the government line. Some mainstream outlets, especially Chinese newspapers, raise contentious issues such as the treatment of the country’s predominant Malay and minority Chinese and Indian communities. Newspapers are the preferred choice for political news, but TV and radio have nearly twice the audience, with about 90-percent reach, compared to 50 percent for newspapers. Internet use is increasing, and alternative news portals and blogs provide an important venue for dissent and criticism despite government defamation suits against bloggers and the use of the Internal Security Act.

(U//LES) ATF Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMGs) and the Military 2010 Report

In January 2009, the ATF Office of Strategic Intelligence and Information (OSII) disseminated the Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMGs) and the Military report to numerous local, State, Federal, and military law enforcement agencies, as well as several foreign law enforcement agencies experiencing similar problems. Enclosed in the report were maps and charts depicting active duty, prior service, and/or retired military personnel who were current members of a documented 1% OMG (these are OMGs that are accepted by law enforcement to be specifically engaged in criminal activity). ATF OSII also reported on current 1% OMG members who were employed on military compounds, bases, instillations, and Federal buildings in the United States and abroad.

(U//FOUO) Open Source Center South Korea Flashmob Activism

The use of flashmobs in South Korea has evolved from “just for fun” gatherings to a means of mobilizing new media-savvy users into civic and political action. Flashmobs became increasingly political in 2004 during the run-up to the ROK general elections and reached a peak of influence in 2008, when political flashmobs helped mobilize online citizens to take part in anti-mad cow candlelight street protests. The protests lasted for over 100 days and involved millions of people. As one of the most wired countries in the world, South Korea is especially fertile ground for future flashmobs, given the fun, anonymous, and easily-organized nature of the gatherings. Facilitated by emerging media tools — such as Internet blogs, smart phones, and mobile phone text messaging — potential organizers have ready access to prospective protesters against controversial policies and developments.

(SBU) Central Florida Intelligence Exchange Domestic Security Intelligence Report August 2010

On 13-15 August 2010, the Campaign for Liberty will be holding their second annual Florida Liberty Summit at the Rosen Center Hotel in Orlando, Florida. The Campaign for Liberty is a political organization founded by Congressman Ron Raul. The website for the event states it is a way for “liberty minded activists…to network, learn, and build as our grassroots Revolution to reclaim our Republic and restore our Constitution”. During the 2009 Florida Liberty Summit the start of the program had to be postponed for 30 minutes due to International Drive being backed up with attendees attempting to park. Based on the groups calculations, there was around 1500 people in attendance. Although the attendance numbers on the group sites promoting this year’s event are low, the continued support of Ron Paul and his party may produce similar attendance numbers and issues to that of the 2009 event.

(U//FOUO) Open Source Center Guide to Pakistani TV Channel Aaj News Television

Former Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz formally launched Aaj News Television in Karachi on 21 May 2005 (, website of leading mainstream English daily Karachi Dawn, 22 May 2005). According to its website (, it has fully equipped bureaus in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad, making Aaj the first private channel to broadcast from inside Pakistan. Aaj also has “an Earth Station in Pakistan that broadcasts directly to the AsiaSat satellite with a footprint of over 60 countries.” Aaj offers “well defined programming blocks” of news, current affairs, infotainment, and entertainment. It has collaboration agreements with “partner news sources in more than 100 countries.”

(U//FOUO) Central Florida Intelligence Exchange Gaza Flotilla Protest Warning

On May 31, 2010, Israeli soldiers boarded six humanitarian aid ships that were headed towards the Gaza Strip, carrying thousands of tons of supplies as well as hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists. The convoy, which was organized by the ‘Free Gaza Movement’, was intercepted by Israeli naval forces while attempting Israel and Gaza Humanitarian Convoy to break the naval blockade off the Gaza Stip. There were more than 10 people killed and several injured, including Israeli soldiers, during this incident. Statements regarding the events have differed greatly. The pro-Palestinian activists are reporting that the Israeli soldiers boarded the ship with no warning and began shooting sleeping civilians as soon as their feet hit the deck. Conversely, the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement advising that Israeli naval forces boarded the ships after issuing several warnings that were ignored. Once on the ships, Israeli soldiers were attacked by the activists with live fire as well as other weapons such as knives and clubs.

(U//LES) Central Florida Intelligence Exchange BP Protest Warning

The following scheduled protests are a part of “Seize BP Week of Action”, which are demonstrations that are being held throughout the country between 3 June and 10 June 2010. The purpose of the protests is to convince the United States government to seize BP’s assets and to “ensure justice” for all of the devastation that has been caused in the Gulf of Mexico from the disaster of the Deepwater Horizon.

(U//FOUO) Open Source Center Pakistan Protest Social Networking Limited Primarily to Elites

Based on the current observed levels of participation on social network sites (SNS) in Pakistan and the country’s past experience with street protest movements during the 2007 State of Emergency and 2009 lawyers Long March, it is possible that Internet users could leverage such sites to organize grassroots protest movements, but the intensity of such efforts would likely be limited by several factors.

(U//FOUO) FBI WMD Operations Unit Chemical Purchase Scam Bulletin

The FBI has identified a trend of suspicious purchases or attempted purchases of large amounts of silver nitrate and potassium iodide for unknown purposes by individuals masquerading as legitimate businesses. Although silver nitrate could be used in the synthesis of primary explosive material, neither chemical is associated with any known chemical or biological weapon production. It is unknown if the purchases of these chemicals are being used for non-legitimate purposes

(U//FOUO) Open Source Center Chinese Premier Promotes Cyberspace Agenda

Authoritative PRC media reports of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s live online appearances illustrate authorities’ expanding use of the Internet to set and control policy discourse in Chinese-language virtual space. They also suggest ongoing efforts to manage leaders’ images and portray them as accessible and soliciting online public opinion. While some apparent missteps suggest a cautious, evolving approach to interactive Internet media in relation to top leaders, reported leadership statements indicate sustained attention to the goal of incorporating new technologies into the propaganda system.

(U//FOUO) Open Source Center Chinese Military Bloggers Report

This report surveys 10 prominent PRC commentators on military affairs who appear to write blogs hosted on PRC and PRC-owned Hong Kong websites. All of these commentators appear to maintain an online presence using these blogs to promote their viewpoints. Commentators cover such topics as PRC military strategy, air defense, navy issues, army aviation, information technology, defense spending, foreign military developments, military-to-military relations, political education, military history, training, and exercises. These blogs appear on China’s authoritative government websites, popular PRC commercial portal sites, and independent Hong Kong news websites.

(U//FOUO) Open Source Center Social Broadcasting Platforms in Germany

Social broadcasting — posting or sending audio and video content to members of a social network — allows people to share multimedia material using Internet-based technologies. In Germany, OSC has observed that major political parties — hesitant to campaign on the Internet for fear of losing control over their messages — have nevertheless begun to use Internet social networks and video portals as a communication tool. New smaller parties without an established financial or voter base also appear to prioritize Internet-based campaigning. For example, Germany’s Pirate Party won a better-than-expected 2% in the 2009 national election primarily through making use of Internet-based communications.

(U//FOUO) Open Source Center North Korea Social Media Activities July-August 2010

In July and August 2010, Uriminjokkkiri, an official North Korean website allegedly operated by the United Front Department of the Workers Party of Korea, opened up accounts and began rehosting existing official North Korean propaganda material on three popular international online social media outlets: YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. Despite the ROK Government’s blockage of South Koreans’ access to North Korea’s YouTube channel and Twitter page, the North continued to channel its messages and even made its first online interaction with a South Korean follower on Twitter. Facebook took down North Korea’s Facebook page on 23 August, after only a few days of operation, for violating terms of use.

(U//FOUO) Open Source Center Lao Media at a Glance

Laos has 31 state-run radio stations and one national television network with 16 stations. Lao broadcasters compete with more developed Thailand, whose stations can reach all of Laos (“Laos to Modernize its Media,” Newspaper and magazine circulation is limited. Many of the rural areas, where 85% of Laotians live (Lao News Agency,, are not easily accessible by road, and a relatively low literacy rate of 68.7% (World Factbook) also limits readership.

Open Source Center Japan’s Advanced Mobile Phone Environment

Widespread advanced use of mobile phones in Japan has not come about serendipitously: the Japanese have taken to their cell phones because of the country’s highly advanced mobile phone technology and network infrastructure. Additionally, the government’s ambitious strategic plan to make Japan the most advanced “e-nation” in the world has boosted the industry, created an ideal environment for promoting mobile phone usage beyond simple person-toperson calling, and spurred domestic demand for high-tech handsets.

(U//FOUO) Open Source Center Constrained Discussion of “Internet Freedom” in China

While the Google incident and Secretary Clinton’s speech spurred online discussion on the subject of “Internet freedom” in China, reaction differed on two observed popular sites. Public comments in response to Secretary Clinton’s speech on a popular news website subject to state censorship were consistent with official media reaction, emphasizing nationalistic resistance to alleged US “Internet hegemony.” In contrast, discussion on a popular social networking site noted the irony in China’s official response to Clinton’s speech, questioning Beijing’s claims to have an “open” Internet.

(U//FOUO) Open Source Center Guide to Germany’s Leading Political Blogs

The blogs selected and profiled in this guide are, at the time of this report, among the most well-known German-language political blogs and were selected for inclusion based on an assessment of several indicators, which are detailed in the methodology statement. The blogs profiled here are among Germany’s most influential independent political blogs and therefore have some potential to shape public opinion and debate on political issues in Germany. However, it should be noted that, given the challenges in establishing linkage between online content and realworld interactions and events, the degree of influence of blogs is difficult to quantify.

(U//FOUO) Open Source Center Morocco Social Media Message Control

As the Moroccan regime has cracked down recently on traditional media, the increased availability of high-speed Internet and Internet-enabled mobile devices has allowed Moroccans to take otherwise unreportable stories and grievances online. So far, the government has been relatively hands-off with regard to Internet content, though a few cases directly involving the royal family have resulted in arrests and trials. As social media use becomes more widespread and available within Morocco, the monarchy risks reaching a tipping point beyond which only draconian filtering would enable it to control the media message, a step it seems unlikely to take given its sensitivities regarding its international image.

(U//FOUO) Open Source Center Cambodian Media at a Glance

Low literacy (just over 60% of the population), poverty, poor infrastructure, and de facto government control of broadcast media shape the Cambodian media environment. The Constitution guarantees “freedom of expression, press, publication and assembly,” but human rights observers say journalists face intimidation. The country’s most important and popular television stations are state-run Cambodian National Television (TVK) and Cambodia Television Network (CTN), owned by Cambodian-Australian businessman Kit Meng, a strong supporter of Prime Minister Hun Sen.

(U//FOUO) Open Source Center Saudi Blogger Al-Farhan Returns to Blogging

Popular Saudi blogger Fu’ad al-Farhan has returned to blogging after over two years of silence following his imprisonment in 2007. On 12 May, he started a blog on a new domain located at Al-Farhan — who holds a degree from a US university, writes from within Saudi Arabia, and is an outspoken proponent of political reform in the Kingdom — began with a post titled “Blogging… the Best Option,” which explores the pros and cons of blogging and social networking. The blog discusses the prospects for reform and freedom of expression in Saudi Arabia and encourages debate on related issues. Al-Farhan’s posts have evoked lively responses from Saudi readers, suggesting that his blog resonates with those Saudis who are eager to exchange views on a variety of sensitive political and social issues. Al-Farhan takes an optimistic view of King Abdallah’s reform efforts, prompting some other bloggers to call him unrealistic.