The Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI) is an emergency preparedness project intended to prepare 72 major metropolitan areas for an aerosolized anthrax terrorist attack covering a large geographic region and the subsequent need to provide prophylactic medication to the affected population. The National Capital Region (NCR) has been identified as a location to implement this initiative. This document outlines necessary and supplemental components that enable the rapid distribution of prophylaxis to large populations.
United States
New Hampshire
Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan for the Capital Area
The Capital Area Public Health Network is planning for the immunization or prophylaxis of the entire population in the region. This plan will serve a guide for a regional response to a local or regional event in the Capital Area. The plan is flexible to adjust to the scope of the event. POD response time and target numbers are specific to the particular event. These variables will dictate how many POD sites will be activated. This plan prepares for the worst-case scenario by identifying five POD sites located throughout the region to be used in large-scale emergencies. In order to balance clinic load, reduce congestion, and maximize facility operations, residents have been assigned to a specific POD by municipality.
New York
NYC Health Department: Pandemic Influenza and Business Preparedness
Control Measures to Limit Dissemination of Influenza
•Covering mouth/nose with a tissue when coughing
•Post signs that promote respiratory/cough hygiene in common areas
•Hand hygiene after contact with respiratory secretions
•Make hand sanitizers available to your staff
•If feasible, screen personnel for cough or fever before they come on duty
•Ill workers should be advised to stay home
Department of Homeland Security
National Population, Economic, and Infrastructure Impacts of Pandemic Influenza
The attack rate is the proportion of the population who become infected with a disease during a defined period of time. In the Fear-40 and Antiviral scenarios, greater than 20 percent of the U.S. population becomes symptomatic, leading to approximately 1.2 to 1.5 million deaths.
Violence Reduction: Intelligence Led Policing
ILP: Products
• Strategic Intelligence: Helps decision makers define a vision and hold managers accountable.
• Operational Intelligence: Gives managers adequate information to develop operational plans and adjust resources.
• Tactical Intelligence: Allows line personnel the ability to focus their efforts on solving problems and targeting the right people.
U.S. Marine Corps
Marine Corps Information Assurance Operational Standard: NETOPS and Command and Control (C2) Reporting Structure
Marine Corps Information Assurance Operational Standard (IAOS) a reissued by the Marine Corps Enterprise Network (MCEN) Designated Approval Authority (DAA). The IAOS Series provides modules that guide the implementation of policy direction established in MCO 5239.2. The modules provide procedural, technical, administrative, and supplemental guidance for all information systems used in the automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or receipt of data within the MCEN as well as other USMC informntion systems.
Federal Reserve
Restricted Federal Reserve Report: Systemic Risk Exception for Bank of America
Bank of America Corporation (“BAC”), a financial holding company headquartered in Charlotte, NC, is the largest domestic banking institution by asset size, providing commercial and retail banking services and other financial services in the United States and internationally.
Centers for Disease Control
Novel Influenza A H1N1 Update
* Disease likely persists through summer in US, possible surge in late August when school returns
* Monitor closely for genetic and antigenic virus changes
* Expected higher attack rate (20-30%) than in spring (6-15%), notably affecting younger individuals
* Vaccine availability possibly mid October, Federal funds for distribution and administration are available
* Healthcare facility support in part from HPP grants
* SNS Antiviral stocks likely to be distributed
* Drifted H3N2 may co-circulate with novel H1N1
Department of Defense
Joint Interagency Task Force West
JIATF West, in cooperation with the US interagency and foreign partners, combats drug- related transnational organized crime to reduce threats in the Asia-Pacific region in order to protect national security interests and promote regional stability.
Department of Homeland Security
TOPOFF 4: Private Sector Player Handbook
The Top Officials (TOPOFF) exercise is a congressionally mandated national counterterrorism exercise series comprised of a cycle of building block activities designed to strengthen the nation’s capacities to prepare for, prevent, respond to, and recover from large-scale terrorist attacks.
Department of Homeland Security, Oregon
TOPOFF 4: Rapid Screening Point Responder Guide
The Rapid Screening Point (RSP) Exercise is a component of the TOPOFF (“T4”) full-scale exercise (FSE) in the Oregon venue. An RSP is a temporary facility for high production screening of individuals with non-acute symptoms who are potentially ill or exposed to a harmful substance.” This Participant Guide contains excerpts from the Exercise Control Plan that are relevant to Responder Participants. It was drafted by James Spitzer, Emergency Preparedness Manager for the Multnomah County Health Department, in consultation with planners from other participating organizations.
TOPOFF 4: Medical Responder Guide
The Medical Care Point (MCP) Exercise is a component of the TOPOFF (“T4”) full-scale exercise (FSE) in the Oregon venue. An MCP is a temporary medical treatment facility to relieve overextended hospital emergency rooms and emergency clinics. This Participant Guide contains excerpts from the Exercise Control Plan that are relevant to Responder Participants. It was drafted by James Spitzer, Emergency Preparedness Manager for the Multnomah County Health Department, in consultation with planners from other participating organizations.
Tennesse Fusion Center: Teachers Be On the Lookout
The Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and other law enforcement agencies in Tennessee are vitally interested in stopping terrorist activity in this state. But to do an effective job in preventing terrorism in Tennessee we need your help.
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Suicide Prevention Action Plan
Department of Defense, United Kingdom
U.S.-U.K. Information Exchange Agreement
The objectives and scope of work ofthis MOU are to: Establish a conduit for sharing SAP Project Information while maintaining appropriate safeguards. This conduit will allow dissemination of SAP Project Information to in-country, defense activities and provide a security structure for cooperative programs and competitions requiring SAP Project Information protection.
U.S. Army
USAMRAA Working With Contractors
An “organizational conflict of interest” exists when a contractor is or may be unable or unwilling to provide the government with impartial or objective assistance or advice; and may result when factors create an actual or potential conflict of interest on a current contract or a potential future procurement.
Congressional Research Service
Iraq: U.S. Casualties
The following casualty data were compiled by the Department of Defense (DOD), as tallied from the agency’s press releases. Table 1 provides statistics on fatalities during Operation Iraqi Freedom, which began on March 19, 2003, and is ongoing, as well as on the number of fatalities since May 1, 2003, plus statistics on those wounded, but not killed, since March 19, 2003.
Centers for Disease Control
Update on pandemic influenza A(H1N1) activity, United States
• Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and Zanamivir (Relenza)
• Randomized clinical trials (RCT): Reduced duration of influenza by 1-1.5 days when administered in 48 hours
• Pooled RCT analysis: Reduced lower respiratory tract complications, pneumonia, and hospitalization
• Observational studies*: Oseltamivir reduced mortality among hospitalized adults with lab-confirmed seasonal influenza A virus infections
Congressional Research Service
EU-U.S. Economic Ties: Framework, Scope, and Magnitude
The United States and the European Union (EU) economic relationship is the largest in the world—and it is growing. The modern U.S.-European economic relationship has evolved since World War II, broadening as the six-member European Community expanded into the present 27-member European Union. The ties have also become more complex and interdependent, covering
a growing number and type of trade and financial activities.
Department of Homeland Security
Mail and Package Handling Facilities: Vulnerabilities and Protective Measures
These objectives describe the kinds of information that terrorists monitor when planning an attack. Identity of places where further surveillance can take place. Identity of places where countersurveillance can be detected.
Department of Homeland Security
Infrastructure Protection Report: Amusement, Theme, and Water Parks
Theme parks are amusement parks in which the rides, attractions, shows, and buildings revolve around a central theme or group of themes. A traditional (unthemed) amusement park would likely have the same vulnerabilities as a theme park of the same size.
Department of Homeland Security
(U//FOUO) Ongoing Terrorist Interest in Homemade Explosives
In light of the ongoing investigation in New York City, DHS and the FBI believe it is prudent to remind our state and local partners about the variety of domestically-available materials that could be used to create homemade explosives, which have been utilized in previous terrorist attacks.
Department of Homeland Security
Infrastructure Protection Report: Stadiums and Arenas
There are more than 1,300 stadiums and arenas in the United States. They are located in every region and state; in most, if not all, major municipalities; in many smaller localities; and often on university and high school campuses. Arenas and stadiums range in size from on-campus field houses and high school football stadiums that can accommodate a few hundred people to downtown sports arenas, large indoor/outdoor stadiums, and automobile racetracks that can accommodate over 100,000 spectators.
Department of Homeland Security
Infrastructure Protection Report: Mail and Package Handling Facilities
The Postal and Shipping Sector receives, processes, transports, and distributes billions of letters and parcels annually. It consists of both private and public components. The Postal and Shipping Sector is mainly composed of four large integrated carriers. These carriers, operating 93% of the sector’s assets, systems, networks, and functions, are the United States Postal Service (USPS), United Parcel Service of America, Inc. (UPS), Federal Express (FedEx), and DHL International (DHL).
Department of Homeland Security
(U) Cyber Security Volume I Number 10
The Cyber Security Monitor is published by the DHS/Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A)/Critical Infrastructure Threat Analysis Division (CITA), with input from the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US–CERT) at the National Cyber Security Division. CITA is the threat analysis component of the Homeland Infrastructure Threat and Risk Analysis Center.